
DC: Dimensional Luck

In a world where aliens and gods wield unimaginable powers, Anthony finds himself in a new reality with powers known as Gacha and Dimensional Chat. He discovers friends, enemies, and unforeseen challenges that will test his understanding of power and destiny. [You have been chosen as the administrator of the Dimensional Group Chat] [Searching for participants started... 10%... 34%... 69%... 100%"] The participant has been added to Chat: "MissKnowItAll" The participant has been added to Chat: "Exhibitionist" The participant has been added to Chat: "AmbitionlessShinoa" The participant has been added to Chat: "God's Tongue" An administrator has been added to Chat: "BrotherOfSupervillainGenius" ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic i was merely translating this. Cover image is AI generated. ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Larchout

Sothisq · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Chapter 106: Arrive

Humanity has long considered itself the pinnacle of creation and the ultimate achievement of the "creator," the best of the best.

This is something that a lot of people really believe because they think that humans are the most intelligent beings in the world.

However, this perception has started to change recently, and the cause of this shift was... Superman. 

The one who flies faster than any jet can catch a tank shell mid-air, burn a hole in metal with his gaze, lift thousands of tons... and he is now being beaten.

There are some reporters called it "Final War" while listening to the terrible sounds of sonic booms and buildings falling down.

The alien ship had already shaken Metropolis's citizens' worldviews, but many were overwhelmed by despair when hostile beings with powers rivaling those of their beacon of hope emerged.

A huge amount of damage had already been done to Superman within minutes of the attack. 

The red lasers sliced through skyscrapers like a knife through butter, and the sonic waves from the blows shattered windows.

"I will take what belongs to our people, whether you want it or not son of El."

He shouted through his helmet and sent Superman flying high into the sky with a punch and a powerful leap to catch up with him. He grabbed Superman by the leg and threw him down.

Superman's body hit the sound barrier and the ground, breaking it into pieces.

"You are pathetically weak." 

He said this while placing his foot on Superman's groaning back.

"Nam-Ek, Faora, take him and..."

He began to issue orders and landed on a car.

However, he was suddenly struck hard on the helmet and sent flying with his body smashing through a truck and a few cars.

"Get away from him!" 

Kara shouted angrily and... scared. She knew who was in front of her, but she couldn't abandon her cousin.

"You... a familiar face. You are from the House of Zor-El, yes?" 

A woman said this in a more transparent helmet ensuring the general was unharmed.

"Another one of us... what has this cursed planet done to you!" 

General Zod exclaimed angrily, kicking a car straight at Kara. 

"We are one people, you should be on our side, and even you, Kal-El, I am willing to give you a chance despite your father's betrayal!"

"He... is not a traitor." 

Clark interjected and nodded at Kara. 

"I know who you are and what you've done... You're dangerous."


Zod raised his weapon to prepare to attack Clark who had his foot on his back.

"Yes! I am dangerous because I am desperate! Our people, our home, are dead, and you refuse to give up the Codex! It's because of your father's ghost, isn't it? What has he already said about me? Did he call me a monster? I am just doing everything for Krypton our home... even if it means destroying this planet."

"You're insane!" 

A female voice rang out, and she swiftly moved forward while activating her energy blade and deflecting Diana's sword strike.

"You're strong..." 

Faora said this in surprise while feeling immense resistance when pushing her back against her. 

She was also aware that she was getting weaker because her energy weapon was quickly losing energy.

"To battle!" 

Diana exclaimed and sent Faora flying with a shield strike, but she immediately had to shield herself from an energy blast from her weapon.

At the same time, a dozen more enemies in black suits flew in from above.

"Perhaps you'll change your mind when you see them all die." 

General Zod spoke, and this signaled the start of a full-fledged battle.

Clark flew into General Zod at a speed that was faster than fighter jets.

He hit him hard and threw him up, but then he quickly caught up and kept hitting him.

However, General Zod quickly adapted and, spinning in the air, kicked Clark directly in the head to free up space, but... his suit was completely shattered.

General Zod immediately felt the effects of the local atmosphere on himself and began to suffocate.

Meanwhile, Kara fought with other Kryptonians, and she was more prepared and able to withstand the blows unlike her cousin. 

A few steps away, a group of Kryptonians led by Faora attacked Diana.

She was surprised by how strongly the woman from this world fought back.

She had already realized that it wouldn't be easy when one of the warriors lunged at her, and she managed to sever his hand with her sword before knocking out his suit with a shield strike.


The city center was burning and filled with dust. 

The sounds of thunderous blows echoed throughout the city, and the building's windows were simply shattered. 

The humanoid robots were seen saving people who hadn't found cover yet, and many invisible drones were flying over the city center to record everything.

One of the Kryptonians kicked a car that was hurtling very fast toward a mother and child who hadn't been able to hide. 

Diana jumped out of the way of the car and cut it in half, and then jumped back into the fight.

Kara had also already saved several people from being crushed by huge building debris or other objects.

Surprisingly, the city police and other rescue assistance didn't just run away or hide but continued to help people and lead them to safe zones.

They felt calmer largely because of the robots' appearance which they had already seen near the LuthorCorp building.

"This way, hurry!"

One of the police officers shouted while flashing a flashlight to penetrate the huge dust and attract a group of people coughing and trying to find shelter.

"Ned, help them!"


Another law enforcement officer said that and ran to the people. 

