

[Outside Earth's atmosphere]

Selina, Pamela, Oliver, Elana, Mr. Freeze, and Diana were heading straight for Mars in their new ships made by Bruce, followed by fifty nanobots and three carriers, carrying the big guns. Their goal is to stop the Kryptonian ships from invading Earth.

"I'll cross out space exploration from my bucket list," Selina commented as she looked around the blackness of space. It was beautiful like no human being had ever seen. "So, anyone of you been to space before?" She asked the others through comms.

"First time for me as well," Elana responded.

"Same. Though I wish our first time were a bit better than this," Oliver added, looking out the window.

"I'd have liked to land on the moon, but oh, well, maybe on our way home after taking care of this mess," Pamela said, not sounding too bothered by the situation.

"Maybe we can swing by Mars too. I'd like to land on that red planet," Diana said as her ship flew toward the red planet.

"This is... absolutely fascinating," Victor remarked in awe.

"You okay there, Vic?" Selina asked Mr. Freeze, who was mostly quiet since they departed from Earth.

"Huh? Yes, yes, I'm fine. I am just marveling at the technology. Our billionaire friend is quite a genius."

"That's Bruce for you. We just hope this will be enough to take them down," Selina said, flying past Mars and heading straight for the Kryptonian mothership. "Wait, what's that?"

The team was getting close to the massive vessel and saw little blips emerging from it.

"Looks like they're sending fighters. Hold on, guys," Oliver said. The others braced themselves as the small spacecraft started firing their cannons.

"Activating energy shields," Diana said as her vessel and the rest of the team's ships became covered in an orange glow, deflecting the Kryptonian ships' projectiles. "Returning fire!" The Amazon fired missiles at the fighters.

One by one, the Kryptonians exploded when the missiles hit them while the mothership continued its course.

"Open fire," Selina commanded the nanobots to do just that as they reached the mothership. Their small energy weapons pummeled the Kryptonian war machine's shields, causing a great deal of damage but not enough to destroy it. "Vic... Set up those plasma cannons, now! Rest of you, scatter around and blast them off with everything. Don't give them time to recharge!"

"On it!" Victor and the carriers moved into position as Diana, Oliver, Pamela, and Elana dodged incoming cannon fire from the mothership, creating a flanking maneuver to take out the Kryptonians while avoiding the Kryptonian ship's big guns. The six Kryptonian ships were too big, compared to the ones they were in, but the firepower was definitely doing damage to the mothership.

"It's not working. We're barely making a dent in those shields," Oliver said, firing missiles at a Kryptonian ship.

"Keep them busy, I need time," Victor said as he connected his ship to the carriers. He went into the carrier and began to set up the big gun. He made sure to double-check the Pym Particles that will gigantify the canons.

"Hurry up, Vic! We can't keep this up forever!" Diana told him as she swerved left and right, dodging cannon fire.

"Almost done..."



"What's the holdup?" Zod shouted as he stood next to the bridge's command table.

"They are attempting to destroy the shields, but we have already taken too much damage, sir," a soldier reported. "Our main weapon system is offline. We need more time to fix it."

"Leave the mothership, and attack them directly," Zod ordered as the bridge's soldiers began to run out of the bridge. They opened the hatch and flew outside.


"Guys, I'm detecting twelve incoming targets!" Elana warned. "I can't get a read on them."

"This isn't good..." Oliver looked behind him and saw the Kryptonians heading straight for them.

"Victor, it might be as good time as any," Pamela began to fire the new weapons, specially made to do some damage in case the Kryptonians decided to fight up close.

"Already on it! Three more minutes," Victor informed.

The soldiers began to blast through the nanobots with ease. Within twenty seconds, they took down twenty of them.

"Shit," Selina fired a missile at one Kryptonian, who blew it up in the air before coming straight toward her.

"What do we do?!" Elana shouted.

