
(The help from Batman and Wonder Woman.)

Chapter twelve:

And as Eradicator continues to tear the city apart, Metropolis asks why our once protector has turned against us. I speak now with Mayor Carla Fleming.

Mayor Fleming, what do you wish to say to the citizens of Metropolis?

Rachel, this is a dark day indeed for Metropolis. Not since the invasion of Darkseid, where Eradicator herself saved us, have we seen such destruction. For it to be at the hands of someone we not only trusted, but loved makes it all the more tragic. Said Mayor Fleming.

I reach out to all Metropolitans, and tell them to stay with their loved ones. Do not under any circumstances, remain or travel into the city. Replied Mayor Fleming.

People are scared, Mayor Fleming, and rightly so. Are there any contingency plans being put in place to stop Eradicator?

Yes, there are Rachel. As we speak, the final touches are being put in place in order to intiate the Anti-Hero Protocol. Said Mayor Fleming.

The Anti-Hero Protocol?

Yes, a somewhat controversial plan that involves using some of Metropolis, most powerful criminals. As I understand it, Parasite, Metallo, Livewire, Atomic Skull, and even Kailbak will be utilised in this plan. Replied Mayor Fleming.

A controversial plan indeed, mayor. Are you not concerned about how this will affect the people's faith in you as their leader?

Desperate times, cause for desperate measures. These villains are the only beings powerful enough to take on Eradicator, and she has to be stopped. Replied Mayor Fleming.

Sources claim that this protocol was created by Lex Luthor, someone you have publicity denounced over his continued campaign against Eradicator. Can you confirm this?

It is true Lex Luthor is the force behind this plan, and despite our history, I recognize that he is the best person to handle this situation... Replied Mayor Fleming.

Such a dreadful business...

After Pennyworth sighed as he watched the news broadcast on the large computer screen in the Batcave. Beside him sat a man dressed in a custome with a large insignia across it's chest.

What could have caused Eradicator to act like this? Said Alfred.

Alfred turned to the man, who did not respond.

Master Bruce? Replied Alfred.

Something wrong Alfred... Said Bruce Wayne, in a deep, gravelly voice.

How very perceptive of you, sir... Said Alfred.

No, I mean... look at her. Replied Bruce Wayne.

Alfred and Bruce Wayne watched a clip of Eradicator's destruction.

I've only ever seen Eradicator fight as furiously as that once before, when Darkseid invaded. Now, she just seems to be lashing out for no good reason. Said Bruce Wayne.

The two watched the clip for a few moments in silence, and then...

I think she's been poisoned, Alfred. Said Bruce Wayne.

Poisoned, sir? Replied Alfred.

Yes, by kryptonite or some mind altering drug. Perhaps she's hallucinating that Darkseid is back, and she believes she's fighting him again. Said Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne rose to his feet, and pulled his pointy eared mask over his head.

Whatever's going on... I have to find out what it is. Replied Bruce Wayne.

He then ran across the metallic floor, towards a gigantic black aircraft.

Bruce, wait! Called Alfred, running after him. You can't possibly stop an enraged Eradicator by yourself.

I'm not going to stop her, Alfred. Said Batman, as he settled into the cockpit of the Batwing. I'm going to save her.

Alfred sighed as he watched the visor of the Batwing close, before the aircraft can rise. It then turned towards the wall of the cave, as a section of it slid open to reveal the early afternoon sky. The Batwing then shot out of the cave, and onwards towards Metropolis.

Meanwhile, in an apartment in Washington DC someone else had been watching the news report. A tall woman with raven hair and dressed in burgundy, she leered at the screen as she heard the mention of Lex Luthor.

This isn't right... Diana said to herself... I can feel it... something's just not right...

As she pondered this, she rose to her feet.

I'm not sure what's going on, but I can't stay here and do nothing. I have to help Eradicator... by any means necessary... Diana said to herself.

Diana then began to twirl around on the spot, gaining speed as she did. Her body began to glow, and there was a flash of purple and red lightning before she finally stopped.

Now dressed in enchanted armor, with metallic bracelets, a tiara and knee high boots, Princess Diana of Themyscria looked at the television screen one last time.

Don't worry, Lois I'm on my way... Said Diana.

Diana then turned to open window, and flew through it, making her way towards Metropolis.