
First Significant Hunt

I walked through the jungle and made it to the field again. This time no dinosaurs were greeting me as soon as I walked out. I decided to keep walking to find the dinosaur I was looking for.

I walked through the vigorous and lush grass. I felt the breeze from the clement weather blowing against every inch of my skin. I smelled the morning dew sitting on the grass, the trees, and nature as a whole. I would have stopped to admire and appreciate the sights if my brain was more advanced than a Neanderthal's.

(AN: Just want y'all to know I'm sacrificing my chances for some play right now to write this chapter. Y'all better appreciate this.)

As I continued walking I finally found what I was looking for. One of the dinosaurs I saw 3 months ago.

Its whole figure was intimidating. Its horns, its scales, its large size. Everything. But I wouldn't allow it to affect me this time. I wouldn't allow myself to be intimidated into backing down. I wouldn't allow my pride to be stepped on this time. At least that's what I thought.

It finally acknowledged me. It took me getting within 5 meters of it for it to look at me. It looked at me for 2 seconds. Then it snorted and turned away from me.


Left, Right, Left, Right.





"Pain. Fading. Darkness."

What do these words sound like to you?

If you mix rage, arrogance, and ignorance into a human male in the Triassic Period you get a self-inflicted and painful death.

I woke up to loud thumps. The dinosaur was walking away from me.

I felt my heart stronger, my brain millions of years ahead of its time. I could now think. Words. Concepts. Emotions. Math. Colors. Light. Darkness. Things made sense to me now. I could speak and express myself through more than grunts.

'I see. I will continue this branch of my evolution later.'

I realized my brain was the most important thing to upgrade. Not to kill animals, not to continue dying, not to torture myself with training. Those were important too but what I needed was knowledge and intellect.

I looked at the Triceratops walking away from me. I decided to name it that at that moment.

'No. You don't get to walk away from me.'


I yelled with my newfound knowledge of a language I decided to name English.

(AN: It might seem forced but I just don't feel like making up new language names because that would cause a lot of confusion with me and you guys.)

It turned around, noticeably and understandably surprised by my liveliness. I guess it was used to stabbing things through the heart and them dying. I would be completely flabbergasted too.

It started walking back towards me. I guess it didn't forget my hostility just moments ago.

All of a sudden its walk turned into a charge. It seemed like it was running at me in slow motion. Seems my power-up was way more significant this time.

The Triceratops tilted its head down and pointed its horn toward me. I sidestepped the horn at the last second. I grabbed the horn from the side and started spinning the Triceratops around.



I let go of the Triceratops and it crashed through a group of trees and left a trail in the dirt. I flashed away and appeared in front of it. It stumbled to get up but I didn't let it. I watched it take its last breaths as I put my hand through its chest. I felt its heart pump its last as I squeezed it into bits. The Triceratops didn't stop breathing before it watched me stomp on the last remnants of its heart. Then I watched the light leave its eyes.

Honor. Retribution. Revenge. Pride.


I roared to the sky and felt the air around me shake. The birds squawked and flew away as they were scared out of their daily habit of sitting in the trees and being a nuisance.

My brain was more advanced now but not completely developed to the level of modern times. Probably somewhere around the 8th century. I couldn't help but succumb to my wild instincts.

I had trumped by biggest foe yet. My biggest self-imposed challenge. The beast of the wild. I had completed my only goal in life.....but now what?



I walked off into the jungle with nothing but the future on my mind.

'I'm in a world with no other humans. Just lizards and big ass bugs. What should I do? I know. Trades.'

I had figured it out. I had already learned to make makeshift spears, bows, arrows, etc. Why not master my craft? Carpentry, smithing, construction, etc. I had my goal. I should have known the answer from the beginning. My brain's evolution was my next and most important goal.

[2 Hours Later]

I made it back to my cave and went inside. I knew what I needed to do to achieve my goal. I walked deeper into the cave and found a pool of water and jumped in. I allowed the water to invade my lungs and embraced the sweet embrace of death.

When I woke up I was still underwater, but now I could breathe perfectly in. I came back up to the surface and I could feel my thoughts flowing faster. I immediately knew my plan worked. My brain was even more advanced. From then on, it was trial and error.

[5 Years Later]

[Narrator POV]

In a jungle if you searched far enough you could find a cave. This was a special cave though. Would you like to guess why? No, it's not the giant door at the entrance of the cave. No, it's not the furnace out front. No, it's not the gazebo sitting above the entrance of the cave protecting the shoes outside of the door from rain and other precipitation.

It's that it's the glorious and, for its time, the luxurious abode of Anax. If you went inside you'd see a decorated cave. Reptilian rugs and carcasses decorated the floors and walls. There was even a T-Rex statue in the direct center of the cave. There were many handmade tools. Iron hammers, pickaxes, shovels, etc. Then there was a muscular man dressed in the skin of reptilian animals lying down on a bed made of rock.

[Anax POV]

These 5 years have been long and interesting. I've made many advancements in my search for knowledge. Technology fascinates me. I've even made some equipment to help with haunting. Iron swords, battle axes, hatchets, iron-tipped arrows, better bows, etc. My greatest advancement was probably something else though. Something completely ahead of its time. The wheel.

I made carriages, a water wheel to bring water to me, and more things.

As I recapped over the last 5 years I stood up and walked out of my cave and saw something I was not expecting at all.

"Who the fuck are you?"