The rumblings didn't stop for a moment, but the battle was happening several streets away from this place. 

The officer could hear his heartbeat with each rumble of the earthquake, and he even stopped breathing. 

However, a group of people was now approaching... as someone's body was carried between them while creating a hole in the glass of a clothing store.


There's someone from the group of civilians who exclaimed in horror while crouching down and covering their heads with their hands.

"Insignificant beings!" 

Someone said it from the hole, and the officer froze in horror upon seeing a figure emerging from there as if in dark armor. 

He frantically pulled out his pistol and aimed it at... someone.


That someone's gaze landed on the officer precisely, but the officer swallowed while opening fire. 

The bullets bounced off the dark armor and were completely useless...

"Underdeveloped species..." 

He didn't finish his sentence because the ignited scythe pierced his body, and then the one often mentioned in the news appeared beside him.

"N-Night Huntress?" 

A child from the group of civilians exclaimed when clearly recognizing the newly arrived figure.

"Exactly! But you'd better get out of here to a safe place..."

She dodged a sharp blow from someone in dark armor to kick him in the jaw. 

She seemed to teleport behind him in the dark mist while pulling out a huge scythe and delivering another blow.


[Anthony's POV]


I gave a brief overview of the situation when I appeared in my office. 

I could feel the vibrations from falling bodies and blows capable of demolishing the entire floor of a building and much more. 

Cortana immediately gave me a short description of the situation above. 

After teleporting to a high-rise building in the city center...

I could already see from here how the octopus-like ship absorbed quite an intriguing amount of energy in the Phantom Zone.

"The Iron Legion are managing their task of minimizing damage and redirecting all people to the shelters."

Cortana replied. 

"Drones are filming to capture all moments of the battle or at least the majority."

"Understood, thank you, dear."

I nodded, and my gaze stopped on the battle between Superman and General Zod. 

Clark was bigger and faster at the start of the fight, but Zod was just better prepared. He was a general, and he knew how to fight very well.

The yellow sun started to affect him even more over time especially since his suit was shattered. 

The photon energy built up inside him made him stronger and faster with each passing second.

Diana had an overwhelming advantage against the Kryptonians not just being stronger and faster but also skilled in combat. 

It might have been harder for her if they removed their suits and absorbed more photon energy, but as it was... seven soldiers had already been taken out.

One had a missing arm, another had a very large wound on his chest, and the third was simply knocked out by her shield...

She was fighting with the only fighter who could at least not lose right away, and it was Faora if I'm not mistaken.

Kara also had the upper hand due to her greater speed and strength, but she had clearly more skills than her cousin. 

However, she had clear bruises on her body, and it had been hard for her to fight three Kryptonians even though she wasn't as strong as her cousin.

"Stop resisting, daughter of Zor-El. We cannot be stopped. This planet and the Earthlings... are weak and cannot resist us."

The man in the suit spoke after successfully hitting her in the face, and the other two circled around her from the other side.


She glanced up for a moment and smiled. 

"Well, I guess now you'll get a taste of this 'weakness' yourselves." 

Kara's cheerful smile didn't indicate well for the Kryptonians, and they immediately understood that while turning towards the sound... of a person falling from a great height.

I smiled at her when I touched down in front of her.

"You shouldn't have come to my planet." 

I simply stated.

"Hm, arrogant humans..."

The Kryptonian replied arrogantly... and became the first target for my attack. 

I dashed towards him, and he received a blow to the jaw that created a loud crash and sent his body upwards.

Before he could react... I managed to grab his leg and flung him over me to slam him into the ground.

"One down. Kara, are you alright?"

I glanced at her.

I was attacked immediately by two other people. 

I caught their fists in my hands and crushed them while breaking both their suits and their hands before simply putting them to sleep with magic.

"Yes... you came just in time."

Apparently, she wanted to say something more, but a crash was heard, and the battered body of Clark landed not far from us.

"Kal-El! I will retrieve the codex from your lifeless body!" 

An enraged General Zod shouted while lasers shot from his eyes.

"Not on my watch." 

I created a portal in the path of the beams while another portal appeared behind General Zod, and his own attack hit him squarely in the back of the head.

"Boy scout, you alright?" 

I approached Clark and extended my hand which he grabbed onto and pulled himself up.

"You... thanks."

We had met a couple of times when I was in costume, just like now. 

He knew some things about me that made sense since I knew some things about him.

"Argh, I will eradicate life on..." 

General Zon tried to say something, but a gag appeared in his mouth, and then he was bound by glowing magical ropes created with Alchemy. 

He couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled.

"What was he even doing on this planet?" 

I asked Clark.

"I... I think it's my fault. I decided to fly to my people's ship and activate it... Apparently, they caught the signal." 

There was a clear self-blame in his voice especially noticeable when he looked at the destroyed building that miraculously hadn't collapsed yet. 

There would have been much more destruction, but I arrived just in time, and my "Iron Legions" handled the task well.

"Oh, then you definitely deserved this scolding from that general. What was he talking about, wiping life from the face of the planet?"

"As far as I understood, he wants to change the planet's atmosphere to make it like Krypton's."

Superman replied while wiping blood from his lips.

"I see." 

I approached Zod.

"You're planning is ten out of ten, simply the best of the most schizophrenic ones I've ever heard." 

I glanced again at him visibly enraged by his situation.



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