
Testing (Final Part)

"okay boxing, but I've seen much better. Your greatest assets are your enhanced strentgh and speed which seems to come with greater processing speed, being a vampire you're bound to have more abilities even if it's just turning into a bat or a wolf. You are likely to be vitually indestructuble, and resistant to mind magic" Robin grabs a sword from the wall of the room and walks up to me "let's try it and see" in a quick slash he attacks my midsection, and to my elation it didn't cut me in half.

"What the hell was that for!"

"relax, even if it had sliced you, drinking some blood would have healed you"

"what's next?" I asked grudgingly

"strengh and speed testing, run from that far end of the room to here" he points to his opposite side of the room and pulls out a speed radar. I go to the other side of the room and start running, reaching the other side of the room in about a second. Robin looks at me "do it again but wait for me to say go" I do it again

"how fast did I run?"

"it's rounding up to 164 miles per hour, not as fast as Wally, but far above a normal human. Now for a strength test, follow me to the gym"

arriving at the gym I see a large room full of weights, treadmills and a complex jungle gym.

"this is amazing" I say looking at the jungle gym "I was really missing grade school" Beast Boy, who was tagging along chuckled.

"well we're not here for that" Robin said in a lighter tone than earlier.

we reach a complex weight set and Robin turns to me "what was your max"


"that's specific"

"yes it is"

"we'll start there and it will get heavier over time"

Robin walks to a control panel and starts pressing some buttons "go ahead and pick up the weight, it will get heavier and record your max" I pick up the weight and for some reason it feels light, that changed soon. withen half a minute I was struggling to stand upright and finnaly dropped the weight "how much?" I ask nearly falling over.

"7 metric tons, 15,000 pounds, nearly half as much as cyborg" Robin looked slightly impressed, and Beast Boy decided to speak "he means you're strong" I was shocked

the point of this chapter was to prove that vampires grow stronger with age, and that just over two years can change alot for a young vampire. how do you like the interactions with the Titans so far?

shady_elfcreators' thoughts