
DC: Phantom Thief Kid

A talented young man who unexpectedly finds himself in the extraordinary world of DC Comics, a universe he didn't know much about. He was forced to take on the identity of a thief known as Phantom Thief Kid, a renowned master thief with irresistible charisma and a mysterious nature. As the Phantom Thief Kid immerses himself in this new reality, he discovers that he must possess a unique set of skills and talents that make him both strong and dangerous to survive in this unknown world. This mysterious charisma becomes his most powerful weapon, allowing him to manipulate situations and influence the people around him. Phantom Thief Kid trained himself in the art of thievery and went after valuable things all over the DC Universe. His amazing skills, charming personality, and tendency to stay out of reach quickly draw the attention of superheroes and supervillains. ... This is different from the last two Kaito Kid fanfics, while those two were based on MARVEL/DC TV shows or movies, this one is based on DC comics ONLY. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/Sothisq

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 208: Sunrise

At the top of the elevator shaft, a black figure stood on the edge of the elevator while holding two ropes.

Dean couldn't see the person clearly, but it was obviously much smaller than an average adult man. They could be either a child or a woman.

Although it was strange that this person was inside Wayne Tower, Dean prioritized eliminating the current danger.

Dean pulled out his Card Gun and shot two playing cards, which knocked off the electric shockers attached to the two Man-Bats.

The Man-Bats were no longer filled with electricity, so even if Dean touched past them, they wouldn't affect him.

Immediately after, the person above released one of the ropes and allowed one Man-Bat to fall. Dean could then move to that spot and let go of the other rope.

This prevented both Man-Bats from falling at the same time and crushing Dean as well.


Dean quickly ascended to the top floor of Wayne Tower and landed in front of the black figure.

It was only at this moment that the appearance of the mysterious helper was fully revealed to Dean.

It was a girl wearing a full-body black suit and a gas mask who was half a head shorter than Dean.

The mask covered most of her face and made it impossible for ordinary people to recognize her.

Obviously, Dean was not an ordinary person. As a master of disguise, he instantly saw through the girl's disguise.

This made Dean even more surprised and curious about the girl's arrival.

Because this girl was Cassandra Cain!

What was surprising was that, not far behind Cassandra, four Man-Bats were tied up in ropes. They were conscious but couldn't move.

There was no doubt that Cassandra single-handedly took care of all four Man-Bats.

Whether she encountered all four at once or one by one was unclear.

Regardless of the situation, Cassandra's actual combat strength was terrifyingly strong.

As for why Cassandra appeared here?

That goes back several hours ago when Dean disguised himself as Bruce Wayne to open a virtual live stream room for the first time.

At that time, Cassandra was also one of the livestream viewers.

In fact, Cassandra herself had little interest in the riots happening in Gotham.

A group of thugs attacked her, deliberately targeted her, and forced her to teach them a lesson.

At first, she didn't care about Bruce Wayne declaring war on the Black Mask in Robinson Park and didn't even want to watch the live stream.

She didn't notice the so-called Bruce Wayne on the screen until she casually glanced at a phone that one of the thugs had dropped on the ground.

That's when Cassandra suddenly realized something was wrong with this supposedly Bruce Wayne.

Although there were no noticeable flaws in his appearance, Cassandra could still be sure that the Bruce on the livestream was not the real one.

Furthermore, she noticed that "Bruce's" body language was exactly the same as Dean's.

Or rather, it was precisely the same as the Phantom Thief's.

After all, in Cassandra's eyes, Dean's body language was identical to the Phantom Thief's.

When Cassandra asked Dean in person, she still had doubts, even though she couldn't see through Dean's lies.

She believed there couldn't be two people in the world with the same body language.

One person might show two different sets of body language, like individuals with multiple identity disorders, but how could two people share the same one?

That wasn't possible for even very close twins whose habits are the same.

Cassandra had long wanted to meet the Phantom Thief in person.

However, the Phantom Thief seems to have disappeared lately. There had been no notice letters for over a month.

