reborn as a god in dc after some wishes. 1 chapter a day
excitement as he glanced at his watch, hurrying across the busy street. His favourite class, an elective on Greek mythology, was about to start, and he didn't want to miss a single word. As his mind raced in thoughts of gods and legends, he failed to notice the truck speeding towards him.
By the time he noticed, it was already too late. The screeching tires were the last sound he heard before everything went dark. And just like our mc died, but death is not always the end.
William opened his eyes to find himself in a place that defied description. By recalling his last memories he knows that he had just had an accident and if he were in the hospital then surely he should be in some sort of pain, instead , he feels better than he ever had.
Looking around all he could see are Colors swirling around him, and an ethereal figure emerged from the mist. The figure sat on a chair that seemed to be made out of clouds. And when he spoke his voice boomed across the entire place.
"William," the figure spoke, its voice resonated with power. "Your life was cut short. No it was not some sort of mistake. Yes I am a being who's level of power your little mind could never comprehend. And yes I am offering you another chance at life. No, you will not be choosing the world, I'll be sending you to the DC universe. No, You are not my son, I'm doing this simply because I'm bored and I'll be using you as my form of entertainment. No, I'm not reading your mind, I just took a look into the future to see what questions you might have asked and answered them for you of the go and finally yes you may choose three wishes for your new life."
William hesitated for a second after all he had just received big news. First of he's now dead, which is bommur. He never got to do all the things he wanted and even worse, he'll never see his parents again. And to add to that this being whoever he is doesn't seem to be in a patient mood, after all he just literally looked into the future just so he wouldn't have to wait for me to ask questions. So without further ado he fully focused on the beings words.
If he was dead and he was getting another chance at life then he might as well take full advantage, right. William replied, "If I'm being reincarnated then I want to be Hades, the Greek God of the Dead, I want to have the potential of infinite growth allowing me to have no limits and I want to have absolute talent in any and everything.
The figure nodded and immediately replied. "So be it."
Once again darkness took over him.
William now hades felt like he was being forced through a tube, he found his eyes being assaulted by daylight. a giant of a man wearing a white toga grabbed him by his hands looking at him and said " So it's true, my children really will do to me what I did to my father.
"What, no. Chronus, please, his our son he would not do such a thing" spoke a voice from behind me, thought I could not see her, something inside me told me she was Rhea, my mother. Some sort of cosmic awareness maybe, humm, that's definitely something to look into in the future.
"Rhea, have the pains of your delivery turned you blind. Can't you see him, just born and already he is so powerful, what will he be like a century from now let, alone a millennium or two. No I will not have my throne and kingdom stolen from me, NEVER"
with a final word, he swallowed me whole. All I could hear were my mothers cries as I was once again assaulted by darkenes and the pain of being squeezed through a tube. The only difference being that I could actually see in this darkness. No doubt, thanks to my new godly physiology.
As I fell for what I somehow know was 14 years, my body grew and grew until it stopped at around what a 25 year old would look like.
The falling stopped when I hit a giant pool of assid that melted all the hairs on my body. The pain was so bad that when I wished to get out of it my body responded by taking flight and jumping out of the pool. Next thing I know, I was floating mid air fully naked with my hairs regenerating so fast that within 20 seconds I'm as good as new.
Flying came to me naturally. When I wanted to go forward, my body pushed itself of the air and I went forward, when I wanted to go backwards the same thing. So I flew into what resembled one of the many caves that seemed to line the walls of my new prison.
With sight I couldn't help but wander how long I'm going to have to stay in this place.
Only rob knows if I don't end up going insane before my first sibling joins me.