
Dark Mirror World 


Chapter 206: Dark Mirror World


She knew that she either had to erase Ian or the Dark Multiverse. She wasn't able to do either. Not just that, she felt a bad premonition. Perhaps he was just stalling?

They were in a stalemate, or so Ian would have her believe because he never bothered to attack. He simply waited for the inevitable, the sound of the Cosmic Raptor reverberating across the entirety of the Multiverse, heard and felt by all.

Perpetua knew there and then that she was fucked, but she remained unaware of just to what extent she'd be fucked... Not literally of course.

The Cosmic Raptor was happily welcomed within the Dark Multiverse. It even felt very welcomed in its embrace.

It's a giant cosmic bird who was sent by the Judges of the Source to seal Perpetua and the totality of her powers in the Source Wall, and now it's seeking to do the same.

"Do you know what you've done!!! I swear by my name as Perpetua, the Mother of all to extinguish life out of you! You ought to fear the despair I'll bring on you! It's only a matter of time!!"

She was long gone out of Ian's view, but her words could still be heard throughout the Multiverse. She of course couldn't leave Ian's playground, but she tried to no avail.

Another useless action of hers was trying to escape the Raptor's clutches. It caught up to her eventually, easily even with Ian's kind support.

Perpetua was massive, a giant dwarfing skyscrapers, but even she pales in comparison to the colossus that is the Cosmic Raptor.

Its claws were large enough to be able to hold her. Its breath was a burst of source energy that was able to paralyze her.

Its beak was strong enough to pierce right through her and take back something it took long ago, the Totality of Perpetua's powers.

The Totality is the oldest energy source in existence, and the power core from which the Multiverse was created, and Perpetua acquired it long ago.

Inside the Totality is all knowledge in existence, including the answer to how the Multiverse was created, and by whom.

The Cosmic raptor ripped the totality out of her, and ignoring her despairing screams, he further sought to seal her yet again.

This is where Ian involved himself in the equation. The Trident Of Neptune appeared before him, still an artifact worthy of his hands.

All the magic, divinity, and sheer Kryotnian force Ian could muster were pumped into it, making it shake, almost like it was afraid of the destruction of not only its enemies but also itself.

At that same moment, Ian activated a certain property of the Construction of all things, a property it only gained after merging with the Tenth Metal, the ability to achieve nearly anything.

If that wasn't enough, Ian started casting a spell he's been working on since long ago, since Dr. Manhattan required destroying a universe from him. He never got to use it, not until now at least.

A grand Magical formation manifested, enveloping the entire Dark Multiverse, something only possible because the realm is his now.

He then attacked with a piercing thrust, his Trident leaving his hands and finding its way towards its target. Oddly enough, it wasn't Perpetua, but the Cosmic Raptor.

Now, such a creature shouldn't die in just one attack. It's a manifestation of the source after all, yet it did.

It was like the Trident even coming in contact with it was enough to simply erase it from existence, crumbling to dust. There was no resistance, there was only Death.

The Trident wasn't shaking out of fear or anything like that, it was vibrating. Everything it's made of was vibrating at a specific vibrational frequency, the polar opposite of the Raptor's vibration frequency.

It all comes from a theory that states that beneath the molecular level, a level we have yet to see, or perhaps we're not even close; there is something called vibrational frequency.

Everything all at once vibrates at a certain frequency, but each has its own unique vibrational frequency. Basically, the law of vibration posits that everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.

Ian remembers similar to have been used against Darkseid, perhaps the only way the Justice League would be able to thoroughly defeat someone as persistent as him.

And now, he used it for himself, and his plans certainly didn't end there. No, they have just started as he lunged at the Totality, taking it for himself before Perpetua could react.

This has been his plan all along. Letting the bird take it out only for it to grant to him by its own accord.

And thus, Perpetua was out of the equation. She was certainly still alive, stunned at what just took place before her, knowing that that might've been her fate, but that would mean the totality vanishing with her, so Ian of course didn't use it on her.

Ian instead would let himself float across space while the Totality hovered before him. Magic was truly an undeniably Magical tool, Magical despite being Magic.

It's so miraculous that Ian started casting another grand spell, perhaps something only Magic can do.

This spell also enveloped the entirety of the Dark Multiverse, but it didn't end there, instead, numerous layers of magical formations started overlapping together until the Dark Multiverse was Dark no more.

The Dark Multiverse became a blue glow in the middle of the VOid. Not a nook and cranny of it was left Intact from Magic. This was definitely a spell created to affect the entirety of the Multiverse to a Molecular level.

And the core of the spell was none other than the totality as a spherical purple Formation was surrounding it, "World Reconstruction!!!"

Every Force he commands works in his favor to achieve his deepest desire. Let the Totality be used as fuel for one of the grandest Magical formations yet, and only energy as pure and potent as the Totality would come close to achieving such a feat.

There was the Dark Multiverse, then there was no Dark Multiverse. It simply vanished with everything in it. All life that was breathing was simply erased, and nothing was left, not even Perpetua.

The loss of the Totality left her mostly defenseless, especially against such a spell of incomprehensible scale.

Ian remained, this time afloat amidst the void... He changed, seeming very different as if his transformation was complete.

At this point, the entirety of his body seemed blurry, especially his hair and eyes. He looked like a divine being more than any creature he has ever met.

His silky hair was immaculate, glowing with foreign blurriness. His skin seemed almost transparent, allowing blurry vision into his body, but there was nothing there except for the Construct of All things.

The spherical construct was floating in the center of his chest, but he no longer had any organs. If he wasn't already far away from being human, well, he is now.

"I see..." Ian murmured as his attention turned in a certain direction. It all looked natural. He didn't seem to change at all despite what he did dictating that he should change.

He had just used the Dark Multiverse and the Totality as something akin to a sacrifice to completely perfect the Dark Mirror World, to fully recover.

Only the Dark Multiverse would be enough to heal the Dark Mirror World because it's a shadow under the primary Multiverse, one formed of every fear and bad decision ever made or dreamt.

The way the Dark Multiverse works make it so it's numerous times bigger than the Primary Multiverse with numerous universes in contrast to its counterpart.

Only a Multiverse of such scale could heal Ian's world completely, and at that exact moment, the Rose of Death was instantly perfected with ten bloomed petals.

That also means another thing. He must've recovered his memories, yet he looked the same.

Still, Ian's bearing didn't change at all, but that didn't stop Dr. Manhattan who just appeared from asking, "Are you still you?"

Dr. Manhattan seemed just as emotionless as always, but he knew that he can probably get killed by Ian at this point, yet he risked his existence in asking the question.

"Hmm, kind of." Ian shrugged, seeming a bit sad, "I feel like I have everything I could ever need... Do I even need charity anymore?"

Yup, he was still the exact same...