There was simply no chance to meet the Phantom Thief.

Until today, Cassandra saw "Bruce's" livestream and instantly recognized his true identity as the Phantom Thief.

The person trying to attract the Black Mask's attention wasn't Bruce but the Phantom Thief!

Cassandra immediately rushed in the direction of Robinson Park.

While Batman and the others had cars, Cassandra had to use her legs to get where she needed to go.

The Man-Bat Virus had already spread in the East End when Cassandra got to Robinson Park.

Cassandra was initially at risk of infection, and whether on purpose or by coincidence, this time she didn't want to draw attention to herself, so she wore a mask that covered the lower half of her face.

The mask's filtering effect wasn't very good, but it was much better than exposing her mouth and nose outside, which luckily prevented Cassandra from getting infected when the virus first broke out.

Instead, she witnessed a scene of humans transforming due to the Man-Bat virus infection.

Cassandra, who had never been to school, naturally didn't understand the concept of viruses, but she grasped one fact.

'The infected person's body went through tremendous and unimaginable changes.'

The root of these changes was related to breathing!

Cassandra could not only read body language but also see abnormal conditions inside the body.

Although she didn't understand the related knowledge of the virus, Cassandra knew there were things like gas masks and some air that needed to be filtered before inhaling it.

So she immediately got herself a mask and then noticed that the Phantom Thief had gone to Wayne Tower.

As one of the world's top martial artists, Cassandra naturally couldn't be stopped by these security measures at Wayne Tower, and she easily sneaked in.

Not long after, a shocking explosion sound came from the elevator shaft where Dean was located.

This not only attracted the Man-Bats but also guided Cassandra to this location.

And at the critical moment, she helped Dean escape from the trouble.

At this very moment, in the elevator shaft on the top floor of Wayne Tower.

The Phantom Thief bowed slightly to Cassandra and smiled.

"Miss, thank you for helping me."

Then, in Cassandra's confused and puzzled expression, Dean raised her right hand and lightly kissed her fingertips.

Cassandra quickly pulled her hand back, her face showing some confusion. She had never experienced this level of physical contact with someone before.

'What was he doing just now?'

Cassandra stared blankly at the back of her hand, unable to understand the meaning behind the Phantom Thief's actions.

Although she could tell from his body language that Dean was expressing gratitude, for some reason, Cassandra couldn't comprehend why kissing her hand was a normal way of showing appreciation.

Moreover, she had never seen another person express gratitude in this way. She stood frozen in place for a moment.

What's more, when Dean kissed her hand, Cassandra felt a strange sensation that she couldn't fully understand.

Was it anger? Disgust? Joy? Hatred?

They didn't seem to make any sense at all.

Somehow, Cassandra suddenly remembered a word Barbara had taught her before.


"Could the feeling I just had... be called shyness? Barbara said that girls often feel shy when they have close contact with boys, which must be what she meant."

Cassandra thought with curiosity and found it a strange and unspoken feeling.

"I hope it's not too presumptuous to ask, but why are you here, Miss? And how did you come to Wayne Tower?"

The Phantom Thief asked Cassandra.

Cassandra was about to respond with a few gestures when suddenly, a noise echoed from the elevator shaft. The source of the sound was inside the elevator shaft!

Dean and Cassandra both reacted and looked down into the elevator shaft, where several Man-Bats were rushing toward them.

"Let me count the numbers; these should be the last of the Man-Bats in Wayne Tower."

Dean remarked calmly.

If he were still inside the elevator shaft, he would indeed have been in a difficult situation. But now things are different.

He calmly took out the remaining high-voltage shockers and threw them one by one at the Man-Bats below.

In the vertical elevator shaft, there was no need for accurate aiming to ensure a hundred percent hit rate.

If the elevator shaft had been a constant life-threatening danger for Dean before, now it has become an excellent trap for clearing out all the Man-Bats.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz...

