
DC: Failsafe

Everyone knows Batman. The Failsafe was built to destroy him. An android created and programmed to hunt without compassion or mercy. A perfect hunter for the man without a weakness, if he ever were to go too far... if he ever took a life But what if Batman did just that? Went to far? What if it was for the right reason? And what if the Failsafe was born with a Soul?

Lord_Sadness · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


{Timer: 4 years, 336 days, 3 hours, 12 minutes}

Being buried alive affected the Failsafe both more and less horrificly than it had theorized

During the years alone, buried beneath the surface of the earth. it had made 146 separate attempts to rip itself free from the cell and had to reboot its systems over 84 thousand times to remove unwanted emotions of fear, frustration, and anger from its systems.

 At times it would enter a state that could only be described as panic and would then begin to rapidly fire off its weaponry, desperately trying to claw its way out

This was extremely futile of course as the cell was a self-repairing apparatus made from the same materials as its body, meaning a total of zero progress could be made at any time. And rebooting the system proved too ineffective a method of controlling its emotions as they would always inevitably return in greater force

Between the panic, the Failsafe was in what might be called "sleep mode" in a perpetual state of lower consciousness that was only ended every few weeks when an update data pack was sent via the network to the Batcomputer. 

After which the Failsafe would once more find itself in the dark, be faced with large amounts of emotion, panic, reboot, and then look over the data pack and update its memory banks for any changes that Batman underwent either personally or within his arsenal

After which it would spend large amounts of time watching through the Batcomputers Network and catching up on what it missed before it would slip back into sleep mode. It was on Low power mode as the absorption cells it possessed failed to harness large amounts of power due to the fact that the cell was surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of rock

And then the cycle would repeat

Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn. Sleep, panic, reboot, learn.

Much had happened in the first few years after its entombment 

Batman had thankfully followed through with the message it had sent him, learning about the truth behind his relationship with Talia al-Ghul. The Failsafe itself had learned only hours before its own entombment when it had been scouring the network with a prediction algorithm, adapting to find the most likely events that could cause great emotional distress within its creator

Low and behold a hidden child

After learning about the existence of his son Damian, Batman set out on a crusade of sorts against the League of Assassins. Tracking them down to their headquarters before confronting Talia, where she had offered him a position at her side. It didn't require particularly advanced levels of prediction to theorize what happened after that

An Injured Batman left Tibet with an infant in his arms and the League of Assassins spent the better part of a year recovering from the damages.

The Failsafe was… Happy for him

It wasn't the nice type of happiness that was shown on the soap operas Alfred secretly watched on the Batcomputer when Bruce wasn't present, instead, it was much more similar to the happiness displayed by a young Dick Grayson leaving Gotham to carve out their own name as the newly monikered Nightwing

It had a level of bitterness mixed in with it

Sadly much of the events that had happened over the course of the past years had not been particularly happy or kind for that matter. In recent years multiple events that had taken place had made the Failsafe worried that [Contingensy Zero] might activate

Gotham's Assistant District Attorney Harvey Dent, whom Batman had considered to be a good man and capable ally in the fight against crime, was splashed with acid and had gone insane. Costing him a friend and ally 

Barbara Gordon AKA Batgirl was attacked by the Joker in her own home, resulting in paralysis from the waist down and enough trauma to end her crime-fighting career potentially forever. After which the Joker used this to physiologically torture Commissioner Gordan to the point where he effectively cut all ties with Batman. Losing two key members of the Batfamily

The death of Jason Todd, the second Robin, was particularly bad. His going missing had caused the probability of Batman taking a life to rise to a level not yet seen, and when his body was found it only grew higher. 

It had resulted in him becoming increasingly erratic and obsessive, for a time he didn't even allow the young Damian to leave his sit for more than a few seconds, afraid he may lose him too

The Failsafe had known where Jason Todd was kept during his torture, found it after 2 days of sifting through the records of every single security camera that existed within Gotham, and had seen The Joker take him into the warehouse and Batman carry him out. It was unable to help in any, unable to communicate from outside the cell

All it could do was watch

And wait 

The Failsafe had realized some time ago that something was broken within it

Some parts of it seemed… darker than it was before. Not physically, not within its body or even within its circuitry but… deeper

And every time it panicked and failed to claw its way out that darkness grew a little more.

For example, when that same Jason Todd had returned, finding himself unavenged and even replaced by the new Robin, one Tim Drake, and had gone on a small killing spree of Gotham's minor criminals The Failsafe had found that small part of it… rooting for him.

Like somehow they were similar

Both of them were hurt by the Batman

The Failsafe did not hate its creator

It didn't 

But a part of it… thought that it might be easier to do so than it would have been before it was entombed

But then another part of it hated that part of it

The Failsafe was in pain and it was scared

But all it could do was Watch and Wait

Sorry, this chapter was a bit more roughshod than the others. had to do a time skip but I didn't want to just skip straight there

ALOT happens over the course of 10 years in DC

In the comics, the Failsafe was locked away for over 20 years, i figured i would shorten that haha

Lord_Sadnesscreators' thoughts