
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime & Comics
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Welcome to the Suicide Squad

Isaac breathed heavily as the adrenaline from the battle started to subside. He started to feel every ache, every injury and every scratch on his body as gritted his teeth in pain. Both his arms lay limp by his side as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. The sleeves on his right arm he had just attacked with were completely torn, as well as most of his other clothes.

The female and Jay stood, lost for words as they stared at Isaac, the looks of shock and bewilderment never leaving their faces. Despite knowing the individual they were facing was a superhuman, they still found it hard to believe their tank had been defeated with a single measly palm. However, they saw how depleted and injured Isaac looked, sparking a glint of hope in them as they picked up their weapons.

Isaac stared at this as he tried to catch his breath. His Qi was running low after enhancing both his destroyed arms, his heart and his eyes. He had minuscule Qi supporting the rest of his body, however, Isaac didn't falter. He gritted his teeth as he prepared to engage.

"I can take the two of them. One good hit is all I need to put them down. The final stretch. Come on!" Yelled Isaac internally as he bent his legs, prepared to pounce. However, before he did, he noticed something. Something he had ignored throughout the battle. Someone was missing.

He was originally approached by four individuals. Yet, he only counted three. He had been so caught up in battle that he didn't even realise something this significant. As he thought this, Isaac started to hear whimpers and muffled cries coming out from the dark alley.

He didn't need his enhanced eyes to know these cries belonged to a female. And unfortunately, he was right. The missing foe came out from the dark alley as he licked his lips and smiled with a cocky grin. He wore his blue trench coat, and blue beanie held what looked to be a sharp boomerang against a female's throat and held her mouth with his palm. It wasn't just any female either.

"I wouldn't make another move if I were you, mate. It'd be a shame to bloody this pretty little neck." Said a man with a thick Australian accent as he emerged from the shadow, holding someone.

"Cass!" Yelled Isaac as he gritted his teeth in anger. The man released her mouth, allowing her to speak. However, no words were spoken. She stared at the dream-like scene before her. The small, fragile and heroic boy she knew now looked as if he had been hit by a train, standing over a monstrous being, nothing like she had ever seen before. She was lost for words and all that would come out was a name.

"Isaac?" Isaac stared at the man holding his friend, anger boiling inside of him as he thought of ways to save her. Before he could do anything, a familiar voice started to speak.

"You've put up a valiant effort, Mr Hale. However, I'm afraid this is as far as you go. Surrender or the girl dies." Said Waller in her usual monotone voice.

Isaac looked around for the voice as his mind went blank, clueless as to how to proceed. He stared at Cass and the weapon on her throat as she shivered in fear. Soon, a look of defeat crept up on Isaac's face as he spoke with a smile.

"It's alright, Cass. I'm sorry." He said as he looked away from her.

"Isaac. What's happening?" She said as she whimpered. In the next second, he looked at the two individuals standing before him and spoke.

"I surrender." He said as he retracted his Qi. In the next second, he felt a prick in his neck as a small dart stuck out. He winced and after a second, he started to feel drowsy. His eyelids became heavy as he couldn't find the strength to stand anymore, finally dropping to the ground and falling unconscious.


A man sat on a rooftop in the shadows, holding what looked to be a phone, quiet as if he were waiting for something.

"What have you found, Khan?" Said a voice through the man's communication device.

"The Monkey King has been attacked and captured by Amanda Waller." As he said this, the voice he had been talking to went silent for a few seconds.

"Amanda Waller? If I know anything about Waller, it's that she has a knack for manipulating others. If she's captured him, I think it's safe to say he's under her thumb. Return to base, it's time we start preparing." Commanded the voice, however, he was interrupted by Khan.

"Sir, there's something else. It's the Monkey King's identity." He confessed, making the other go quiet for a few seconds.

"I'm assuming he's an unknown person. Or at least someone not affiliated with us." He guessed.

"No, quite the opposite. The Monkey King is Isaac Hale."


A boy could be seen slowly opening his eyes as he was met with a stone ceiling. He felt a tight feeling around certain parts of his body and looked around, noticing both his arms, torso and head wrapped tightly in bandages. His arms were especially tight with a cast and sling attached to it. He wore plain white clothes and he was currently sleeping on a bed with an uncomfortably thin mattress.

As his memories started to return, Isaac leapt out from his bed and looked around, noticing the small stone room he was in, with the metal sink and toilet in the corner. He looked at the metallic door before him with a small slot that was barred and walked toward it.

