
DC: Phantom Thief Kid

A talented young man who unexpectedly finds himself in the extraordinary world of DC Comics, a universe he didn't know much about. He was forced to take on the identity of a thief known as Phantom Thief Kid, a renowned master thief with irresistible charisma and a mysterious nature. As the Phantom Thief Kid immerses himself in this new reality, he discovers that he must possess a unique set of skills and talents that make him both strong and dangerous to survive in this unknown world. This mysterious charisma becomes his most powerful weapon, allowing him to manipulate situations and influence the people around him. Phantom Thief Kid trained himself in the art of thievery and went after valuable things all over the DC Universe. His amazing skills, charming personality, and tendency to stay out of reach quickly draw the attention of superheroes and supervillains. ... This is different from the last two Kaito Kid fanfics, while those two were based on MARVEL/DC TV shows or movies, this one is based on DC comics ONLY. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/Sothisq

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 203: Wayne Tower

"Heal without becoming like those who hurt you."

- Unknown


Stealing the Virus!

The Phantom Thief's announcement shocked all the media watching the livestream.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to "steal" the virus from an infected person, at least not in the usual sense of stealing.

So the actual meaning of Phantom Thief's words should be about eliminating the virus inside the infected person.

And no one doubts that he can do it; after all, Phantom Thief has previously created an antidote for the Man-Bat Virus.

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, Gotham's Star Labs issued an emergency notice to all citizens.

They had immediately started experimenting with a cure when the Man-Bat virus first broke out.

However, they found that the antidote that had previously cured Kirk Langstrom had limited effectiveness against this new Man-Bat virus and could not completely remove its virus.

Star Labs immediately began improving the antidote and calculated that it would take at least two days to make a lot of progress.

As for why Star Labs had a cure for the Man-Bat Virus, Batman had willingly shared it with them.

The antidote to the Man-Bat Serum is a very important drug, and Batman wouldn't keep something like that to himself.

In short, now everyone knows that neither Batman nor Star Labs have a quick solution to the Man-Bat virus crisis.

But the Phantom Thief does!

Until this moment, the people who knew that Phantom Thief had the antidote had been worried about whether he would help Gotham.

Phantom Thief was liked by many as he put on entertaining shows, had a cool image, and didn't hurt anyone seriously.

However, no one really believed that the Phantom Thief was a kind-hearted hero.

Phantom Thief is a thief; why would he want to save those irrelevant to him in Gotham?

What were his motives?

What were his reasons?

What benefit does he gain from doing this?

Simply put, the Phantom Thief's crime will not be forgiven or forgotten even if he saves Gotham this time. The police or the Bat Family won't go easy on him when it's time to catch him.

However, Phantom Thief still decides to help Gotham through this crisis, even temporarily teaming up with Batman, a real alliance, not being forcefully used by Batman as a tool.

Among all of Gotham's supervillains, how many of them receive such treatment from Batman?

Perhaps people's understanding of the Phantom Thief has always been shallow and only half-hearted.

"I have a feeling that after tonight, Phantom Thief's existence will have a different significance for Gotham."

Vicki Vale was stuck in her office as she had to work extra hours. She looked at the Phantom Thief on her computer screen and thought quietly.

The premise is whether Phantom Thief can successfully eliminate the entire virus in Gotham tonight.


At the top of Wayne Tower, the elevator leading to the lower floors had already been closed, and without a specific authorization card, the elevator could not be used.

However, according to Batman, Lucius Fox had already arrived here earlier, and he should be able to remotely control the elevator switch.

Wayne Enterprises couldn't possibly not have this technology.

But when the Phantom Thief arrived at the elevator doors, the elevator remained closed.

He even purposely stood in front of the surveillance camera so Lucius could see him at a glance.

However, doing this made him feel uncomfortable. It felt like there were ants crawling all over his skin.

He mostly tried to stay away from the surveillance camera most of the time. It made him feel very uncomfortable to be exposed in this way.

"Is it possible that Batman is lying to me? Or did he not tell Lucius Fox about me?"

The Phantom Thief couldn't help but speculate in his heart when he saw that the elevator door remained tightly closed.

He tried pressing the elevator's emergency button, but there was no response at all.

"This doesn't seem right..."

A bad suspicion rose up in the Phantom Thief's heart.

"It looks like I'm still not suited to using the main entrance."

The Phantom Thief helplessly shook his head and turned to walk towards the edge of the rooftop.

He leaned over and crouched down, then gently jumped down. The Phantom Thief did not fall from the rooftop but hung his feet on the edge of the rooftop.

He was lying on his back and holding on to the side of the building. His body was pressing up against a strong glass window.

He took a Hard-Cutter out of his pocket and carefully drew a big circle on the window.

At first, he wanted to peek inside, but the windows in Wayne Tower were one-way, so it was impossible to see the inside from the outside.

Soon, the Phantom Thief opened a hole in the window that he could crawl through and then released his feet hanging from the rooftop.

At the same time, he grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands and exerted force, flipping his whole body into the hole.

After rolling on the ground twice to slow the momentum, the Phantom Thief stood up and looked around.

He realized that he had entered an office but couldn't tell who it was.

The Phantom Thief didn't stay in the office and pushed open the door to step out.

However, at the moment he opened the door, a faint scent of blood suddenly filled his nose.

"Wasn't it said that when the False Face Society attacked here, most of the people inside had already evacuated? There shouldn't be anyone in Wayne Tower now. In fact, the Man-Bats wouldn't rush into an empty building, and they shouldn't be able to breach Wayne Tower's defenses..."

Phantom Thief's expression changed, showing that something serious had probably happened here.

"There are no bodies or bloodstains nearby. The smell of blood is coming from over there."

He sniffed with his nose and looked towards the corridor on his right, his gaze becoming serious.

He cautiously walked over there, moving silently without making any sound.

Crunch, crunch...

When the Phantom Thief reached the corner of the corridor, the sound of chewing entered his ears.

The Phantom Thief immediately stopped and pressed his back against the wall while cautiously sticking his head out.

Upon seeing the scene in front of him, the Phantom Thief's pupils shrank in an instant.

In the corner, two Man-Bats were crouched on the ground as if eating something.

The floor was covered in blood, and there was a dead body lying between the two Man-Bats. Its bones could already be seen.

"Why are there Man-Bats here?"

The Phantom Thief was shocked and puzzled by what he saw.

"Where did Lucius Fox go? And how did the Man-Bats break into Wayne Tower?"



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