

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

finally back home (chapter 18)

Chapter 18

With a final, shuddering roar, the colossal creature crumpled to the ground, its demise a chaotic spectacle of destruction. Cain stood over the fallen behemoth, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed the battleground. The forest, once a lush sanctuary for their duel, now lay ravaged, bearing the raw marks of their tremendous power.

As the echoes of battle slowly faded into memory, Cain's ethereal blades dissipated, leaving behind an eerie silence that clung to the air like a heavy shroud. His pulse gradually settled, the adrenaline rush giving way to the dull throb of his battered body.

"Damn, I almost miss those museum heists," Cain mumbled as he let his exhausted form slump to the ground. The forest floor beneath him was uneven, a mix of fallen leaves and trampled underbrush, bearing witness to the fierce clash that had just taken place.

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 17 (0/9,500)]

[Spell-Points: 3]

[Mana-Charge: 7/17 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect ranged attacks, but it can only deflect 2 attacks, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: Two ethereal blades are summoned and launched at high speeds against the target, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Short-Warp: You jaunt through space for a short distance (150 meters), rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Almighty Strike: You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centered on you, knocking away enemies and rendering them disoriented, rank 1 (one spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Arc: A ball of lightning that can jump between foes, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Duplicate: You can create a duplicate of yourself that has access to all of your spells and requires no mana to use, but the duplicate only lasts 1 minute, [Rank 2 (2 spell points)] Cost: 1 charge.

"All of that, and I'm only at level 17," Cain grumbled as he reclined on his back, staring up at the sky. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape. His gaze settled on the storm brewing above, and a peculiar sense of unease gnawed at him. "That storm...?" His voice trailed off in contemplation.

A strange, pulsating sensation suddenly rippled through his hands, and he sat up, his eyes locked on the mysterious tattoo that had reappeared on his palm. "What's going on?" Cain muttered as a vivid red energy flowed from the creature he had vanquished and into his hand. Before he could make sense of this newfound phenomenon, he realized that a lone creature was sprinting towards him, its intention unknown.

"I thought I'd taken them all out," he said, raising his hand in defense. Just as he prepared for an impending encounter, something struck him forcefully from behind. Three more of the same creatures descended upon him, but they were different—faster and more relentless than the ones he'd previously dispatched.

A swarm of assailants engulfed Cain before he could react, leaving him with no recourse but to summon his arcane shield for protection. But just as the situation appeared dire, a bolt of lightning, born from the storm above, struck the seething mass. The electrifying spectacle briefly illuminated the chaotic battle, and then, darkness consumed both Cain and his attackers, plunging them into an uncertain abyss.

-Scene Change-

Amidst the remote, uninhabited island, a plume of smoke rose in the distance, marking the crash site of a plane. The front of the aircraft was engulfed in flames, casting an eerie glow across the wreckage. Emerging from the twisted metal, a figure came into view.

"The odds of your 'friend' surviving are rather slim, Wonder Woman," remarked a monkey in an impeccably tailored suit. Wonder Woman, her sword sheathed and shield secured to her back, meticulously surveyed the wreckage. "What about the sea?" she inquired.

The tension on the sea's surface suddenly shattered, revealing a man adorned in golden-scaled armor, brandishing an imposing trident. "I've checked, Diana. I'm sorry," Aquaman somberly reported. "Time is running short." The voices of a thousand plants resonated, reaffirming their dire situation. Diana, resolute, didnt have a change in expression as she looked around.

"All of magic is fading, Wonder Woman. Are we genuinely taking this risk?" queried a woman with long, flowing black hair, wearing a white vest over her elegant blue coat. Wonder Woman intervened before she could continue, her tone unwavering. "WE are not taking any risks, Zatanna. The risk lies with me," she asserted firmly, gripping Zatanna's coat collar. 

In that moment, the sky darkened, a tempest brewing overhead. All eyes turned upwards as something emerged from the midst of the storm.

"What's that?" Chip, the monkey, began, but a visible shockwave separated the figures. Two arcs of lightning danced in the air, connecting the descending figures. "Magic," someone whispered as the figures fell through the sky. "They're human, at least some of them are" observed the giant plant creature. Bright lights resembling a sword appeared as they continued their descent, and then, they vanished.

"That's definitely a magician," confirmed Zatanna. One of the figures reappeared before the group in an instant, taking them all by surprise. Among them was the infected one, its body entwined with plant tendrils. The other figure, who had just severed the infected one's head, was none other than Cain. "Diana?" he exclaimed in astonishment.

A swift figure dashed forward—Wonder Woman. Cain and Wonder Woman shared a long, passionate kiss before Cain noticed her attire. "Wait, wait, wait," he said, pulling back. "You're Wonder Woman?" His delight was palpable.

"Right, I didn't tell you," she admitted, glancing at his hand. "You're a magician? For How long?" she inquired with seriousness. A smile formed on Cain's lips as he examined his hand. "About a week now," he replied. Quickie, as he scrutinized Wonder Woman's attire. "You kept all of this from me?" Cain teased, his smirk widening. "I forgot you were an odd one," she retorted, facepalming in response.

"Forgive my interruption, but how are you using magic, given the current state of magic?" Zatanna questioned. Cain glanced down at his ethereal blade. "Oh, that reminds me," he said, planting another kiss on Wonder Woman's lips. "This is for teaching me how to use a sword. Without that knowledge, surviving in that place would've been impossible," Cain explained as the ethereal blade dissipated. "What place?" Diana asked, intrigued. "Oh, right. I ended up in a different world. I don't know what it was, but the moment I arrived, I was attacked by plant zombies. It was horrifying, to say the least. God, I've never hated plants more," Cain said, casting a brief, apologetic glance at the giant plant standing before him. "No offense," he added.