
Dc hero in Marvel

When "Batman Begins", which Anton single-handedly led, sold $1 billion worldwide, he knew that this Marvel world, which incorporates weird and weird movie elements, would be ruined beyond recognition...

Daewi_ · Anime & Comics
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A day in the life of the Daily Bugle

"Anton, wake up Anton!"

Betty Brant was helpless. Looking at Anton who was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle in front of her, she never imagined that J. Jonah Jameson would make such a mistake.

Will he happily hand over his years of hard work to his grandson, a rich second generation who dropped out of college and has no knowledge or skills?

Confused! !


Anton opened his eyes in confusion and subconsciously wiped a pool of saliva on his desk. Then he looked up blankly and looked at the young secretary with blond hair and blue eyes in front of him. He didn't know whether he was dreaming or not...

"Anton, this is the front page of tomorrow's Daily Bugle. I need your confirmation and signature."

Betty handed the file to Anton.

Anton subconsciously took the document, signed it and handed it back. Betty twisted her graceful body and left.

Anton looked at Betty's buttocks, and some messages came to his mind.

The young man's eyes widened involuntarily.

The memory captured an English name on Betty's file just now, and it suddenly dawned on her.

"No, the name I just signed is not my name...Anton, Anton? I scored 70 in English in the college entrance examination. I passed CET-4 twice in four years of college, with a maximum score of 364. How can I understand this..."

Suddenly, Anton stiffened.

The front page of the newspaper that had just been handed over by Betty and would be published tomorrow came to his mind strangely.

Never forget!

Anton was not excited about acquiring this essential skill for time travellers. Instead, he slumped on the soft boss chair, like a salted fish, and held his hair with his hands, unable to say anything.

Tony Stark! !

That newspaper just now was called the Daily Bugle?

That's enough to explain the situation!

Anton couldn't say it.

It's already the twenty-first century, and he knows exactly what happened to him.

Matching this kind of story is Goldfinger.

Of course it can't be a tasteless photographic memory...

"DC template?"

Anton groped his chin, lost in thought.

For a moment, it was as if time stopped and he was in a new world.

system space.

It's like a laboratory, surrounded by armors of various DC heroes, including Batman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Cyborg, The Atom, Wonder Woman, etc.

Various armors were shrouded in transparent light.

Anton stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that the transparent light was impenetrable, just like a girl who always wears safety pants under her skirt. Damn it.

"Unlock ways to increase the hero's fan value!"

Anton saw a line of words floating on the light and scratched his head. Complex information flooded into his mind again, hitting him like a heavy rain, making his brain swell and hurt.

"I see."

Anton understood that these DC hero armors were all prepared by the system for him.

The condition for unlocking these armors is to increase the fan value of the corresponding hero of the armor, and use the fan value to unlock the armor.

Of course, these armors contain all the abilities of the corresponding heroes.

In other words, once he puts on the suit, Anton can become Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman...etc., as if he has mixed in the wrong gender.

However, this is not important.

Anton is very excited. As a movie fan, he has been fascinated by the fantasy universe created by Marvel and DC countless times.

This time travel directly fulfilled his two wishes.

Anyway, he don't have much to miss about his previous life, and his previous loss of consciousness was also due to the confusion of what to do when I just traveled through time.

"The cheap father of this body is called John Jameson. He is an astronaut. His grandfather is J. Jonah Jameson, a famous entrepreneur in New York and the owner of the Daily Bugle."

Anton's eyes brightened slightly.

The Daily Bugle is a well-known newspaper in New York, with a market value of billions, and its tentacles extend to all walks of life in New York.

Anton can be considered a wealthy second generation with status.

According to memory, Jonah Jameson started from scratch, from a small reporter to a newspaper company with a market value of billions. Now he is a little tired and plans to stop and enjoy life.

Therefore, he willfully retained his position as the president of the Bugle Daily and let his grandson take over the post of editor-in-chief that he originally held part-time.

No one expressed any incomprehension about this appointment.

The Daily Bugle is a company wholly owned by Jonah Jameson and his most cherished enterprise.

It's most reassuring to have it in your own hands.

Is there anyone more dear to me than my grandson?

If we don't count on Anton, why should we count on Anton's cheap dad, Jonah Jameson's cheap son, the astronaut John?

Anton's thoughts changed.

[The system will randomly select the primary hero template]

As the thought fell, the armor around him flashed past his eyes like a revolving lantern. Finally, he settled on a black figure with a flying cloak and two pointed ears.


Anthony was not disappointed. In the Marvel world, the only way to choose Superman without any brains is to choose a random Batman. Besides, his favorite DC hero is Batman. Although Superman has more abilities, he can't bear the fact that Batman is DC's biological father!

[Since the main hero template is Batman, host will give obtained a special gift package for newbies - a fracture card. The original price of Batman with a fan value of 50 million is now only 9.98 million. If you can't buy it for 9.98 million, you will suffer a loss and you will be fooled. You deserve it]

A pleasant sound sounded in my ears.

The armor in front of Anton suddenly shined brightly, projecting scenes of images.

In addition to the standard armor, Batman's various armors also appeared, including Fenrir Armor, Rabbit Armor, Slam Armor, Insider Suit, Anti-Superman Armor, Kingdom Come Armor, and Thermal Armor. ,etc.

In addition, the image of Batman is constantly changing in Anton's eyes.

As a fan of Batman, Anton instantly recognized the identities of these Batmans.

It's all a darkened version of Batman.

Red Death, Dawnbreaker, Merciless War Demon, Killing Machine, Laughing Bat, Drowned Soul, Doomsday Bat...

Anton was stunned.

The regrets of not being randomly selected as Superman disappeared.

If these Batman armors could be redeemed, wouldn't he be able to run rampant?

After an unknown amount of time, Anton left the system space and felt the flow of time again.

A gentle warm breeze blew through the open window.

At this moment, Anton was in a very excited mood.

The confusion of traveling through time is completely covered by huge surprises.

Of course, redeeming the armor requires the hero's fan points.

For example, with the help of the Fracture Card, the Batman armor, which was originally worth 50 million fan points, now only costs 9.98 million.

But these special armors in the Batman template, as well as the special blackened forms, are not exchanged for fan points, but require justice points.

Fan value is easy to understand. A simple substitution can be understood as popularity. The higher the popularity, the more fans will naturally be.

The justice value refers to the reward points determined by the system after doing good deeds or fighting crimes, in units of thousands.

Anton looked at the justice values ​​required for these armors in the Batman template.

The least one is the Slam Armor, which requires 5 million justice points, followed by the Rabbit Armor worth 8 million, and the others are all worth more than 10 million. The highest armor, the Sixth Latitude "Ultimate Armor", is even worth hundreds of millions.

"This is a bit difficult!"

Anton pondered for a moment and realized the system's intention.

The fan value shows that the system hopes that Anton can expand the reputation of DC heroes in the Marvel world, and even occupy Marvel in the name of DC.

The justice value shows that the system does not want Anton to use some sideways methods to expand DC's reputation, but hopes that Anton can replace the gradually growing Marvel heroes by doing good things, or saving the world.


Anton chuckled.