Flashes of electricity crackled through the air, and the last remaining Man-Bats were unable to move. They fell stiffly onto the wreckage of the elevator below.

With this, there was no more threat inside Wayne Tower.

At the same time, the device would activate five minutes later, and the outside world would return to normal.

The young people of Gotham could enjoy their normal youth instead of spending their remaining days with Man-Bats filling the city.

At the same time, the media who were watching the Phantom Thief's livestream caught a huge business opportunity when they saw Cassandra.

Who is this mysterious girl with her face covered?

What is her relationship with the Phantom Thief?

She seems like she might be his partner, sister, or even someone closer.

The girl seems to be a minor.

Did this mean that the Phantom Thief...

Although the Phantom Thief seems like he is meeting her for the first time, does that really matter?

Not at all.

What mattered was that they had found a scandal involving the Phantom Thief!

They were confident that the publicity would be unimaginable as long as they could hype up this scandal.

After all, the Phantom Thief wouldn't personally come forward to clear things up, so they could write whatever grabbed people's attention!

Furthermore, they weren't entirely sure whether there was a connection between the Phantom Thief and the mysterious girl.

However, the fact that the girl had helped the Phantom Thief was undeniable. They weren't making things up out of thin air.

The effect might even be better if they played their cards right and kept it ambiguous.



After some time, Dean and Cassandra had already reached the rooftop of Wayne Tower.

Whether it was intuition or Dean's body language, Cassandra understood that he wasn't ready to talk at this moment.

They didn't say a word to each other throughout the entire walk.

Cassandra didn't even use sign language.

After all, the virtual livestream was still ongoing, and Dean didn't want Cassandra to accidentally reveal any important information.

Currently, Cassandra is completely covered from head to toe, so Dean isn't concerned that she would be recognized for her appearance.

At first, Dean was concerned that Cassandra might not cooperate because he had tricked her into thinking that the Phantom Thief and Dean were two different people.

Dean knew that Cassandra would maintain good communication with him, but he couldn't guarantee the same for the Phantom Thief.

Dean couldn't predict what would happen if Cassandra suddenly decided to fight the Phantom Thief or urgently talk to him.

It might force him to abruptly close the virtual livestream and accidentally reveal some important information.

This possibility was very low, but low doesn't mean it's nothing.

Dean used his Mystic Eyes to understand Cassandra's body-reading abilities. He knew that he didn't need to communicate with Cassandra by mouth.

As long as he thought, "Let's not talk for now; we'll speak later," his body would naturally convey this message, which Cassandra would pick up, and this was something no one could control.

In short, Dean and Cassandra arrived at the rooftop of Wayne Tower in silence and waited for the final activation of the device.

At this moment, the sky was beginning to show signs of dawn, a sign that the sun was about to rise.

Without realizing it, Gotham had been through a lot in just one night, from when the Black Mask blew up the Blackgate Penitentiary to now.

There were so many that it felt like it wasn't just one night but twenty days and nights.

Fortunately, this long night was finally coming to an end.

Five minutes seemed to pass in a blink of an eye. Just as Dean and Cassandra arrived on the rooftop, the countdown ended.

A large hole automatically opened in the center of the rooftop of Wayne Tower, and a strange and massive device arose from it.

The next moment, this device, like an artificial rain generator, spewed out a massive quantity of Reverse Man-Bat Inhibitor from the peculiar nozzle at the top of the device.

When the Inhibitor gushed out of the nozzle and came into contact with the air, it instantly changed from a dense liquid into a mist that spread rapidly.

When the Reverse Man-Bat Inhibitor made a mist, any mutated bat that came in contact with it acted like they were intoxicated.

They fluttered through the sky unsteadily, as if they were about to crash at any moment.

They struggled to flap their wings, but their flying height lowered.

At the same time, their fur began to shed, their pointed teeth and claws retracted, and their wings slowly shrank.

Their bat characteristics diminished, while their human characteristics became more noticeable.

When they finally staggered and fell to the ground, they had almost turned back into humans.



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