
DC-Remastered Edition

Zac Daniels was reincarnated into the DC world with 5 wishes.

jeremiahxhperryman · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Zac could be seen swiftly maneuvering over the rooftops, and dodging batarangs. The batarangs were coming from a red-haired figure that was giving chase. Of course it was Barbara.

(Should I follow Barbaras plot and make her Oracle, or not. I'm not sure what to do on that part.)

"Stop right now criminal scum." Barbara growled as she grew more annoyed from missing her target repeatedly.

"A girl shouldn't be so violent. It can hurt a guys ego." Zac quipped back, which just made her more angry.

"SEXIST." Zac almost tripped and fell from the arrow that just pierced his heart.

"...." He decided it was best to say nothing, didn't want cancel culture on his back.

"Stop right now, I'm taking you to jail."

"How about you stop following m-" As soon as Zac was about to finish a black and blue figure came out of the corner of his vision. He ducked as a fist flew towards his jaw, and rolled away to gain distance, but before he could he was hit with a baton on his shoulder.

"Damn, I was aiming for the head."

"Nightwing, thanks for answering the signal."

"No problem, lets take this guy down."


"Come on guys, it was just some clothes why are you on my back. Don't you have more important things to do?" Zac tried to convince them to leave him alone, but all he got was a cold voice of justice from behind.

"You broke my sons ribs, you should have just left it at clothes."

Zac turned around and saw a black and grey figure with a bat symbol on his chest.


"How about you just stand down?" Nightwing said in a warning voice

"Sorry I can't do tha-....actually yeah take me to jail." Zac got a good idea, and if he was correct he was going to be able to start his plan a little earlier.

"No, you're not going to jail, you're coming with me. I saw how you entered the atmosphere with that flash of light, and I have some friends who want to meet you." Batman said in a monotone voice.

"Sorry, but it's my legal right as an amendment to have a fair court session, and have a chance to defend myself in the court of law. So you have to take me downtown." Zac said in a sarcastic voice.

Batman knew he was right, but he wasn't taking the risk of letting someone with that amount of energy behind him into anywhere near normal humans, even if they were criminals. He also saw a loophole.

"No you don't, because you're not a legal citizen." he said with a smile on his face

"..." Zac was completely speechless he didn't even think of that. 'This damn bat, how about you go hand upside down somewhere and die or something, always have to be the detective. Better be glad you don't have bat ears, or I'd give you a little taste of echo location.'

"Fine take me, I don't care." Nightwing was laughing behind him, while Barbara was a little hesitant.

"But, Batman, he broke Da-...Robins rib, we can't let him go like this!" she scowled.

"Let it go, and no ones letting him go. Like I said some friends want to meet him, and then we're taking him to jail." Batman said in a patient tone, because he himself wanted to throw Zac in jail. Damien was his son after all.

While they argued Zac had one thought in his head. 'Lets just hope Talia doesn't find out or I'm dead meat.' He felt a shiver go down his back.

Then Batman started dragging Zac away, and threw him off the roof. Zac was a little surprised until he fell into a seat of a car. Then some robotic hands in the car came out, and latched cuffs around his hands, and ankles, and then locked a chain in between both pairs of cuffs. Zac could have broken them easily, but he wanted to wait and see where he was going. Soon Batman hopped in, and started driving after closing the top.

After about 20 minutes

Zac had a blindfold on, and Batman was dragging him to a Zeta Tube in an alleyway phone booth. Soon Zac hear a voice.


"Code 02 Override, Temporary Access"


Zac saw a flash of light, and felt himself in a new environment, and then he felt a push from behind and started walking. He soon found himself inside a room in a chair. Batman snatched the blindfold off him, and he waited for his eyes to adjust. As soon as they did he saw people in costumes, and masks of all kinds around a table staring at him. Then one with a sliver of hair hanging over his forehead like a widows peak, and in a blue and red outfit asked him a question.

"Who are you?"

'....WELL IM FUCKED!!! Why do I keep meeting these unfortunate odds. Superman, Wonderwoman, Flash, Aqualad, Aquaman, Miss Martian, Superboy, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Zatanna, etc. What's going to happen next? Am I going to fight the Spectre? I TAKE IT BACK DON'T JINX ME'

"I'm Zachary Daniels at your service."