

Izak was surprised that he was still alive.

'How is that even possible?' he asked himself.

Izak sat up and looked down at the gunshot wound in his belly. His eyes widen in shocked as he saw the bullet which was still in him being pushed out and then regeneration as the wound healed in two seconds.

"What the fuck!!! "Izak said as he ran his fingers over want used to be a gun shoot wound.

'Frist I come back from the dead, then my fatal injury recovers almost instantly leaving not even a scar…'

Izak was still marvelling at his resurrection and quick recovery when suddenly he began to feel the temperature in his body dramatically rising. He immediately began to loosen his clothes hoping to alleviate the situation a bit but, the situation didn't change.

'I need to cool off' was his immediate thought.

Izak quickly got on to his feet and entered his apartment. He then went straight in to the bathroom, jumping in to the shower and turning on the cold water.

When the cold water touched his skin, he began to feel relief…

"AAAHHHH… that feels so good" he said as a smiled began to appear in his face.

Unfortunately for Izak the relief didn't last long. In fact the rise in his body temperature increased and reached a whole other level, causing his skin to beginning glowing.

Izak's body had now become so hot that the cold water on his body began to turn in to steam.

"WHAT IS HAPPENDING TO ME?" he cried out loud when suddenly, he bust in to flames. Izak scream at the top of his voice as pain was all he could feel.

He immediately passed out in the shower.

Izak woke up with a haze mind which quickly cleared when he remembered that he was on fire before he passed out.

He quickly down at his body and began checking his condition. As side form the fact that he was now naked, he was okay. There were no signs that he was ever on fire, but something was off to him.

Izak turned off the shower and walked to mirror in his bathroom, he needed to be sure if what he saw seeing was accurate. His jaw dropped at what he saw. His body had undergone a massive transformation becoming taller and more muscular with freakin abs.

"Damn…I look really good" he said as he checked out his body from different angles.

Izak was already a fit person with regular exercises in form of jogging and martial arts practice. He had never gone to a gym to do serious body building work outs so having this new body was amazing.

After the great change to his body finally sank in, he thought to himself 'What happened to me?'

Sensing his desire for answers, a flood of information from his sub conscious mind began to pour in to his conscious mind. This information revealed a lot to him.

Apparently when Bane shoot him leaving for dead, his body underwent an awakening in which dormant mutated genes with in him activated, causing changes to his body on an atomic level.

These changes resulted in to the development various superpowers as a side effect.

These super powers include; regeneration, invulnerability, super human strength, super human speed, super-hearing, enhanced vision, heat vision, flight, super human stamina, super human speed, super-breath, psychokinesis, telepathy, matter manipulation and Chronokinesis.

A smile slowly appeared on Izak's face as a laugh escaped his mouth.

"I have super powers" he said to his reflection.

"I HAVE SUPER POWERS" Izak yelled out loud as he began to dance around the bathroom in joy.

He suddenly stopped his naked dance as an idea popped in to his head, "I need to test out these super powers" he said yet again to his reflection in the mirror. Turning away from the mirror and he quickly headed to his room to put on some clothes.

Now dressed in a fresh set of clothes, Izak walked out his apartment passed the pool of his still drying blood then up a flight of stairs straight to the roof of his apartment building.

"Okay, let's give these powers a test ride"

Natural the first power he would be testing was flight. Everyone, who isn't afraid of heights, has at one point dreamt of flying through the sky like Superman.

Izak climbed the ledge of the roof. He looked down at the pavement four floors down…'I hope this works because falling from this height looks like it might hurt'

Izak closed his eyes and began picturing himself defying gravity as he flow through the sky…'I believe I can fly'

He opened his eyes ready to jump but soon released that there was no need. While he was closing his eyes picturing himself flying, his body began to levitate off the roof ledge until he was about ten meters in the air above the roof.

Seeing this, Izak got a huge confidence boost and shoot off flying across the Miami night sky creating sonic booms as he gained altitude.

When he cleared the cloud line, he came to a stop and began to levitate in the air looking down at the world below. He couldn't he but feel like a god.

'I love this feeling' he thought to himself.

Izak got over the feeling of god hood and checked flight of his list. He was wondering what power to test next when he heard the sound of huge engines below him. He looked down just in time to see an aeroplane fly past.

'I wonder…', Izak's eyes began to glow red before two beams of concentrated red energy fired out of his eyes slicing the wings of the aeroplane.

Without its wings, the aeroplane began to drop like a stone. With his super hearing, Izak could hear the passengers in the plane screaming while the pilot cried out mayday.

Check for heat vision and a check for super hearing…

Izak flow off chasing the aeroplane. He caught up to it in a few seconds. He then flow directly under the out of control plane and caught it. Using his strength, he was able to slow it down before completely bring it's free fall to a stop.

Check for super human strength…

'Now for psychokinesis'

The aeroplane began to slowly float out of his hands back in to the air until it was a meter away from him. He waved his hand to the right and the plane moved to the right. He waved left and the plane went left.

Psychokinesis is also a check.

Izak was really liking this checks. He was about to test out matter manipulation when his super hearing picked up the sound of sonic booms heading in his direction.

He looked in the direction of the approaching the sonic booms and with enhanced vision, he could see a blur of red and blue quickly approaching.

'Damn…it's Superman'

Izak wasn't confident he could win against Superman without getting a full handle on his super powers. He quickly with draw his psychokinesis causing the plane to drop.

Superman flow straight to catch the plane…

As for Izak, he called an image of his apartment in his mind and he vanished out of the sky to and appear in his apartment.

Teleportation check…

'Six out of fifteen…well seven if count regeneration. Not bad'

Suddenly the land line in his apartment began to ring. He decided to ignore it and let it go to voice mail.

"IZAK WE NEED REINFORCEMENT, THE MANSION IS UNDER ATTACK" someone on the other line yelled out over the sound of gun shots.

An evil smile appeared on his face as his eyes began to glow red, "Bane" he whispered.

Izak's powers are a direct copy of HÉL. See link for more on this DC character......


Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts