
DC: Gotham's Gamer

Soldier, Warrior, Sniper, Martial Artist, Gamer, Game Developer, he was many things... now, he's Gotham's Gamer. I suck at writing these summary's but please read the first chapter and see what you think.

DaoistfGosi3 · Anime & Comics
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Past Life & A New Start

His previous name doesn't matter since he was reborn with a new name but he lived a rather fulfilling life,

He joined the military with his parent's permission at 16 but after just four years, he was assigned to the SAS for his genius-level intellect and cold/calculating demeanor.

After serving all over the world and earning himself a place as one of the best snipers in the world and several black belts in various martial arts, he left the military at the age of thirty-five and decided to follow his second childhood dream after completing his first on in becoming a world-renowned soldier... become a game developer and comic book collector.

He had quite a bit of success, after just four years, he created and sold a game that made him a few million but he didn't get to see a penny of it due to dying when God killed him before he was meant to.

After a rather bland a short meeting with God, he was given a system and all basic knowledge on how to use it, he was also to be born into the DC World.

Once he chose to be reincarnated as a much younger version of himself in the city of Gotham, he disappeared in a flash of light.

** One Second Later **

the moment his environment comes into focus, he quickly observes his surroundings and himself.

He's sitting on a park bench during the day, he's wearing a plain white shirt and a navy blue hoodie, black pants, and regular black running shoes.

He uses the newspaper next to him to appear like he's reading but in actuality, he's accessing his system.

'System Open'

[Greetings Master, Welcome to the System]

'character screen'


[Character Screen]

Titles: None

Name: Adrian Blight

Age: 15

Level: 1

HP: 250

SP: 250


Strength: 15

Perception: 15

Endurance: 15

Charisma: 10

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 20

Dexterity: 15

Luck: 10

Points Unspent: 0




Gamer's Body: Recover all HP, SP, & MP after six hours of sleep.

Gamer's Mind: remain in a state of calm at all times, does not negate emotions but nullify's all major outbursts.

Observe: Observe anything and gain knowledge on target.

Quest & Reward System: gain quests from the system, if they are completed you will gain rewards.


'Interesting, any quests for me at the moment'

[Quest: Pick one of the three random starting abilities]

[Stronger Skin: your skin and flesh are more durable and can take more damage before wounds appear]

[Hawk Eyes: like Legolas from LOTR, you can see super far to the point of seeing a fly ten miles away]

[Enhanced Stamina: have twice the amount of SP that you have right now]

"Hmm, Hawk Eyes is mediocre at best and i can probably increase my SP through regular exercises, I choose Stronger Skin"

The moment his words leave his mouth, a surge of power flow throughout his body.

Rising to his feet, he clenches his fists as a smile appears on his face, 'time to make some money'

** Three Hours Later **

Gotham's sun has set and the scum came out of the crevices like cockroaches, standing in an alleyway, Adrian stands above three thugs who have their necks broken.

Looking through the wallets of his dead friends, he pockets the cash and leaves the scene.

'$245 from just three bitches, not bad, i can get myself a laptop now', walking through the streets of downtown Gotham, he sees in the distance several figures running over some rooftops.

He ignores it and continues to walk into a nearby pawnshop.

The old man sitting across the counter with a sawed-off shotgun in his hands looks at him, "What can i help you with today?"

Looking around the store he picks up a new-ish laptop with a price tag of $150 and tosses $220 onto the counter, "I'll be using your internet for a few hours"

The old man merely nods before going back to reading his newspaper.

'Now, let's send Bruce Wayne a message'


Hello, Mr. Wayne.

My name is Adrian Blight, I have come up with an idea that perhaps with your money and Mr. Fox's touch, we could make a lot of money.

I know what your thinking, why don't i just turn the idea into reality myself?

The answer is simple, I'm fifteen years old, i am an orphan, and have no personal money or connections that can help me.

I'm not looking for pity, just ten minutes of your time.


He knew that Batman had a soft spot for orphans with incredible talent.

After clicking send, he takes two hours hacking into off-shore accounts of several millionaires and starts rerouting their money through several ghost account until finally entering one that only he has access to.

He didn't take enough money for people to notice, just enough so that he can rent a crappy apartment and some essentials.

Closing the laptop, he exits the pawnshop and heads to the nearest ATM.

After taking $500 from the machine, he heads to the nearest three-star hotel and rents a room with a window view of the city.

Once he took a quick shower, he lays in bed and falls quickly to sleep.

The Next Morning

Waking up and having a hot shower, he opens his laptop to sees a message.


I'm won't be at Wayne Enterprises this week, come by Wayne Manor and we can have a chat.

- B. Wayne


'Short and right to the point, I'll head over there in a few hours'

Leaving the hotel, he makes his way to a nearby formal clothing store, once he enters, he sees a beautiful pair of twin females at the counter.

"Hi, ladies, how much for a custom made suit, i need it within six hours"

The girls look at each other before answering, "The jacket will take some time but we can make custom shoes, socks, pants, shirt, and tie by lunch for $450"

Adrian gives a quick nod before handing over the money and leaving the store.

'Now that my clothes are taken care of, i need to put my idea on paper since it will make it real rather than just a brat throwing out his imaginations'

After taking out more money from a different ATM, he heads to an internet cafe on the upper side of town which just happens to have a photocopier machine.

He walked out an hour later with a folder.

** Six Hours Later **

Standing in the lobby area of Wayne Manor, he stands next to Alfred while waiting on Bruce.

"Alfred, who's the kid?", they turn to see an athletic man with black hair with a metal stick in each hand, next to him stands two younger boys in their teens.

'No way, Nightwing, Robin, and the future Red Hood', he had to cover his mouth to hide a small smile.

Adrian shakes his head and walks over to them, "I'm Adran, nice to meet you", he holds out his hand to no one in particular.

The youngest one, around thirteen, comes forward first, "Tim Drake, nice to mee you too"

After him, Dick and Jason greet him as well, "I'm here to show Mr. Wayne an idea i came up with, in hopes that he will either buy it from me or invest in it"

They all nod as Bruce make his way into the room, "Come this way Adrian and we'll see this idea of yours"

a minute later, they all sit in the dining room where Bruce gestures for him to start.

He looks around at his audience before getting started, "I was only able to create a single prototype of my idea so please be gentle with it"

This was a lie, he simply purchased them from his system store using the three souls of the thugs he killed.

Taking out his prototype, "This is a handheld camera with face recognition software, like such", he points it at Dick's face and takes a picture.

After just twenty seconds, it gives a plethora of information on Dick's background, "Richard John Grayson, raised in a circus, he watched as his parents died in front of him before being adopted by Bruce Wayne", he puts the device down.

"There's other information on you that appeared on it but i think that's enough", he slides the gadget over to Bruce.

"I have other ideas but they are just that, ideas, not anything concrete so far", Silence fell throughout the room as Bruce inspected the handheld gadget.

Each of the heroes in the room was thinking the same thing, 'that would help catch criminals'

Bruce interrupted the silence, "if i said that i wanted to purchase this from you, how much would you want", he said with a smile. he liked the boy in front of him, he had guts, ambition, and determination.

Adrian opened his mouth, "you can sell this technology to the police, the military, and heroes, you stand to make a lot of money from it... I want 120 million for it"

Over the next hour, he talked with everyone in the room including Alfred, often joking and sharing stories before he signed over all rights to the gadget and received his money.

**Chapter One Finished**

Please notify me on what you like and dislike so i can grow as a reader!

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