

Brendan Hunter, a teen who has a bad life founded himself in the world of DC with 4 quirks and 2 Force that accompanied him.

killller4555 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs



"KABOOM!" My body got hit by an explosion which sends me to hit the wall making me cough out my blood.

"You lost!" I heard the announcement making the hologram of my doppelganger disappeared

"Noob Overhaul:0. Badass Overhaul:15." Jesse announced making me glared at her.

"What? It is true you know. You lose to your doppelganger hologram 15 times. Need I say the first time you fight your hologram doppelganger he beat you in 2 movements." She told me while giving me a towel to wipe my sweat.

"At least now I can fight him longer than before," I replied while wiping my sweat.

But then Harrison Wells enter.

"You know if you fight your doppelganger right now you will be dead. " He told me.

"I know that," I replied and stand up.

"You want to fight more?" Harrison asked me.

"Nah. I needed to vent out my anger right now," I said and wear my hero suit with enveloping my face in a black mist.

Today, I am not going to patrol Central City once again stopping these petty crimes.

"Overhaul. A burn building near the Dessert cafe you like." I heard Harrison Wells talked to me.

"Copy that." I open a Warp Gate and walk through it.

Looking at the building I can see this building has 5 floors and the firemen still have not arrived.

Some citizens notice me with all of them take out their phone to take pictures of me.

"Look. It's Overhaul."

"Yeah. But he looks shorter."

"And he wears his old suit."

"But he is still a badass."

I actually liked the last comment with me hold out my hand towards the fire.

"What are you doing?" I heard Jesse asked me.

"Absorbing the fire," I replied.

"Then I will freeze this whole building," I added.

Then my left hand absorbed the fire with me feeling more energized than before.

I then touch the building with my right hand and encase it in ice.

"Okay folks who are in that building, you now can walk out safely." Said me in a loud tone with several footsteps can be heard from within that building.

About 10 people get out from that building.

I entered the building to see if there is any person in that building but then I block a slash from a katana with my frozen right hand.

"Dark Archer?" I asked but he just replied back with a step backwards and throw a grenade to me which I froze it.

Then he shot out 3 explosive arrows to me but with single swept of my hand, those arrows turned into a crisp.

"Hmm. Your fighting styles really is different from the Overhaul I knew." He said with a modulated voice.

"Who are you really? A clone?" He asked me but I did not answer.

Quietly I open a warp gate behind me with me shot many ice spikes toward him but he skilfully dodges them but it is according to my plan .

Opening many warp gate around him, the ice spikes kept attacking him.

He managed to avoid but one stabbed his knee making his movement for a second and that is all I need to punch his right face out of the building.

I ran after him only to see him he has disappeared.

"Ah. Damn it." I cursed.

"You should not punch him that hard," Jesse told me making me release a sigh.

"You are right. So any crimes that needed to be solved?" I ask them while looking at the sky but my eyes go winded as I see a figure landed in front of me.

"Well, no crime but you can kick his ass," Jesse said to me.

"Great. Green Arrow. Just the man who I wanted to beat so badly." I thought in my head.

I see he is staring at me with him pointing his arrow directly to me.

"Wells? Check if another League member is nearby? No way they send this archer alone to fight me." I muttered in a low tone.

"On it," Wells said while I am now starting at this Green Arrow.

"So Overhaul, it seems you got younger?" Green Arrow said to me but I kept quiet.

"Not a much talker eh? That is so like you." He said and I avoided a punch that comes from behind but sadly a kick hit my stomach made me crash to the wall.

"Oh, man. Shazam.Great. This man child hero." Muttered me.

"Not just that. It seems Martian Manhunter is nearby I guess he wanted to attack your mind but failed. But be aware of him. He can sneak attack upon you." Wells informed me making me crack my body.

"Hmm. So you 2 are going to fight me huh? You better entertain me." I told them and Shazam is the one who shot himself towards me.

A punch is sent to my face but I block the punch with my palm though I moved backwards for a few step.

