
DC: I am Black Flash.

The Black Flash is a vigilante from the Justice League and is the main protagonist of the Out of Time storyline. He is a version of Travis LaRowe/ the Flash from an alternate future who blamed himself for the death of Wally West and became determined to prevent it. He starts with killing his enemies and use these actions to gain enough speed to correct his mistakes.

Travis_Larowe_3728 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

(Party time.)

Chapter eleven:

I was with Bruce Wayne in the lounge area, and Green Lantern walked over to us.

"Alright, Green Lantern?" I asked, as we shook hands.

"Woah, that voice." Green Lantern said while smiling.

"Yeah, puberty hits this one like a truck." Replied Bruce Wayne and slapped my back while walking away. Green Lantern and I walked over to the main party area, and he started telling a story.

"So I take the tank, fly up to the General's office, and drop it at his feet, and I'm like boom! You looking for this?" Said Green Lantern.

"That story kills everyone else." Green Lantern grumbled to himself as he walked away. I then walked over to the bar and sat down.

"I'll just have a Dr. Pepper." I said to Dinah Lance who was serving the drinks. I then cracked it open, and took a swig of it. I couldn't help but smile to myself whilst Hawkgirl, Superman, and Bruce Wayne were talking about Lois Lane and Selina Kyle. I must've been daydreaming for a solid ten minutes when Black Canary clicked her fingers, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry. I was uhm..." I said.

"Thinking about the enhanced?" Black Canary asked me.

"Her name is Jesse Quick. And no, I wasn't." I said, whilst tugging my ear.

"Well, I know you're lying. Because you're tugging your ear." Replied Dinah Lance.

"It's just... I don't know, a schoolboy crush." I said taking another drink from my Dr. Pepper.

"How many words have you spoken to her?" Dinah Lance asked me.

"That's not the point. Maybe she's just being told what to do." I finished my Dr. Pepper and flattened the can with my hand. I then walked away, and Oliver Queen took my seat. Superman grabbed my attention as I was about to walk past him. He pointed towards the bar, and I stood next to him watching Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance flirt with each other.

"When did that happen?" I asked Clark Kent who just shrugged his shoulders.

We all sat around a table after the party. Oliver Queen and Diana Prince was arguing about Zeus's lightning bolt.

"But it's a trick." Said Oliver Queen.

"No, no, it's much more than that." Replied Diana Prince.

"Ah, so whoever is worthy shall have Zeus's power. Whatever it's a trick." Green Arrow said.

"Please be my guest." Replied Wonder Woman.

"Go on." I said egging Green Arrow on.

"Really?" Replied Oliver Queen.

"Oliver, you've had a tough week. We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." Said Bruce Wayne. Everyone laughed as Green Arrow couldn't lift up Zeus's lightning bolt.

Bruce Wayne then stood up to try and lift Zeus's lightning bolt. "Never one to back down from a challenge. So if I lift it, I rule Olympus?" Said Bruce Wayne.

"Yes of course." Replied Wonder Woman.

Bruce Wayne tried lifting up Zeus's lightning bolt but nothing happened.

"I'll be back." Bruce Wayne said, before coming back with a grapnel gun from one of his suits. Nothing. He then got Green Lantern to help him. But the lightning bolt didn't move. Next up was Martian Manhunter and Billy Baston. And they couldn't move it.

"Come on Clark, it's our turn." I said. We then walked over to it, rolled up our sleeves and lifted. I then looked over at Diana Prince who smiled whenever we couldn't lift it.

"And, Canary?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered." She replied.

"Yes, it's a very impressive theory." Wonder Woman stood up and walked over to Zeus's lightning bolt before picking it up. "I have a simple one. You're all not worthy." Wonder Woman said while flipping Zeus's lightning bolt. There was a loud screeching noise, which made us all wince.

"Worthy, someone growled from behind us, and we all turned around. One of Batman's suits just stood there. It was desperate and in need of fixing.

"No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers." It then started walking towards us. "I'm sorry. I was asleep. Or was it a dream. There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... In... Wire. I had to kill the other person. She was a good person." Said the Batman suit.

"You killed someone?" Replied Clark Kent.

"Wouldn't be my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." Said the Batman suit.

"Who sent you?" Wonder Woman asked.

"More importantly, who are you?" I asked.

"I see a suit around the world.' The suit played back a message of what Bruce Wayne said.

"Brainiac." Replied Billy Baston.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis." Brainiac said, looking down at the Batman suit. "But I'm ready, I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" Asked Hawkgirl.

"Peace in our time." Replied Brainiac.