
Dc Reinhardt

MMA champion Geralt “The All-father” Reinhardt has gained divinity from the last of the First All-Fathers! ODIN! Follow his story and the Dc comic book story!!! A/n: by my own admission chapters 29-37ish can get a bit rough...not my best work

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Flash charged at Batman and the suicide squad within 3 seconds he knocked everyone but Killer Croc out. Lobo unwrapped most of the chain on his right hand, at the end of it was an extremely sharp bladed double bladed hook. He swirled the chain as he walked closer, Killer croc slowly got up and joined him.

"Listen here justice league, move out the way or the main-mans gonna frag--" before he could finish, Superman blasted him with a fully powered heat vision; he kept his heat vision trained on lobo's head. Diana and Aquaman lunged at killer croc; Aquaman stabbed his trident into croc right knee, Croc aimed his left claw at Aquaman's eyes.

Diana slapped crocs hand away with her shield, Aquaman pulled out his trident and croc leached forward from the pain. Diana stabbed her sword deep into crocs right shoulder, as she pulled out her sword. She dropped it mid air and raised her hand at croc's head, she caught her sword as it dropped mid air Aquaman thrusted his trident at croc head.

Croc leaned out of range of the trident, as he did angurvadal came flying towards the back of his head. Before it could piece his skull it stopped mid air and went flying backwards, As Geralt calmly walked into the vault, he had angurvadal in his right hand.

Jessica trapped him in a bubble, and Simon formed a slightly bigger one around it. "Come, join me. Let's make the world a safer place, your brother and niece shouldn't have to hide for the rest of their lives. As Maxwell started talking, Geralt eyes slowly turned blood red.

Geralt closed his eyes and tried his hardest to fight off Maxwell's; he felt his mind rapidly fall to Maxwell's control. Multiple wormholes formed round Geralt, lobo, Croc and the group of knocked out people round him, as all of them escaped. Maxwell smiled told the league members to take Waller as they left.

As the group fell through the wormhole, they appeared inside Geralt house. Geralt slowly fought off Maxwell's influence and lobo head re-grew, Killer Croc's wounds started closing so he waited for the rest to wake up.

Geralt saw that Croc was about to sit on his living room couch, and he yelled "No you fucking don't! You better heal first, because if you think of getting the blood on my couch I'm going to break all your joints!...what the fuck do you think this is? We ain't in belle reve."

#a/n: In the previous chapters I didn't know killer croc, had a healing factor, from what I read it's closer to Wolverines although slightly weaker. #

Lobo laughed and Croc snapped his jaw, before waiting for his knee to heal. Lobo took a set on the couch, then went into his jacket and took out a cigar and a match. Geralt snapped his finger lighting the cigar and lobo smiled "hey useful bastich, what's your name and do ya got any booze."

Geralt pointed to the kitchen then said "help yourself, name's Geralt and let me get a cigar." Lobo handed him a cigar, Geralt lit it and the two of them looked at Croc.

"What?" Croc asked, before realizing they wanted him to get the alcohol. "I'm a maid, so get it yourself!" the two of them stared him down and he said "fine, but I'm raiding your fridge." Geralt agreed then said "if you make a mess you're cleaning it."

Killer croc came back with a bunch of raw meat and a few bottles of Vodka, Geralt stared at the meat then asked Lobo "How's your barbeque?" Lobo smiled and the two of them dragged Croc away.


Dead of night- Washington D.C

In the first two minutes, flash dismantled all the weapons of mass destruction in the world. In five minutes the green lanterns Jessica and Simon put up a barrier to protect or imprison the planet. In seven minutes, shores and borders were secured by Aquaman, in minutes the world leaders were placed under Maxwell's control. In 10 minutes Cyborg took control of all communications.

Maxwell was sitting in the oval office, to his right was superman and to his left was Supergirl, all over the city people were killing, burning, and or raping. Heroes robbed and leveled buildings, along with criminals that helped them in this anarchy. These scenes were happening all over the world!

Maxwell took out the Eclipseo Diamond as he smiled while he marveled at it, "the world's finally safe!" he kicked his feet onto the table.

Standing in front of him was Amanda Waller, around her the Whitehouse walls were destroyed and rubble surrounded the room.


Sometime passed, the others slowly woke up; Deadshot was the first to awaken followed by Batman, Harley and Boomerang. After they woke everyone up, Harley asked "where are we?" Batman looked around, then said "we're at Reinhardt's house, and boomerang he probably watching us now."

Geralt yelled "I am watching and we're in the backyard!"

Batman led the rest of the suicide squad out of the living room and past a few unused rooms. They came across a glass door that slid open; on the other side of the door was Geralt and lobo cooking a few stakes and ribs.

"You're having a cook out? The world is danger and you're having a cook out." When Batman finished Geralt turned to him, then said "Ok, so you want me to fight a man that took control over the justice league members without saying word. The same man that almost got me while you guys, were knocked out."

Harley and boomerang grabbed a rib then sat down as they watched the drama, Katana watched alongside frost. "What would you have done, if he had taken me over huh? You have a decent understanding of my powers; do you like your odds if I'm with the rest. After all he just took over the world in 10 minutes, the titans, Aquaman's wife (Mera, mc hasn't met her yet.), Supergirl…you name them, their enslaved...well most of them, some of the stronger hero and villains are nowhere to be seen. Why because they know what's up; outside he using these same people Supergirl, most of the titans. And so on to kill and burn who he wants, so what would you have done, if that man got his hands on my gravity?"

Batman paused and Harley grinned in delight as she thought 'damn should 'a brought a phone, Ivy would love this.' Everyone else had similar thoughts, since it wasn't everyday you saw anyone talk to the bat like this.

Batman remembered some of the things he theorized about Geralt power, and although he didn't want to admit it, he knew Geralt was right. "Fine, but eating here won't get anything done. At the rate things are going Maxwell will have all the strongest heroes and villains under his control by tomorrow. We need to raid him before then."

Geralt felt the rest of Maxwell influence over his mind fade and as it was being replaced by something more demonic, but easier for him to fight. He smiled as he put down the stake and said "lets save the barbeque for latter, we finally got a chance."


Whitehouse- Washington D.C

"Max, that diamond… it's infecting you…" before Amanda could finish Maxwell responded with "Amanda…please, you really think I didn't take precautions?"

Maxwell lifted up his shirt and on the center of his chest was a brand, that depicted the moon eclipsing the sun. "I forced the high priest of Diablo island to brand me with their sacred sigil, so I'd have an edge over the diamond. For years, I struggled to control people with my powers… but now, with the heart of darkness, I can make people do whatever I want."

As he said that, Maxwell's ears slowly started to turn pointy, and his white skin turned ghost white. He stepped out of onto the balcony of the white house, the eclipso Diamond levitated itself onto the branding on his chest. His hands turned purple and claws grew, the sun turned pitch black and the moon faded from sight.

#An: if you want a better, picture of the man google dc eclipso#

"ohh Amanda, I've already taken over his body." Amanda backed up when she saw the transformation finish and this demonic thing replace Maxwell.

the next few chapters get a bit dark, for the most part Justice league vs Suicide is almost over.

if you want to read it or watch it on youtube, start with:


Justice league (2016) #12

then justice league vs Suicide 1-2

then Suicide Squad #9 (i never covered this, but it shows how twisted waller is, the story can get a bit confusing so watch a explanation video of it on youtube.)

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4-5

Justice league (2016) #13 (I do cover it.)

Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #6

Suicide Squad #10 (rustam revange on waller, i won't be coving all it, hell i might not even cover it.)

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts