
DC: Phantom Thief Kid

A talented young man who unexpectedly finds himself in the extraordinary world of DC Comics, a universe he didn't know much about. He was forced to take on the identity of a thief known as Phantom Thief Kid, a renowned master thief with irresistible charisma and a mysterious nature. As the Phantom Thief Kid immerses himself in this new reality, he discovers that he must possess a unique set of skills and talents that make him both strong and dangerous to survive in this unknown world. This mysterious charisma becomes his most powerful weapon, allowing him to manipulate situations and influence the people around him. Phantom Thief Kid trained himself in the art of thievery and went after valuable things all over the DC Universe. His amazing skills, charming personality, and tendency to stay out of reach quickly draw the attention of superheroes and supervillains. ... This is different from the last two Kaito Kid fanfics, while those two were based on MARVEL/DC TV shows or movies, this one is based on DC comics ONLY. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/Sothisq

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 174: Product

"Live so freely that people crave your vibes."

- Unknown


A while later

"Where is your department head? You better tell me there's been progress in the experiments for the new product, or you'll know the consequences of wasting my time!"

Roman walked in and warned everyone in the department.

At that moment, a bald, middle-aged man walked over with a smile on his face.

"I'm right here, boss. Please rest assured, if it weren't for new breakthroughs in the experiments, I wouldn't dare trouble you personally unless there was a breakthrough in the experiments."

"Hmph, then show me the results quickly."

Roman snorted.

"Please follow me."

Roman followed the head of research and development into a closed building that had more than a dozen model heads with thin masks over their faces.

"This is our latest development, a liquid face mask. It usually stays in a liquid state in the packaging, similar to common moisturizers. But when it is gently applied to the face..."

The development manager approached an empty model head and took out a tube-like bottle. He squeezed out a slightly thicker liquid than water and applied it to the face of the model head.

"The warmth of the facial skin will stimulate the special substance in the mask, causing it to solidify and become the facial mask that people are familiar with."

After he finished applying the mask to the entire face, a pure white mask formed in just one or two minutes.

"When it comes into contact with water, it quickly dissolves and returns to its liquid state. In short, you only need to wash your face to completely remove the mask, and it disappears with the water flow."

The development manager picked up a beaker filled with water and poured it gently onto the mask.

The solidified mask started to dissolve at a visible speed and flowed along with the water.

"Boss, this newly developed liquid mask combines convenience and effectiveness. The skincare effect theoretically surpasses more than ninety-nine percent of the masks currently on the market. I believe consumers will surely welcome this product."

The confident development manager smiled.

Roman nodded in satisfaction and then asked, "Has it been tested on volunteers?"

"Yes, we had the first batch of volunteers use it a week ago. So far, everything is normal. No side effects have been found, but we need to observe for a few more months..."

Before he could finish, Roman interrupted him directly and waved his hand.

"If no side effects have been found, there's no need for further observation. We'll launch the product next month!"

"What? Boss is this..."

The development head's face changed, and he was about to be persuaded when he was scared by a fierce look from Roman.

"Do you not understand the current situation of the company? Where is the time for us to wait for several months of observation?"

Roman's question left the development head speechless.

The situation at the company is really difficult, and almost every employee is worried that they won't get paid if the company goes bankrupt.

But who is to blame for this?

It's none other than the smart decision of the boss!

The head of the research and development department felt angry but didn't dare speak up and let Roman continue to cause chaos.

"I don't care about the future of the company anymore; you can do whatever you want."

Janus Cosmetics announced to the public that they would be releasing a new product next month and issued an apology for the negative news that had occurred earlier.

This was done at Roman's request.

Roman believed that in the not-so-distant future, he would lead Janus Cosmetics to once again become the leader in Gotham's beauty industry.


A few days later

"Janus Cosmetics? New liquid mask?"

Dean looked at today's newspaper taken from the mailbox and quickly lost interest.

Meanwhile, he wasn't just planning how to get into the FBI and steal database information; he hadn't forgotten his usual routine of finding new targets.

Just like before, Dean would determine his next move by reading about world-famous gemstone reports in newspapers or the news.

However, there have been very few such reports lately, and today, there was a long article about Janus Cosmetics' new product.

"It seems like there hasn't been anything interesting happening in Gotham recently."

Dean shook his head and threw the newspaper on the couch.

"It's been a while since Janus had a new boss, and their products are getting worse quickly. They have a lot of weird styles that aren't popular with most people."

"When old Mr. Sionis was in charge, despite that guy being an annoying snob, his management skills were really extraordinary, and the quality of his cosmetics was the best in Gotham."

In fact, Dean had a history with Janus Cosmetics. He used to be a consumer of their products and had bought a lot of their cosmetics.

Of course, Dean didn't have much need for makeup himself. He bought cosmetics to practice how to disguise himself as a woman.

After all, if a woman's makeup had flaws, how could he ever hope to deceive anyone?

However, after Roman changed the company's products, Dean never placed another order because of the declining quality and appearance.

Dean put the Janus company aside and continued to plan his infiltration into the FBI headquarters.

In the DC world, the FBI is not just an ordinary organization, and they surely have some supernatural technology and maybe even a few agents with superpowers.

Dean couldn't afford to be careless; otherwise, he might end up in big trouble.

"If only my hacking skills were good, I could just hack into their database and get any information I need."

Unfortunately, this kind of skill usually requires Dean to practice on his own, and he is not very good at it.

While his skills with computers are not useless, he is far from the level of professional hackers and can only be compared to amateur hackers at best.

Not to mention hacking into the FBI.

"Maybe I should buy a more advanced artificial intelligence, but I don't have enough points right now."

He can afford low-level artificial intelligence, but top hackers could easily track that.

There are people like Batman or Cyborg from Teen Titans who definitely have that level of technology.

It's rare to find something that can escape Cyborg's detection on the internet.

At least it should be able to evade Cyborg's tracking before it's worth buying.

It's worth mentioning that a few days ago, after Dean pretended to be a Matches and contacted the Penguin, thirty million dollars were deposited into the virtual account he created with a false identity.

Dean could withdraw money from this account at any time if he wanted to.

But he didn't do that, and he didn't plan to do it in the future.



You can find up to 20 advance chapters on my patreon.