I then grab his fist tightly and froze his entire arm but he headbutt me but I did not flinch as I grit my teeth in pain enduring from being headbutt by this Chosen One.

Conjuring my blue fire on my left palm I touch his face and burned him.

A burst of fire hit his face making him scream in pain with a straight kick towards his face that made him cough out blood sending him to crash to another building.

An arrow almost hit my knee but thankfully my right hand froze the arrow and it breaks upon hitting my knee who is now being hardened by Strength Force.

"Freeze Floor!" I slam down my hand on the ground with Green Arrow quickly get out of the building but did I let him to? No. I blast myself towards him with swing my left hand towards him.

"Blue Slash!" A slash of blue fire hit him sending him to fell to the ground with him rolling his body on the ground trying to erase the fire.

That is when I felt a presence behind me and I let clades half of my body with my blue flame making Martian Manhunter back away.

"You sure are sneaky Martian Manhunter," I said to him with him extending his finger trying to tie up my leg but sadly for him, a wall of fire made him unable to approach me.

"Give up Martian before you got injured badly by me." I treat him.

"I no we Justice League wanted to know who you really are. You look younger with your voice is different and your suit is different than before. Are you a clone?" He asks me.

"No. I am just taking over Overhaul's place until he comes back to this planet." I informed him and open a warp gate behind him.

Then a blade made of blue fire is placed on his neck making him freeze with sweats and fear can be seen on his face.

"I only said this once. Leave. Me. Alone. You will not like me when I lost patience. I maybe not the Overhaul you guys are familiar with but I assured you when you pissed me off, you will be the Overhaul you knew very well. I watch the video when you Justice League got thrashed by that Overhaul, got explode in your nose and eyes, maybe I should put this blue fire in your throats and ears along with your neck.

Or maybe froze your eyeballs or mouth completely. Those are some good options. I wonder how you like to be trapped in my a prison of blue flame that slowly will burn you alive to crisp." Said me to the Martian Manhunter with a cold expression on my face with the sound of promising pain can be heard from my mouth.

I noticed how Martian Manhunter flinches hearing that with him seems to be talking to someone.

"Must be talking to the Batman." I thought in my head and retract back my hand and erased my blue fire on Oliver's body who now has passed out on the street.

"Pick up your friends and get the hell out of this city. Remember my warning Martian if you and your friends did not want to get hurt like the last time you fought against that Overhaul." I told him and open a warp gate with my walk through it.


Seeing this new "Overhaul" gone, Martian Manhunter let out a sigh of relief as he almost felt like he will die after being corned by his blue fire.

"No doubt, Batman's suspicion of this Overhaul is from different universe is real.

"But still, even though he is not a powerful person like the Overhaul we knew, he still has that cunning mind and his powers are troublesome for us." Martian Manhunter thought.

Back to Brendan who now is training in the Star Labs while doing squats, while being pressured by Gravity 10X.

He then proceeded to do fingertip push-ups 50 times followed by one hand push-ups 60 times and lastly lifting dumbness that Wells made that used by his doppelganger which weight 100 ton.

Pushing his body to his limit and tearing his muscles, tiring his stamina, he kept fainting making Wells and Jesse worried about him.

"Brendan, I know you are training very hard to achieve the same level as your doppelganger but even he knows how to rest. You have been doing this for 3 weeks straight without rest." Wells said to Brendan who now is running around the labs while dragging his dumbells.

"It is just not that. I array read the news on what happened to this world. Darkseid, Thanagarian Invasion, the fight against Injustice League and lastly Darkseid, from what I see my doppelganger beat the Man of Steel, alone many times.

Outwitted the Dark Knight, Batman himself many times and defeated his Bat-family many times. Made the Joker afraid to approach him.

Even Shazam is afraid to fight against my doppelganger with his superfamily. And most of all he faced Darkseid with his sons and win against them which is a hard task even for Superman, the supposed strongest hero in Earth." Brendan told Harrison and then stop to look at him.

