
Naughty Cat

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Chapter 11: Naughty Cat


"Well... Hmm, a sadist or a masochist? Or is your work being a dominatrix or something?"


"Oh? You're not? Well, never mind then." Ian just shrugged his shoulders.

Selina let out a sigh and continued walking towards him, then started circling around him.

Ian remained as defenseless as usual, even as she softly hugged him from behind and whispered in his ears, "I'm not, but I can be if you're into that. I can be very rough..."

Ian raised his eyebrows and let out a chuckle, "That actually sounds nice. I'm into masochists and I don't mind you staying in your dominatrix outfit for that, in fact. I'd love that."

The smile on Selina's face disappeared as she started keeping a bit of distance from him, "Troublesome, you don't have it on you. I didn't think you would but I had hoped so."

She then lifted her hand with his phone in it, she opened noticing it's locked, "Yeah, who leaves their phone without a password nowadays, and I bet nothing is in it anyway."

She then threw it back to Ian who caught it and entered the password right away, he then sent a message to his pals.

"I admit I'm impressed, I didn't feel a thing. I have to wonder though, did you leave someone else to keep an eye on my friends? It doesn't really matter, I'm just curious."

"I didn't think it'd matter anyway, so I didn't bother." Selina let out a sigh and just eyed him from top to bottom, "You don't look too special, handsome, but careless. Fit but defenseless, so how did you do it? I'm curious."

"Is this why you wanted to talk to me? Well, I'm indeed careless, weak, and not even smart. I also wonder how I do the things I do, but I never got an answer."

Selina let out a chuckle, thoroughly amused, "Not smart? Right. Anyway, I have a target and I'd like your assistance. We'll of course split the harvest. What do you think?"

Ian stared at her strangely and started using his brain to the best of his ability, "I think you want to seduce me to give you the thing or steal it from me. Cats are quite naughty after all."

Selina seductively smiled and came close to him, "Well, why don't you find out if I can? Wouldn't I deserve it if I'm able to do that?"

"Hmm, you have a point. I also feel like you'd beat me up to get information from me if I refuse. I only know little boxing after all." Ian casually responded while still thinking about something else entirely.

"No way, cats are harmless. I wouldn't do that."

'Hmm, I'm so weak-minded in that regard that she might actually succeed. However, If I take the risk I can get some valuable information. According to what I know about her, she has a lot of connections, trusted connections in contrast to Frank.'

"So what do you think?" She said with her hands encircling Ian's neck in a quite intimate position... Perhaps dealy is a better word for her intentions.

"I've thought this through. Let's do your job together, then I'll give you some valuables we have to sell, you seem way more experienced than me thus you probably have more connections.

I will set the price for the things I want to sell. If you can sell them for a higher price, you can keep that extra. I will give a reasonable price, so you should make ample profit.

Of course, there is the option of you keeping everything to yourself. I don't really mind, but just know I won't be selling the diamond."

Selina retracted her hands with a strange look on her face, "That was easier than I thought, and you're certainly a strange one. I want to see how you work, so I'll tell you my target and you plan the heist."

"Oh, you think I can actually plan heists? All the ones I pulled were from books and movies. I just made them worse, and that's how my planning usually goes." Ian was even amused by how his brain works while saying that.

Selina was a bit speechless, the meeting wasn't going as expected at all. However, this was a chance she can't miss.

'Even if I can't get the diamond, I can use him to accumulate cash. There is definitely something weird about him, I can smell it. Hmm, he does smell nice though.'

Her cat senses drove her to doze off for a bit. He had to wake her up, "Tell me about the job."

"Ah, right. The job is something I can do alone quite easily, but the problem is after the job. The bat always finds me and takes back what I stole, rarely do I succeed.

My target is painting in a mansion on the south side of the city. I'll tell you all I know about it, and you formulate a plan to avoid the bat's pursuit. By the way, you three were lucky since you didn't encounter him."

Ian shook his head, "It's not luck. He was probably looking into the other robbery and just didn't have enough time to arrive before we left."

Ian then narrowed his eyes as he looked at her, "You say he almost always catch you, yet you're still here. Care to explain."

"Oops, it slipped right past my lips, but you have nothing to worry about. We have a complicated relationship, but we're certainly not allies." Selina hid her mouth while letting out a small laugh.

"Hopefully I don't end up in prison, Arkham Asylum sounds like a more interesting place, so I don't mind going there."

"Anyway, I think it's time for us to introduce ourselves, I'm Carmella, just Carmella." Selena sweetly said.

"Oh? Probably not your real name, but I will be kind and tell you mine. Zeus, nice to meet you." He said with a yawn, already getting bored and sleepy.

Ian gave her a single glance before adding, "I will send you a message then you can send me the info about the job.

I will contact you when I have a plan in mind. Also, I already hid it somewhere far away, so don't bother following me."

He then made his way to the apartment where his dear friends were excitedly waiting for him. Something he expected is the cat following him, they're quite naughty after all.

Ian hugged the three before he opened the door to them. They entered the apartment, and before He could say anything, Barney excitedly said, "C-can I see it????"

Ian shook his head, "Unfortunately it's not here. I hid it somewhere else because I was sure the cat would follow me here, so hold it in Barney and be patient, you can do it... I believe."

Barney took a deep breath before running to the side, he then started to cry like a child despite being a middle-aged man.

"Ralf, I have some new plans. You're more experienced than me in this regard, so I want you to go to the warehouse and recruit some trusted people there, doesn't matter who they are or how they look, I just want loyalty and talents."

Ian took off his coat then took a seat on the couch and continued, "We've made 4250 bucks from the bank, and we'll try the same thing on different banks every week.

We'll use part of that money to continue to rent our previous apartment, let them stay in it. If they don't have an Id, contact Frank's connection to make them one."

That's how Ian's Id was made. Frank introduced them to the one who does such a thing, and they started contacting him directly.

"Act quickly because we don't have much time. Also, hand me one..." Ian spoke calmly as Ralf handed him a cigarette, the latter lit it up for him before saying, "We don't have time for what?"

Ian took a rare smoke as he closed his eyes, "It's better if you don't know. I feel like my adventures have been too safe recently.

I need to add a little spice to my life. Anyway, don't mind my nonsense, I'm quite tired, so I'll have some sleep now."

"T-that..." Ralf was speechless for a minute before he just shook his head, "That indeed sounds like something I don't want to know."

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