
DC: I am not just a Human

This is a story of an adventure. An adventure of Rahul who reincarnated twice before he reincarnated into the DC Universe, in his first life he was a regular human in a regular world that has superpower only in cinema, comic or novel before he found himself in the Dragon Ball world where he achieved the pick of power but never got the opportunity to make a family because he pursued power. Finally, he arrives in the DCU, let's join him on his adventures in this world and see how will he do after being single for 3 lifetimes. “Hey it's two and the 3rd one is not over. " complaint Rahul in frustration. Shut up or it will be 3 and I will make sure of it. Anyway, you won't be disappointed in his story since he is just a commoner in the world of Super-Heroes. “Maybe I will become a Super Hero someday. ” says Rahul with hope. Are you sure someone like you can ever be? “....”

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 3 Gotham is a crazy city


Gotham City.

14th November 2012.

By the time Rahul arrives at the Gotham City airport, it's already midnight after the airport crew notifies him about their arrival he finally wakes up from his sleep, and before long he walks through the gate of the airport just to discover a few advertisement balloons flying over the city making him say in amazement "Sure enough not even a few seconds into the city and I can already feel the danger in its air. "

"New in town? " as soon as he walks out of the airport someone asks with a smile him from inside a taxi.

"How do you know? " asks Rahul in surprise hearing the stranger's sudden question.

"Cause that is the expression of every person who arrived for the first time in Gotham City. " explains the taxi driver with a carefree tone before opening the door of the taxi and thrown a while bottle on the road to ask him "Address? "

"Sorry? " not understanding the reason for the taxi driver's request to know his address Rahul says in confusion.

"Can't you understand normal English boy, I am asking for your address so I can help you to your destination. " says the taxi driver before he started drinking another bottle of wine from who knows where.

"Yes, I understand you want my address so you can help me to my destination but I don't think it will be good for me when you are drunk. " shaking his head in disagreement says, Rahul.

"Boy you understand nothing drinking and driving is the tradition in this city, so you better hurry up and get in the taxi, else you can stay there the whole night. " screamed the taxi driver in anger upon rejection from Rahul.

'Why am I not surprised... sure enough Gotham is Gotham. ' thought Rahul with a smile on his face when he discovered it's not only the other taxi driver right before him but the other drivers are also drinking as if it's the end of the world and the most distinguished thing about this drivers are their dress.

Looking at them you will never think of them as taxi drivers but some gang members if they are not in the driver seat of the taxi.


While observing the other taxi the sound of an explosion attracted Rahul from the side when the taxi driver called out in a hurry "Dam it's the crazy clown, when did he escape from the prison.

Kid, I am asking you for the last time to get in or you can die here for all I care. "

"Then drop me ****" discovering the taxi driver losing his drink state from the expansion Rahul says with a smile before he gets in the taxi.

"Then hold tight since we are escaping this area before that crazy clown's arrival. " says the taxi driver before he turns on the taxi.


The taxi didn't take more than half an hour for them to arrive from the airport to the apartment assigned by the Wayne industry when it should have taken them more than an hour and this was only possible due to the reckless driving of the taxi driver who got them into an accident almost 8 times and he was forced to use his Ki to avoid the accident more than once but one thing for sure Gotham is not only more dangerous than he remembers from the comics, cartoon or movies but the residents are also crazy.

If they are not how the hell is they able to live here among this leave of chaos.

"I am already tired of this crazy shit let's just have a good sleep for now and hope there won't be anything crazy happening in the day. " said Rahul before he slammed into the bed and luckily for him no noise from outside entered his room after he closed the door of his apartment.

The next morning a strong earthquake that is strong enough to shake his apartment building and break the window glass works as an alarm clock to call wakes him from his sleep as he quickly responded by jumping out of the bed and dashing to the window just to shout "Your mother, who is causing an explosion this early in the morning. "

Glancing through across the road getting he discovered the building on the other side being demolished by an explosion as it becomes clear to him there is no earthquake but only a terrorist attack if the first thing in the morning is this situation he can only wonder about what else this city has reserved for him.

"Hope I wouldn't end up in a situation where there is no choice but to take action shortly after I moved in this city. " said Rahul before he went to the bathroom and not long after he left the apartment for office.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the Wayne industry since the apartment and his office are only 5 minutes away by foot, so with his speed and strength, he can cross the distance in less than a minute.

"Rahul Roy. " arriving at the reception of the office building Rahul introduced himself to the young lady on the other side.

"Mr. Wayne has instructed us to let you wait in the waiting room till he arrives at the office before we assign you to your duties. " explains the young lady with a smile.

"Then excise me. " says Rahul with a polite smile before he went to the reception area and taking an empty seat before the news on the television attracts his curiosity.

"Last night Joker was caught by the police before being sent to Arkham Asylum for additional care." says the commentator with a smile on his face before he continued "Now we will take you to live to the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department of Police where our reporter Sam is having an interview of Commissioner Gordon. "

The next moment there was a middle-aged man with white and mixed dark hair on the television "Last night after the airport incident we had surrounded the Joker and after subduing all his gang members he didn't have a way to escape.

This morning after a thorough checking we decorated to send him to the Arkham Asylum. "

"Commissioner Gordon this isn't the first time you are sending him in the Arkham Asylum and he has broken out from there a lot.

So what steps are you taking to stop him? "basks someone among the reporters.

"After his previous breakout, there is now a special prison especially made for him. " says Gordon with a serious face.

"Mr. Roy you are being called by Mr. Wayne in his office. " while looking at the television someone informs him from the door as he gives a nod before following behind the assistant who asks "This must be your first time in Gotham but don't worry about the crime in the city since you will get used to it in no time. "

"I hope I don't..."

Don't worry he will get used to Gotham before he understands or did he already git used to it.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts