
First Mission

A young boy could be seen celebrating in a cell as he jumped and laughed, cheering in the thick steam in the room, making it akin to a sauna.

"Are you celebrating something? Would you like some espresso to make a toast? And I promise, I didn't poison it." A chipper and distinct voice with a thick New York accent came from the neighbouring cell as Isaac paused what he was doing to listen.

"You're Harley Quinn, aren't you?" Asked Isaac after recognising the voice. He walked to his door and peeked out to see a cup being held with what looked to be coffee.

"That's me. Hey, no hard feelings for trynna kill ya. And for the times I may attempt it in the future." Said Harley with a cackle while Isaac listened in with a straight face.

"It's alright. How do you have coffee?" Asked Isaac, asking the question that had been bugging him.

"Oh, it's a reward for a job well done on one of our missions. I killed a bunch of people and for once in my life I was in the right." She answered, making Isaac raise an eyebrow as to why this girl spoke so gruesomely.

"How did you end up here?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

"Ah, that my newly young friend is a long story. But it's not like we have anywhere else to be. It all started when my puddin' and I tried to poison Gotham's water supply. It ended with Batman hanging me from a rooftop while my puddin' had no choice but to flee. He must have been so conflicted, but I'm glad he decided to save himself rather than sacrifice his life for me." As she spoke, Harley's words started to sound more like a romance story.

"Holy crap! You've seen the Batman?!" Yelled Isaac, ignoring the latter half of her story.

"Well yes, but that isn't the moral of the story…" Before she could finish, Harley started to hear what sounded like someone hyperventilating.

"That's amazing! What's he like? How does he look? What are his powers? Is it true he has a really deep voice that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies?" Isaac had bombarded her with countless questions, all in one breath.

"Let me tell you something! Batsy is a jerk who separated me from my puddin'. I'll get revenge on him one day, then my puddin' and I can live happily ever after." Said Harley, making Isaac raise an eyebrow.

"Who's this puddin' you keep speaking of?" He asked with a curious face, oblivious to the fact he was going to get a very detailed answer.

"You don't know Mr J? Allow me to educate you, you poor soul. My puddin' is the most talented, the most handsome and the funniest man in the world. His jokes are one of a kind that no one dares to forget. The name Joker…" Before she could finish, she was once again interrupted by what sounded like a rabid animal that could speak.

"YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH THE JOKER?!?" Yelled Isaac as foam started to appear on the corner of his mouth. This was too much for him, he couldn't handle it.

"Will you let me finish!" Yelled Harley as she waved her fist at Isaac.

"The next time I hear one of you screaming, I'll personally break out of here to slice your head off!" An angry voice yelled from the cell opposite Harley and Isaac as they stared at it. While Isaac tried to figure out where he had heard this voice, Harley spoke.

"To be honest, I thought you were gonna be all grumpy like Mr 'I have a sword and can't use it' over there." Said Harley, prompting Jay to run to his barred slot and yell, his hair limp and the blond colour fading.

"What the hell did you say?!" He yelled, with a crazed look in his eye.

"Well, she's not wrong. You swing that sword like an old lady." Admitted Isaac as both he and Harley nodded at the sincerity of their words.

"Oh, yeah?! Wait till I get to you, I'll stick my blade so far up your…" Before he could finish his threats, all their words were put to a stop as one could see a dark-skinned female standing before them all, accompanied by multiple bulky individuals in SWAT gear.

The female said nothing and kept walking as all three of the neighbouring cells were swung open. Isaac, Harley and Jay walked out slowly as they were eyed by the countless individuals who were heavily armed.

"Hello, boys." Said Harley as she stretched with a smile, her pink hair and pale skin still being the first thing one would notice.

She was ignored as they all started to walk in one direction. Soon, they entered a familiar auditorium and were met with the Suicide Squad. They took their seats while Waller stood at the front, standing behind a podium with countless armed men around them all. Isaac looked around the auditorium and noticed all the usual faces. However, he couldn't help but note the absence of a familiar reptilian monster. He hadn't seen that big green ogre since Ravenwood.

Wondering if he may have killed him, Isaac sat down while Jay did the same and Harley jumped and flipped to her seat in a classy fashion.

"Take a good look." Said Waller as an image projected behind her. A man with fashionable clothes, a few wrinkles, hazel eyes and black hair with streaks of grey showed as Isaac looked around, noticing everyone concentrating and focused.

"This is Victor Lawrence, a multimillionaire known for his work in fashion design. People who know him call him kind and compassionate, and his donations to charity and investments in small businesses would prove this claim." Isaac raised an eyebrow as he heard this, however, his confusion was put to ease as the female continued.

"That's who he is on the surface. However, behind the scenes, Mr Lawrence is the head of an organized crime syndicate, responsible for selling high-tech weapons to gangs and practically anyone who would buy them. What makes him so formidable is the fact that he was able to elude ARGUS for years, allowing him to build his organization tremendously." As Waller said this, she turned her head to a specific person in the room.

"We've only been able to learn of Mr Lawrence's identity thanks to Mr Harrison. He was once a member." She said, making everyone in the auditorium turn their head to him.

"You used to be part of an organization like that? And you left only to get captured? Hmm, perhaps you're dumber than I thought." Said Harley as she rested her head on her palm. Despite Jay's usual angered tone toward her mockery, this time he was calm as he spoke.

"I had no choice. If I'd stayed, they would have killed me." He confessed, making the room go quiet. After a few seconds, a man with a neatly trimmed beard and a large scar on his cheek raised his hand, his noticeable broken nose standing out.

"This is ARGUS. You deal with superhuman and metahuman threats. Isn't a random crime syndicate that I've never even heard of a little below your pay grade?" Asked Floyd, his question making everyone in the auditorium nod in agreement.

"Not only do the weapons this syndicate sells give regular humans extreme power and strength akin to that of a superhuman, but the organization also has a few Metahumans working under them, responsible for countless deaths of rival syndicates. Six individuals wielding superhuman abilities, calling themselves 'The Hexagon'." Harley perked her head up after hearing this, the usual chipper smile on her face.

"Were you part of the Hexagon?" She asked Jay while making exaggerated gestures with her hands.

"No. Those 6 are way above my level. They are Metahumans that could easily kill everyone in this room instantly. True killers." Said Jay, struggling to admit it, as evidenced by his tense posture and strained words.

"Be that as it may, your mission is to put an end to Victor Lawrence and the Hexagon. Whether you choose to be lethal or not is up to you, but I want Lawrence alive. He's part of a bigger ongoing investigation." Said Waller, making everyone in the hall, other than Isaac and Jay, grin widely.

"Yipee!" Cheered Harley.

"I can guarantee that I'll put these 'Hexagon' fellas in their place." Said George in his usual Australian accent.

"You'll be leaving in a week. Dismissed." Said Waller as she left, the rest of the Suicide Squad getting up after her. Isaac looked to his side and noticed the sharkman struggling to make it through the compact space. He looked over to Isaac with his black beads of eyes, gaping at the young black-haired kid. Isaac stared at him for a few seconds before whispering.

"That's cool." Isaac waved at the anomaly as they all left the auditorium, the three neighbours being sent back to their cell.

"Do you wanna hear more stories?" Asked Harley as she waved her hands to grab Isaac's attention, clear that the boredom of prison was getting to her.

"Not right now, sorry. I've got something to do." Replied Isaac, making Harley and Jay raise an eyebrow, thinking about what he could be doing in his empty cell.

"I've got one week. That's enough. In that time, I can break through the initial stage."


Knock knock

Who's there?


Power who...?


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