
(The hostage.)

Chapter five:

Listen up, people!

Perry White, editor in chief of the Daily Planet newspaper, addressed his staff.

I just wanna say good job on the Metropolis attack story last Thursday, he called. Olsen, great pics of Carilbok...

Uh, that's Kailbak, Perry. Said Lois Lane.

Right, Kailbak, thanks, Lane. Replied Perry White.

Lois Lane nodded in appreciation. She gave a sideways glance to her workmate, Jimmy Olsen, and they both shared a chuckle.

Now, of course, there is still ongoing investigation into how he managed to get his hands on that Lexcorp technology. Said Perry White.

Yeah, there's a real mystery! Muttered Jimmy Olsen.

So, Olsen, I want you to stay on that story!

Oh, what's the point, Chief? Said Jimmy Olsen. Even if Lex did give Kailbak that technology, we all know he'd find a way to cover his tracks.

Now, Olsen you know we're supposed to tell the stories, regardless of personal opinion, and you know the public loves a Eradicator story, said Perry White. So, you're taking this assignment!

Sure thing, Chief! Said Jimmy Olsen, with a small salute.

Now, onto the next order of business... Said Perry White.

As Perry White continued to bark at his staff, Lois Lane reclined in her chair, placing her hands behind her head. She let herself fall into deep thought, as she pondered over what Jimmy had said.

There was no doubt in her mind that Lex Luthor did indeed willingly provide Kailbak with Lexcorp technology, but what was puzzling her was why. After all, it was no secret that Lex Luthor hated Eradicator, and so providing any villain, let alone the son of Darkseid, with weaponry from his own company was guaranteed to raise suspicion.

It was a foolish move, and if there was one thing Lex Luthor was not, it was foolish. Then again, it was becoming more evident these days that Lex Luthor was not the man he once was. Years of failed attempts at destroying Eradicator had taken their toll, and the obsessive, vengeful personality that he had now adopted was concerning, to say the least.

Even fellow billionaire businessman, Bruce Wayne, had voiced his concerns on his last business trip to Metropolis. The head of Wayne Enterprise, he had, on several occasions, offered to assist Lex Luthor financially and executively, but Lex Luthor refused every time.

Whatever was happening, Lois Lane took a mental note to keep an eye on Lex Luthor. After all, experiences with some of Gotham City's criminals had taught her that there was nothing on earth more dangerous than a man without sanity or morals.


Suddenly, Lois Lane shocked herself back into reality. The desperate scream for help was heard by no one but her.

Please, somebody help me!

Lois Lane turned to the large window behind her, as she stood up out of her chair. Approaching the window, she looked out into the streets of Metropolis.

Please, help me! He's going to kill me!

Lois Lane leaned against the window pane, leering. As she tried to gauge distance by concentrating on the man's screams, her sight seemed to zoom in like a camera lens through the streets of Metropolis. Strangely, she also appeared to be able to see through solid walls, and view what occurred within buildings.

After a few moments of searching, Lois Lane realized that the screams were coming from a location that was out with the range of her superpowered vision. As she brought herself back to the office, she quickly tried to devise a way to excuse herself from the office.

Lane? Lane! Are you with us? Asked Perry White.

Lois Lane looked to see White, and everyone else, staring at her.

Huh? Oh, sorry, boss... just got stuff on my mind... Replied Lois Lane.

Well, get your head out of the clouds Lois, cause I'm putting you on assignment! Said Perry White.

Oh, great! What's the assignment? Replied Lois Lane.

There's rumors spreading of some illegal trading down at the docks, and that the perpetrators are using Lexcorp's dockside warehouses as a storage facilities. I need you to do some snooping around and investigate. Said Perry White.

Sure thing, Perry, I'll get right on that! Replied Lois Lane.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yelled White, stopping Lois Lane as she practically ran towards the exit. What's your hurry? It could be dangerous, I don't want you running off alone!

Don't worry, Perry, I'll just ask around if anyone's seen anything suspicious, assured Lois Lane. Besides, you know me, I work best alone.

Alright then... but please, Lois, be careful. Replied Perry White.

Oh, come on, Perry, said Lois Lane smirking. Aren't I always?

White shook his head as Lois Lane sprinted through the office doors.

Wow, said Olsen. I've never seen Smallville so excited over a story that wasn't about Eradicator...