"And from what I see, he even beat The Fastest Man Alive, simply by making him freeze completely and made him a joke by stopping his speed easily. And me? I am even lucky to meet Zoom who let his guard down due to my age. I needed to be prepared to take down anyone who dared to cross path with me."

Harrison who hears this sigh.

"Stubborn like your doppelganger. " He said and then take out a paper.

"Here. Take this." He said to Brendan who take a look at the .

"This symbol?My symbol suit What you want me to do with this paper?" Brendan asks Harrison.

"Your doppelganger basement. For doppelganger once said to me to rip this paper and anyone who rips this paper will be magically teleported to his basement." He told Brendan.

"Seriously? What can I do at his basement?" Brendan asks Harrison.

"Become stronger. Your doppelganger as you can see not only excel in those Force and explosive power with cyrokines is, he also excels in magic." Harrison then showed a video of my doppelganger fight against Doctor Fate with him winning.

"You see? Your doppelganger also posses magic skills while you aren't. I believe there will be some notes in that basement to make you use magic as your doppelganger does." Harrison told Brendan who nodded his head.

"Thanks," Brendan said to Harrison.

"You are welcome." He replied with Brendan stopped his training and rip the paper. Then a magic circle appeared beneath him and Brendan disappeared from the training room.

"Crap. I forgot to tell him that there are a safety measure and that scary automaton." Harrison muttered while hoping that Brendan will be alive returning from his doppelganger basement.

But then his lab made a sound with Harrison take a look at his watch only to sigh seeing who is the intruder.

"Here comes the Justice League. Activate the Anti-Justice Safe Protocol." He said and sees his daughter walk to him.

"Are they here?" Jesse asked his father who nodded his head.

A red blur ran passed through that door but then 2 blasts of vibration hit the red blur making his run stop abruptly 2 darts attack his leg making the Flash scream in pain after being stabbed by the darts.

He then fell to the floor with feeling numb on his leg.

"Sorry Flash but when you got hunted by an evil speedster, you must have a security system to handle the like of you. Along with your super friends." Harrison muttered before a black blur fell beside the Flash in a net that is now binding the Dark Knight who is gritting his teeth as a slight movement will cause green figure tasered by millions of volts.

A green figure then appeared from the roof with slightly scorch body. This green figure is Martian Manhunter.

"Once again, I apologize for these actions gentlemen. Oh, and Atom, I suggest you shrink back to your normal size before my tiny robot mosquitoes that now are ready to kill you will kill you." Harrison muttered before Atom appeared.

Without him noticing another dart hit his waist making him fell to the floor.

"Hey! I do what you ordered." Atom said to Harrison who just chuckles hearing that.

"But getting in my building secretly is not good. You guys or heroes can count this as a safety measure." Harrison said and take a seat.

Before he knew it, Batman got freed from his bind and just a step away from grabbing Harrison collar, many guns appeared targeted the Dark Knight making him halt his movement.

"I suggest you did not do that Batman. I did not want your family to make a fuss in my building." Harrison told the Batman who just glared at him.

"Where is him?" Batman asked Harrison who just smiled.

"Who knows? Maybe at your Watchtower?" Harrison replied making Batman glared deeper at him.

"Do not take me as a fool Wells. I knew you hide him somewhere here." Batman said to Harrison who chuckles hearing this.

"That is funny coming from the guy who continuously hacked into my building CCTV cameras and system many times. And Martian, stop your useless mind-reading ability. It will not work on me." Harrison leisurely told the 3 League members before the building shook.

"Guess the Man Of Steel has arrived to check out his friends. I suggest you told him not to punch the barrier around my building anymore. It took years and sweats to build a barrier that can withstand his punches twice. Said to him my barrier break and a certain green stone will be shot towards him. " Harrison said coldly to them making Martian contacted Superman.

"He has agreed only if you let him enter into this building," Martian told Harrison who smiles hearing this.

"Put the barrier down and activated this room in red sun rays. " Harrison muttered before the walls let out a red sun rays that weakens Superman who groggily enter the room.

"That is for destroying my barrier, Superman," Harrison told Superman who just stared at him angrily.

"Why? Why do you help that Overhaul?" Batman finally voices out.

"Why I help this Overhaul? He reminded me of our Overhaul. You guys noticed right. Despite being younger and did not have a battle experience like our Overhaul, he still has that cunning mind to battle stronger opponents than him. Of course, his ability almost the same but with this young Overhaul seems are not creative like our Overhaul we miss. Wonder where he is now? Maybe on a planet after being teleported by you huh Batman? Who knows?" Harrison leisurely ask.

"For your information, our Overhaul will return shortly after have his journey in space ended. And he cannot wait to meet you, Batman, after you and your dear Doctor Fate send him to space, luckily he manages to survive in an unknown planet which is very far away from space." Harrison told Batman.

"He contacted you," Superman said to Harrison who nodded his head.

"Of course. After all, I am one of the people he trusts the most. He can just teleport back here but he decided to have his space adventure for a while. He said this to me" Wonder if the Justice League will still exist after I return?" Harrison said but all of them flinch hearing this.

They knew, Overhaul alone can defeat the strongest members many times.

"This Overhaul?The young one. Which universe is he?" Flash asked but Harrison did not answer his question.

"Ignoring that question, I am going to ask you League members to kindly get the hell out of my building right now," Harrison said before Atom suddenly said something that ticks him off.

"Why you side with this damn Overhaul? He is a killer. His hand already has the blood of the people or is he killed. He is a ruthless person. He is not a hero. Don't you see it? He used his power without care to kill those people and injured us. Even this young Overhaul will end up backing like him." Atom told Harrison who then glared at him.

"So what? Need to remind me you who rescued your ass when Doomsday arrived in this Earth when the main members of the Justice League got injured.Overhaul.Who defeats the Yellow Lantern Corps again? I know. Overhaul. And lastly who shooed away Darkseid and his army away from our planet? Overhaul.

More importantly, this young Overhaul rescued my precious daughter when you guys can't. Even when she got kidnapped with me almost, you guys did not come. You have the fastest man alive and yet you did not live up to your name. You are a joke Flash. Hear me. A joke. Lose to another speedster and yet still claimed yourself as the fastest man alive.

And you, you called yourselves the World Greatest Detective but it took you hours and days to find my daughter. And lastly, we have the Man Of Steel who is still with his rigorous justice attitude who have such amazing powers and yet is still dumb on using it. I cried. My tears fell down when I see that damn Zoom snatch away my daughter.

I screamed for help many times but guess what? No heroes came. Call for Overhaul. He is very far from Earth and is busy saving a planet which is not Earth at that time. And you guys, probably chasing women skirt while trying to cover up your identity or busy searching for a crime family which kept growing like grass.

So I decided to take a risk by goes to confront Zoom himself in another universe where I stumbled again a young Overhaul who can fend himself against Zoom why you fairly Flash. To u hear me? A young Overhaul managed to defeat Zoom while you barely can."

"Look, Wells. I am sorry for not able to protect this city from Zoo-"

"Save your apologies. I already got my daughter back. Now get the fuck out of my building or I will call the police. Now, scram. Get the fuck off my building!" Harrison shouted making the League members slowly get out from the building before being teleported back to The Watchtower.

"Dad. Are you alright?" Jesse asked her father.

"Yeah. I am alright." Harrison said.

"You know, the reason you are overprotective against this Overhaul is that you knew his father right?" Jesse said to Harrison who nodded his head.

"It is already enough he lived such a hard life, now the heroes are after his head and wanted to put him into a prison for killing those evil criminals. No way. I am not alone to protest about this matter. Many nations who Overhaul has rescued will immediately lash out at the Justice League will lose support from many nations.

It suffices enough that the Justice League barely kept the citizens safe by knocking out the criminals but the crime rate kept increasing with more villains kept getting freed from the prisons. And that is why Brendan must he prepared? Hopefully, he will be able to learn a few tricks from his doppelganger in his own doppelganger basement.