

I got this idea from the two fan-fics by the names of "Zenith" and "Zenith: Last Revenant". Now, you're probably thinking, if you've read them both, oh so you're also doing a rewrite? No. I took the first part of the book and completely tweaked it. Enjoy.

New Earth+Earth 16+ Earth 38= My World


[Narrator POV]

This tale goes back 230 million years. After the seal of The Demon's Three. After the settlement of the Xan and the creation of their civilization. After the space gas that killed the Xan. After the paralysis of Eternal, and the discovery of Absorbium. In the Triassic period. In the middle of a large jungle, in the middle of Pangea.

All of a sudden, a drop of blood appeared in mid-air. Then it grew larger in the shape of a human, then muscles, tendons, cartilage, arteries, veins, organs, etc. Then flesh. Brown flesh. Tattoos of all kinds. A handsome, strong, and refined face. A muscular body. Black chest-length dreads. Golden eyes. A 5-inch flaccid penis hanging in between his legs.

Sorry for the detail if it made you uncomfortable, but you must understand the magnificence and meaning behind this event. So I must give you every detail possible. How do I know all of this? You may never know the answer. Now, let us fully immerse ourselves in this tale.


[Anax POV]

[230,000,000 Years Ago]

[Pangea Super-Continent]

All I can remember is...being. All of a sudden I was in my 6'10 body. Muscular. The breeze blew against every crevice of my body. The smell of fresh, untainted air, giant trees blocking the sun. Complete darkness. The sounds of nature. The soil, and grass underneath my feet. My dreads swung with the breeze and rubbed against my back.

At first, I could not understand...anything. Emotions. The concept of a tree. The concept of a Sun. The concept of darkness. Of light. I just had this primal instinct of fear. Fear of the dark, the sounds I was hearing. After all, I was in a jungle. I started to look around, my senses were in overdrive, I had many questions, but at the same time none. I didn't understand the concept of a question. I didn't know how to speak any languages at the time. I was in the rawest, most primitive, explicit state I could ever be in.

If I understood questions and could convey my feelings in words, my biggest question would be "Where am I?".

This all didn't last for more than 15 seconds before I could see just fine. I would later find out this was because of my infinite adaptation. I could and still can adapt to anything. I looked around and saw bugs half the size of my palm, and trees that were hundreds of feet tall. The grass was unattended to and grew up to the height of my knees. The grass was thick too. As thick as a pencil.

I began to walk around when I could see. I don't know how I knew how to walk, I just did. I walked for an unknown amount of time. With my knowledge now I would estimate about 5 hours before I finally made it out of the jungle. Considering its size I was already on the exterior of the jungle.

As soon as I walked out, I was greeted by the site of an open field that stretched for miles on miles. I was paralyzed by the sight. Not because of the beauty of the field, the clear sky, or the rainbow in the backdrop. But by the gigantic beasts a few hundred meters in front of me. I came to learn they were dinosaurs. These specific dinosaurs were a species called "Triceratops". None of them even noticed me but their presence alone plus my animal-like instincts persuaded me into running back into the forest as fast as I could.

I learned then and there that I ran fast. I was clocking around 32 mph. I also learned my dexterity and body control were monstrous due to my being able to run through a jungle with thick foliage and monstrous trees, without slowing down. But I didn't even register or know what to do with that information.

I came to a stop about 10 minutes later after realizing I was far away from those freaks of nature. Ironic because I was even more of a freak. I just didn't know it yet.

When I finally stopped and looked around I realized I was deep in the jungle again. Anger started to build up. I couldn't stand that another beast had dominated me without even acknowledging my existence. I wanted revenge. I wanted blood. I wanted power.

The rage boiled up and I let it out the only way I knew how. I let out a roar. A bone-rattling roar. Humans aren't supposed to be able to make a sound like that but my vocal cords were just strong enough.

After the roar, I punched a tree and knocked a chunk of bark off. My knuckles were demolished after though. I growled instinctively at the pain. Then I watched as half a second later my knuckles were completely fine. I rubbed them and they felt harder. I decided to punch the tree again. This time my hand went into the side of it. My hand broke. Once again it healed almost instantly. My hand felt stronger. So I punched the tree again. This time my whole arm went into the tree. Because of the gigantic size of the tree, I was barely halfway through. My arm broke, and my arm regenerated.

As I was going to try punching the tree with my left fist instead of my right, which I had been using, I heard the grass rustle behind me. I turned around swiftly and saw a gigantic snake. Before I could even react it was wrapped around me. I was dead within seconds.

That was how I came into life, and that was how I left life. For the first time at least.

[3 Months Later]

2 hours after the snake crushed me I woke up. I was now on the level of a superhuman after my body adapted. I could punch whole trees down, jump tens of feet in the air, hold my breath for hours, run at around 70 mph, see for miles on end, think 10x faster, and react hundreds of times faster. There were more changes, especially in my organs, but it'd take forever to explain them.

After I was reborn, I wandered around aimlessly in the jungle. I didn't need to eat like other humans. It seems that was a part of my adaptations. I later learned my body absorbed either sunlight to create its own food or the glucose inside the plants around me to nourish my body.

I found the snake 1 week later curled around a tree hanging off the branches. It noticed me and tried to attack me again. I jumped before it could wrap around me. As I began my descent, it opened its mouth and waited for me to land in it so that it could consume me. I was a pretty filling snack for it most likely. I was 6'10 and 250 pounds. I was around 96.5% muscle and 3.5% fat. As I was about to fall into the dark depths of its mouth, I landed on one of its gigantic fangs. I then reached down and pulled the other one out of its gums. It let out a hiss of pain, but it was cut off by its death. I stabbed its fang through its eye.

I was overjoyed by getting my revenge on something that turned me into prey that easily. I no longer felt weak. I felt like the predator I wanted to be. I looked to the heavens and let out a beastly roar. Then I felt the snake turn into mush under me. As I looked down its mush body mass began to fuse with my body. Next thing I knew I was standing on the ground. I felt something sharp in my mouth so I opened my mouth and felt around. My canines were now fangs.

As I bore my fangs I felt something drip off them and land on the floor. I looked down to see a green drop of venom melting through the floor like acid.

After I checked my new fangs I felt my body up. My skin was harder, I felt stronger overall, and I felt like I could "smell" with my tongue. All things I would find out were characteristics I gained from the snake.

Flash forward to 3 months later. I was in a cave. After my brain had been strengthened from my whole body being crushed and eaten, I had become smarter. I knew I couldn't keep just wandering around the jungle. To this day I still hadn't slept once. I had adapted to not needing to sleep but it was taxing mentally to never have a break. After I came to the cave I started making tools. Clubs, spears, bows, arrows. I figured I was stronger than these weapons but they would diversify my fighting style. I also discovered fire and made torches. I accidentally hit a spark rock, or the future named Flint, against a piece of hard rock, or the future named Iron.

You might me wondering what I was doing now that I had made all of these weapons, and invented the heart of mankind's development, fire. I had a simple and primitive goal. I was going to win my pride back. My pride was broken by my own feelings, to be honest. No one else thought of me any less because no one knew me. No one existed to know me. But I knew me. I wanted my pride back and I'd get it back by any means possible.

This all worked out well because I knew the perfect way for me to get my pride back. I was going to go make my predators my prey. Those big beasts I ran away from a few months ago. I was going to hunt them and bathe in their blood. I was going to kill my first dinosaur.