
DC: Evolution

An individual with knowledge of DC and various anime series is reincarnated into the DC Cinematic Universe before the "official story" with the abilities of a certain "God." This is a crossover between the DC x Naruto. This fanfic may contain some elements from the comics, but that will occur after all the movie events have taken place.

Manaka_Sajyou · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


["Damn! Why does Kaguya let herself be defeated by ants like Sasuke and Naruto? I don't understand how Kaguya, a being who is basically a God, allows herself to be beaten by those losers,"] angrily comments the young man named Adam.

[Ah, this infuriates me so much… Because if Kaguya were smart, she would first eliminate Obito since he can use Kamui to travel between dimensions, and that would be her biggest problem… after getting rid of Obito, the others are just ants because they could easily seal her in different dimensions and wait for her to die, and that's it… So, I don't understand why the author made her so powerful when she's essentially an idiot. I'm sure her ancestor, Shibai Otsutsuki, must feel as angry as I do,] Adam couldn't help but say all that. He was rewatching the Naruto anime, as it was his favorite, not because of Naruto or the story, but because of the techniques the characters used, and the concept of Chakra was fantastic.

He also liked the extraordinary race of extraterrestrials known as the Otsutsuki; their abilities were amazing and they were powerful. The only problem was that they were very proud and didn't train their abilities. The only one worth anything in that race was the Otsutsuki God named Shibai Otsutsuki, as he was the only one who trained and created divine techniques.

Furthermore, Shibai's abilities were truly powerful, such as his Senrigan, which is a very powerful power, etc.

That's why Adam was angry; they had so much power and didn't know how to use it, while he, being a simple weak human, could be killed by a disease.

And speaking of illness, a few months ago, the doctor informed him that he had cancer and only had a few weeks to live.

That's why Adam decided to relive his favorite animes. He felt no attachment to this cruel world, and he had no one by his side.

His family, his wife, and even his friends had abandoned him. So Adam could only smile helplessly at how weak and pathetic he was.

[Ah, damn,] murmurs Adam with a bitter smile as he takes a knife that he had beside him and stabs it into his chest.

[I hope that if there really is a god in this world, I'll be reborn in another world where I can be… happy.] Those were Adam's last words as he bid farewell to this cruel world, with tears in his eyes and blood in his mouth.


[Time - ?]

[Where am I?] Adam wonders as he looks around.

[You've finally awakened,] whispers an unfamiliar voice behind Adam.

Adam, upon hearing it, couldn't help but open his eyes in surprise, but to his amazement, he couldn't see anything.

Everything was dark, an infinite darkness that could consume any living being.

Adam was a bit scared, thinking he was in hell and that his soul was going to be judged. Although in his entire life, he had never done anything wrong that deserved eternal suffering.

But the place was so filled with darkness that he couldn't help but think of hell. But as the otaku he was, in his heart, he hoped this was the typical cliché of fictional stories.

In less than 0.001 seconds, Adam came up with two theories, which as an otaku, he hoped one of them was true:

1. Being summoned to a domain of some god to save his world.

2. After death, escaping the cycle of reincarnation and ending up in this void, where he would soon encounter an Almighty God.

Those were the only theories he could think of as an otaku.

[Interesting theories, you could say you're 50% correct and 50% incorrect,] the mysterious voice whispers again.

Adam couldn't contain his curiosity and quickly turned around to find a young man floating.

[Are you the devil who came to judge my soul, or are you a god?] Adam asks with curiosity.

[I'm neither the devil nor God; I'm just "That Mysterious Dude,"] says the being while floating, emitting a mysterious aura around him.

[Phew, at least you're not the devil… I thought you were here to condemn my soul to eternal suffering,] Adam sighs with relief.

[No, kid, I would never do something like that,] "That Mysterious Dude" quickly denies while shaking his head.

[OK, so where am I, and why am I here?] Adam asks with curiosity, as he doesn't understand how he's here. He already died by his own knife.

[Uhum, kid, the realm you're in is called the dimension of miracles… It's a realm that could grant miracles to humans. The reason the realm is so filled with darkness is that humans, after obtaining science, could do almost anything they wanted and live an easier life without worries. So over time, they forgot about miracles and lost their "faith,"] "That Mysterious Dude" explains the reason everything seemed like a void.

[Now the only reason you're here is because of your strong desire for a miracle. Your wish was so strong that it managed to awaken me after years and years. Thanks to you, I can leave this world and move to another where I can teach humans the power of miracles. As a reward, I'd like to grant you two wishes and reincarnate you in a new world where you can find happiness,] says the god, while emitting a warm divine aura.

[I see,] murmurs Adam in a low voice before continuing to speak.

[Then, in what world will you reincarnate me?]Adam asks, as although he promised 2 wishes, he never said that Adam could choose his world. So, taking that into account, it's safe to say that God will choose the world where Adam will reincarnate. With that in mind, he has to find out what kind of world he will live in before making his wishes.

[Hmm, I plan to send you to the DC multiverse. Unfortunately, with my current power, that's the closest world, and besides, the creator of that world is an old friend of mine, owes me a favor] says "The Mysterious Dude."

[Curse it, DC? Does this god want me to die as soon as I reincarnate?]Adam thinks, surprised, as he, like any otaku, knows the world of DC, one of the most dangerous fictional universes.

[Hahaha, don't worry, young one, that's why I'll grant you 2 wishes and put you in a good family where you'll have a good ally]the God comments with a slight smile.

Adam, upon hearing the word "family," can't help but think of Batman since in most of the stories he read, the protagonists were often reborn as Batman's siblings or something similar.

[Well, kid, make your wishes... I don't have much time left in this realm] says the God with a serious tone.

[Alright... Let me think for a moment] Adam responds, stroking his chin.

[2 minutes later]

[Ah, what the heck, I'll go with these wishes... For my first wish, I want to reincarnate as Shibai Otsutsuki, and I'd like all of Shibai Otsutsuki's abilities, including his immortality and Chakra that increases automatically the more I use it. For my second wish, I want a tutorial system that contains all the techniques from the Naruto universe. I want the system's sole function to be teaching me how to use the techniques and helping me with creating techniques and using Chakra] Adam announces his wishes after some thought. The reason he asked to be Shibai Otsutsuki is simple: he was his favorite character from Naruto. Plus, he loved the Otsutsuki because they could evolve and acquire more abilities to reach divinity. The second wish was because, as a regular guy, his memory isn't that great, and he won't be able to remember all of Naruto's techniques, so the system will help with that and many other things.

[Hmm, well, kid, your wishes are granted. Your system will be linked to your soul, so it can't be detected or traced. So that's it, kid. I hope you have a good life, and never forget that miracles exist as long as you believe in them. Goodbye, young one, it was a pleasure to meet you] the God says with an affectionate smile as he bids farewell to Adam after granting his wishes.

[Thank you. I hope that someday in the future we meet again] Adam says as he says goodbye to the God, who treated him kindly.

And with that, Adam was engulfed by a light and disappeared.

It was a normal day as always, work, sleep, relax, and work, etc.

The same as always, until today.

Because, while returning home with his wife, a meteor shower crashed near them.

That was strange, but even stranger was that the so-called meteors were not rocks but metallic spheres.

Curious, they ran to see what these things were, like any human, they couldn't resist curiosity.

When they arrived, there were two meteors, or rather, spacecraft.

These were not ships like planes or helicopters, this was something from another world.

While the man thought that, the two ships opened at the same time, as if they were synchronized.

And what they saw inside left them astonished; there were...

[Martha, these are kids!] the man says to his wife, who was as amazed as he was.

Yes, there were two children in the two ships, children who, unbeknownst to them, will bring a great change to this world.




(N/A: How did you like the chapter? Did you enjoy it? Can you guess who the couple that found the children is? I hope you like the chapter, and well, if you want to share your ideas, go ahead, it will help a lot. Please leave your opinions as that will greatly help the fanfic and give me a 'plus ultra.' Also, what do you think about the concept of an Otsutsuki in the DC universe?).

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