

The news of Sofia's success delighted Izak greatly.

"I guess my re-programming works. That is great news for me"

With this success, Izak began to think, if he could collect more skills and knowledge from the best of the best in all fields such as martial arts, technology, medicine, business etc. he could create a following that could do it all.

Izak smiled at the idea. But soon the smile disappeared when it occurred to him that even if he created a following that was great in all fields, they will be limited by the fact that they are only human.

'Even my matter manipulation can't solve that…at least not yet'

In a universe were beings like him, Superman, Wonder woman etc. exist, being human isn't not enough.

Right then as he was deep in thought, appearing on the tv was the evening news report about how people around the world were getting kidnapped and transformed into meta-humans against their will then being sold off to fight in wars cross the universe.

"Hmmm…meta-human army. That could be the solution I am looking for"

Still watching the news, Izak watched as the Troia the representative of Themyscira to the United Nations condemn the tariffing of meta-humans

'Themyscira…an island filled with female warriors could be a great acquisition'

Izak's perverted brain went to a fantasy land where he was having a massive ogre with an island filled with Amazonian female warriors.

'Yeah…I think I should do that like right now'

Izak stood up and walked to the terrace ready to take to the sky and fly off to take over an island of Amazonian's when the logical part of his brain kicked in.

'You actions will piss off Olympus, are you ready to take on the Gods?'


'I am strong but no that strong…at least on yet'


'I guess my dream of an Amazonian island ogre will have to wait'

Izak sulked for a bit before looking to the bright side

"Taking over Gotham is all but a given. I just need to put Penguin in his place…permanently"

From the terrace, Izak held out his hand using his telekinesis to pull a black duffle bag from the armoury in to his hands. He then launched in to the sky and headed towards Penguin's location.

Moments later, Izak was levitating in the air right above Penguin's base of operation, the Iceberg Lounge. This was legit business with a restaurant, bar and casino and currently it was buzzing with activity.

Using his enhanced vision, Izak x-rayed the building's interior searching all the floors looking to see if Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a Penguin was currently on site.


Oswald was in the penthouse and he wasn't along. There was a woman dressed in sexy black leather cat like outfit that didn't hide the fact that she had a rocking hot body.

"Who is that?"

Izak quickly used his enhanced hearing and began listening in on their conversation.

"…this is all the information I could get on Sofia Falcone" the sexy woman in black said as she handed Oswald a flash drive.

"Well done Selena" Oswald replied.

"Here is your payment" he added as he hand her an envelope filled with money worth ten thousand dollars.

"A pleasure doing business" Selena said as she began to leave.

He watched as Selena made her way out the penthouse through and open window on to the roof of building with movements similar to that of a cat.

'Selena... you will be my first pet' Izak thought to himself.

Selena who was now a few meters away from the Iceberg Lounge felt a shrive run down her spine. She shook off the feeling and went on her way.

Izak turned his attention away from Selena and back to Penguin.

'Time to make you disappear'

Izak landed on the top of the Iceberg Lounge before he opened the duffle bag that was filled with plastic explosives. Going super speed, Izak ran through the entirety Iceberg Lounge planting explosive on every floor.

With all the explosive planted, he teleported in to Oswald's penthouse.

On seeing him, Oswald pushed the call bottom bring all his guards to pour in to the penthouse raising the weapons and aiming at Izak.

"You are you and what do you want?" Oswald asked.

"My names is Izak and I am here to make a statement"

"What statement are you here to make Izak?"

Izak looked at Oswald then at the guns pointed at him before saying, "I am the new ruler of Gotham and should anybody resist me, death is the only answer"

Oswald laughed, "That is it"

"No, this is it" Izak replied before pushing the trigger.


Everything went up in flames as the building collapsed in to the ground. They were no survives except for Izak who flow out of the flames.

He levitated above the flaming ruins and made a call to Sofia.


"Penguin is dead. Being taking over his territory. Should anyone stand in your way, tell them what happened to Penguin will happen to them as well"


Izak hang up before flying off in the direction that Selena took.

I know it is a super short chapter but i am busy and

i am going to be super busy from today until Saturday evening.

This means i will not be able to post again till either Sunday or Monday, depending on weather i have recovered from the weekend.

The next chapter is titled 'The name is Lobo' so look forward to that.

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts