
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. The updates will be just the same as the other two, I'll update everyday. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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286 Chs

Chapter 89: Feel Your Own Weakness

The collapse of the seven-fold golden barrier was a magnificent spectacle.

It had been attacked by Quintessa from its central point, causing an instant eruption of uncontrollable solar energy. Every proton circuit connection point trembled as the golden barrier in outer space shook. Protons began to deviate from their trajectories, and energy went haywire.

Key nodes exploded one after another, causing the entire outer space golden barrier to burst from the inside out. The golden radiance scattered and dissipated into countless golden specks in the cosmos.

Beneath the seventh layer, the sixth layer started to collapse as well, unable to maintain the delicate balance of immense solar energy.

Quintessa stood in space, holding her scepter, and her metallic body exuded threads of terrifying destructive energy. Her blue eyes had a black ring around them, giving her a sinister and frightening appearance.

"Mmm, this kind of power..."

A delighted smile crossed her face as she moaned with pleasure.

The surface energy of Unicron had already been absorbed into her body through the scepter and was circulating within every single cell. Although absorbing the energy through the scepter would lower Unicron's energy level, the power she gained was still enough to conquer galaxies and become a universal overlord.

The power to conquer the universe now resides within her body.

After temporarily gaining Unicron's surface energy, she targeted the seven-fold golden barrier. She couldn't allow this carbon-based lifeform to become powerful enough to challenge her.

Quintessa's metallic figure exuded grace and sensuality. Her confident and seductive expression revealed an air of indifference and provocation to the universe. With an appreciative gaze, she looked at the seven-fold golden barrier that had been easily destroyed by her.

"All this grandeur, displayed for my sake. Hehehe, hahaha!"

Quintessa couldn't help but cover her mouth with the back of her hand to contain her excitement, fearing she might laugh so hard that her mouth would split open.

After a while, she recovered from her extravagant demeanor, putting an end to her excessive exuberance on the outside.

However, she hadn't forgotten about the one carbon-based lifeform.

Although they had never fought directly, they were her enemy.

Quintessa wouldn't admit that she had been afraid of this carbon-based lifeform before absorbing Unicron's surface energy.

But now, with the power of Unicron's surface energy coursing through her, she was the ruler of this universe, and everything belonged to her.

"I am the will of destiny, and I shall judge you all!"

No longer shall there be any creatures that can make me afraid.

Quintessa, with a smile on her lips, held her scepter in her hand, proclaiming, "All things in the universe belong to me!"

She gently waved her scepter, standing in space, radiating a tremendous gravitational force.

Countless threads of gravity extended from her back, like spider silk, stretching from her to the center of the Cybertron planet behind her.

Quintessa's figure paused briefly in the starry sky, then continued forward. She carried Cybertron on her back, held her scepter in one hand, and gazed at the stars, slowly advancing towards the center of the seven-fold golden barrier. Behind her, Cybertron was forcefully pulled, dragging it out from the depths of the cosmic sea.

This metallic planet, over 95 times the size of Earth, was being pulled forcefully by Quintessa. It appeared behind her as her background, with most of its celestial bodies gradually descending in the starry sky.

Quintessa floated to the atmosphere, her line of sight penetrating through the layers of the shattered golden barrier, and she saw H'el, who had already reduced himself to human size, murmuring to himself, "Is this my limit?"

"Am I so weak?"

"This can't be true."

"There must be a mistake."

"I can't be this weak!"

The seven-fold golden barrier had long lost its effect on H'el. In every cell of his body, he had opened a spatial rift, allowing abundant energy from all over the universe to seep into his cells, which he compressed and absorbed.

However, there was no fundamental change, and this left him in a state of mental turmoil. Different compressed energies were tested within his body to further evolve his cells, but after testing over ten thousand scientific methods, there was no further progress.

"Am I really H'el?"

"Am I really the mightiest Kryptonian?"

"Why am I so weak?"

He descended deeper into a state of obsession, muttering to himself, his pupils revealing his self-doubt.

Quintessa's gaze detected H'el muttering to himself in a state of obsession, and the fluctuations emanating from his body were not significantly different from before.

She let go of her last bit of hesitation, and her smile, like that of a benevolent saint, graced her lips.

She gently waved her scepter.

The seven-fold golden barrier, collapsing in the atmosphere, cracked open, and a golden shower of particles began to disperse. Quintessa emerged from the center, wearing a benevolent smile.

"Isn't your weakness natural?" Quintessa opened her arms, emerging from the golden atmosphere as if a benevolent Madonna had descended, her steel-like skin radiating a golden sheen, making her appear divine.

Seeing this carbon-based lifeform succumbing to self-doubt about his weakness, all the fear, humiliation, and anxiety Quintessa had felt towards H'el in the past turned into twisted, sinister thoughts that brought a strange delight to her heart.

At the same time, her black-bordered blue pupils gleamed with evil intentions.

Control him, make him conquer the universe for her.

Make him kneel at her feet and be her throne.

Make him grovel at her feet to please her.

"How can this be?"

"I can't be this weak!"

H'el furrowed his brows in a deep frown, his black pupils reflecting profound confusion.

Using his ability to change his size, particle spacing, and cell elasticity, he opened spatial rifts to absorb massive energy from locations filled with stellar energy in the cosmos. He allowed the energy to turn into electrons and run within his cells, but it still didn't change his fundamental nature.

These internal reactions of particle collisions, spinning rapidly within his cells, would have resulted in power capable of tearing continents apart with a mere touch. However, this wasn't the essential evolution H'el needed.

He was trapped in this obsession of self-doubt about his weakness, unable to extricate himself, and he couldn't hear Quintessa speaking.

Quintessa's black-bordered blue pupils flashed with ignored annoyance but then let out a cold humph.

Honestly, there was no need to argue with her slave.

"I'll make you lick up all the excrement as a minor punishment for disrespecting your master."

Meeting such a merciful master as herself is your good fortune.

But for now, she needed to make him understand.

The reason for his weakness was because he faced her!

She adjusted her posture slightly and descended from the air, ready to receive the cries of weakness from the feeble one. Her suspended body lowered slightly, prepared to let him grovel at her feet, releasing her benevolence.

"Feel your weakness!"

Quintessa gently waved her scepter, and a particle beam, small enough to pierce the moon, but compressed to the size of a thumb, shot toward Hail's exposed neck.

This thumb-sized, ultra-intense particle beam carried enough kinetic and thermal energy to pierce the moon. It made a 'whoosh' sound and hit H'el's major artery, leaving a faint red mark as it dissipated. The energy caused the skin to show subtle veins and fine lines where the thermal energy had flowed before vanishing.



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