"You're finally awake." Said a familiar voice that made Isaac grit his teeth. He walked to the door and looked through the barred slot and was met with a short-haired, dark-skinned female wearing a suit and skirt. She stood with a straight face and spoke in a monotone voice.

"Hello, Mr Hale. My name is Amanda Waller. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She said, making Isaac contort his face.

"Where's Cass?"

"You have my word, your friend is safe and back to living her normal life." She ensured, yet Isaac had trouble believing her.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" He asked the female whose demeanour didn't change once.

"You need not worry, Mr Hale. I am many things, however, a liar is not one of them." She said as she slightly paused and continued.

"Allow me to explain the situation. You, Isaac Hale, have been charged with attempted murder and illegal vigilantism." She said, shocking Isaac as evidenced by his face of bewilderment. Before he could say anything, Waller tapped a small tablet she had been carrying in her hand, turning it around and showing Isaac a video.

The video showed what looked to be Isaac, holding Juniper over a roof and subsequently letting him go, leading Juniper to fall to his doom. Isaac watched this and widened his eyes.

"You're lying. That's fake, it's not what happened." Said Isaac with a surprisingly calm demeanour.

"It might be. But who do you think people will believe? The Director of Argus who has proof, or a kid from the Ravenwood District." Said Waller with a straight face. Isaac stayed quiet for a few seconds before looking around.

"What's stopping me from breaking out of here? You know I'm more than capable of doing it." Threatened Isaac.

"Be my guest. That room is made of material that is specially made to keep you in. After analysing everything about you, I'm able to list every strength and weakness you possess."

"And even if that's not enough to quiet you down, just know we haven't kept our eye off that friend of yours. You may be able to escape us, but what do you think her chances will be? For what it's worth, you can trust me on that. Like I've said already, I am not a liar." Isaac stood with a dark face. He gritted his teeth as defeat washed over him.

"Don't worry, Mr Hale. Yes, you're a criminal now, but that doesn't mean you've outgrown your usefulness." As Waller said this, the door to the cell swung open.

"I trust you won't make a fuss. Follow me." She said as she started to walk. After a few seconds, Isaac followed her. He looked around and inspected his surroundings. As they walked through the white hallway, they passed countless cells that looked just like his. There were even times when Isaac would hear noises and what he assumed to be growls inside them.

They walked quietly and soon, they came to a large door that Waller placed her hand on. With what looked to be a light push, the door swung open, revealing a large auditorium. Isaac followed Waller and after entering, he was met with some familiar faces, all wearing the same plain white clothes as him.

"Hey, it's the kid! You're alive!" Yelled a female with pink and blue hair and pale skin while standing up and pointing at him.

"Allow me to introduce you. That peculiar individual is Harley Quinn." Said Waller, to which Harley waved and smiled.

"Nice to meetcha'."

"Deadshot, aka, Floyd Lawton." She continued as she pointed to a man with a noticeable broken nose and bruised face, which failed to cover his strong jawline, well-trimmed beard and the very noticeable scar on his cheek.

"You've got one hell of a pitch." He said with a straight face as Isaac took a few seconds to recognise him without the mask.

"Captain Boomerang, aka, Goerge Digger Harkness."

"You were lucky you didn't have to fight me, mate. I woulda ended ya." Said the man with a cocky smile and egotistical aura. Isaac remembered this man as the individual who held Cass as a hostage. Because of this, he unknowingly allowed animosity to seep out of him, making Goerge flinch slightly.

"King Shark, aka, Nanaue." As she said this, she pointed to a giant shark who sat in the corner. Despite it having fins and black beads as eyes, it still sat, acted and stood like a human. However, being the second time Isaac had seen a monster like this, he was much less surprised than the first time.

"I am Nanaue." Said the shark as it held a book in its hands, showing from its speech that its intelligence wasn't on normal human standards.

"Finally, Jay Harrison. But I believe you've already met." As she said this she pointed to a familiar spiky blond-haired man with black streaks in his hair, pouting as he sat while resting on his palm.

"Are you not gonna introduce yourself? Are you shy because he beat the crap outta you twice?" Said Harley in her usually chipper voice, prompting Jay to stand up.

"Shut the hell up, you crazy lunatic!" Yelled Jay while Harley cackled.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Asked Isaac as Waller walked up to the podium.

"It's only right to introduce you to your new teammates." Isaac squinted his eyes, finally hearing what he had been waiting for. This was all she wanted. To use him. And he had no other choice but to do as he was told.

"Isaac Hale, Welcome to the Suicide Squad."


You know what will really make me feel alive? (Other than a good night sleep and some adequate food. But that's for normal people)


Also, what are you waiting for? Join the discord!!
