

"Piotr Rasputin, a super powered being that appeared out of nowhere in Gotham. He has showed the ability to change his form into a metallic based being. He lifted a man with one arm with with no show of discomfort which shows he might be stronger. He has appeared to be amnesiac which might not have raised flags before but now..."

"You are worried he might be involved with the Light?" Superman asked.

"I have come not to trust on coincidences. The day he appeared in Gotham is the day our three side kicks happened to head into Cadmus and rescue Superman's clone," Batman argued.

"Are you worried he might be a Cadmus bioengineered metahuman?" Flash asked with concern.

"Yes. He fits the profile quite well. No identity, appears out of nowhere, amnesia and his powers. Cadmus found a way to give their lab experiments they call Genomorphs super strength, super durability and some have telepathy and telekinesis. This might be another of the Genomorphs," Batman said.

"He does make a valid argument. Besides, the fire at the Cadmus facility might have been started by this Piotr," Green Arrow spoke up.

"To what end would starting a fire at the facility accomplish? It's true he might have come from the place. But, it is also true that this world is filled with people with the abilities to wipe memories from people. That might have happened to him," Black Canary spoke up.

"Actually, I think I might have another reason. I've been hearing chatter from Russia about a secret weapons making facility. The US have been speculating they might be making a bio weapon. This Piotr might be the bioweapon," Captain Atom said. The room was silence for a few moments as everyone digested this.

"That might be a possible outcome and probably the most sensible," one of the Green Lanterns said.

"If this is true Russia might be doing some serious infringement of human rights," Black Canary said.

"With no evidence, Piotr will continue being a hypothetical. For now, we need to know whether or not he is a threat to the League and most importantly, the country," Captain Atom spoke up before turning to Batman. "What is your assessment of him."

"I have spent little time with him but I do believe he is a generally kind person. When I saw him first, he used his powers to intimidate a street crook, if it was anyone else I believe violence would have been the first answer," Batman answered.

"What do we do then? We can't legally keep him here, it's called kidnapping yet we can't in good conscience let him out of our sight in case he is a threat," Green Lantern said.

"How about this team we were making that comprised of the sidekicks?" Wonderwoman asked.

"That would be putting them in danger," Flash said immediately.

"It would also help us with out situation. He stays with them while Red Tornado keeps an eye on him. He will not be part of the team thus will not undertake in the team's missions. Thus, he will be supervised by Red Tornado all day long till we can deal of a better situation for him," Batman said.

"I still do not like it but if it's temporary then I have no issue about it," Flash said.

"Besides, if he is really a spy or something, this might be a teachable moment for the team," Green Arrow decided to throw in dry humor but the deadpan stared he got for his effort made his scratch his neck in second hand embarassment.

"Then it's agreed on. Piotr Rasputin will be living in Mt Justice till we can determine if he is a threat or not. He will not participate in the team missions," Captain Atom said.

"What if he decides to leave?" Captain Marvel asked. "I mean, we are not technically imprisoning him since we can't do that. We also can't stop him from leaving if he wants to, that would be illegal. What then?"

"Leave that to me," Batman said before he stood up and walked away.

"Is he gonna explain it to us?" Hawkgirl asked. Superman just shrugged.


Batman walked into the holding area where the cells of the Watch Tower were located. He stopped at the only cell with an inhabitant which was Markus who was keeping himself busy by tracting and retracting his claws. He found out that his metallic form was actually made of Admantium by pure accident and also that the only way his claws would come out is it he was in his metallic form. But, his healing factor and speed are always on which was comforting.

"So you think I'm a spy?" he asked Batman who frowned a little.

"You could hear us?"

"Of course I can, it's your fault you did not think of that," Markus said before seating upright. In the internet, Batman had been praises to be a master level tactician and manipulator to a level that even him who knew so little about him had built an image of Batman as this master tactician that is hard to defeat. He figured he should show some honesty and probably get into his good books, he definitely did not want to be his target of ire.

"So you must know the situation we find ourselves in," Batman said, still softly.

"I do not envy you, it is bad situation," Markus agreed. "As the one involved, I put suggestion. I will agree to go to this Mt Justice on the condition I will protect myself when I am in danger." You can always count on superheroes' base of operation to be invaded by villians.

"You are voluntarily agreeing to stay in that place?"

"Da, if it makes you people trust me not to be a spy, then I agree," Markos answered. Batman nodded before putting in the code to open the cell.

"We will head over right away then," Batman said and led the way.