"We'll just have to beat them up till they are dead," Diana charged in and crashed her ship into one of the six ships, creating a massive explosion, "I'll take care of this one."


[Inside that ship]

Diana emerged from the fiery explosion. The nanites formed a sword and shield in her hands which were giving off a faint green hue. She was ready to kill the enemy. And the enemies were there, right before her. As a warrior, she had only fought humans and animals, but Kryptonians... Well, they were a different matter altogether.

She had no idea how strong they were or what they could do. She only has the information she got from Bruce. But she didn't let that stop her. Diana would fight her foes and defend humanity at any cost.

The Kryptonian was wearing his armor as Diana blocked the first punch with her shield and hit back with her sword. The Kryptonian dodged it easily and shot a heat beam at Diana's chest. The Amazon rolled forward, evading it as she smashed her shield into her opponent's head, who stepped aside to dodge and kicked Diana in the back, but her nano suit absorbed the kinetic impact and redirected it back into the Kryptonian. The shock caused him to slide backward and not fall back.

"Haaaa!" Diana stepped in and swung her sword, but the Kryptonian blocked it with a blade of his own that came out of his gauntlet. She was surprised by this new development as the Kryptonian pulled back and thrust his arm out.

Diana brought up her shield to block it, but the impact from the hard smash sent her back. She flipped over, putting the shield on her back, and threw her lasso at the Kryptonina's neck, "Humff!" She flew around him, binding him with the lasso as she pulled it toward her.

"ARGGG!" The Kryptonian tried to break free, but the lasso of truth couldn't be broken by Kryptonian strength. Diana flew forward, jamming her sword straight into his throat, then kicked him into the wall.

"Hey, Diana! Still alive?" Oliver called her.

"Very much so." Diana pulled back her sword from the corpse and headed inside. Her arms were throbbing in pain. Even though she was wearing an extra layer of armor, that fight... It was the hardest two minutes of her life. A simple mistake would have been fatal.

"Good. It's about time Vic finishes the job."

"I'm done. Get out of that ship, Miss. Diana," Victor instructed.

Diana blew a hole in the ship's hull and flew outside, making her way toward the carrier.


[Inside the mothership]

"We are detecting a massive energy signature," Faora-Ul reported from the command table. "It's coming from inside the carriers. Their cannons must be activating!"

"Put up the emergency shield. Shut down the unnecessary functions, and put the power to the shield. Join the rest of the ships together. NOW! Humans..." Zod grumbled in anger. He had never imagined that the humans would bring something like this along with them to space. He had never imagined them to be this advance.

"All the ships are connected and their power sources are connected to the mothership. Focusing all the power on the shield," Faora-Ul reported.

Zod and the others stood up from their seats and watched in awe and horror as three massive cannons which seemed to be covering the entire space before them, were facing the mothership.

The green lights around the canons shone bright, and then the space distorted.

"GET OUT! NOW!" Zod yelled as he blasted through the hull of the ship and flew as fast as he could from the mothership. Faora and a few others, who were fast enough managed to get out.

The cannons fired, producing an unstoppable force that pierced the Kryptonian warship's emergency shield and shattered the metal alloy walls in the blink of an eye. The entire fleet was vaporized in the blink of an eye along with the mothership. There was nothing left... Nothing...


"Whoa..." Everyone's mouths were hanging open at seeing the result of their devastating attack.

"Don't get comfy," Elana looked up and saw the survivors' life signs in her visor, "Six of them survived."

"What about Superman? Is he on board or what?" Oliver asked Diana, knowing they wouldn't win in a straight-up fight.

"I'd explained the situation to him, the rest is up to him," Diana said as she looked up and saw the six surviving soldiers aiming their heat vision at her team.

"Ready for the second round!" Pamela yelled.

Twelve rays of heat visions shot forward at the same time, tearing apart the darkness of the space.


AN: Diana's sword and the new suits are fused with a synthetic material. It scatters nanite dust that goes into the body and corrodes the cells from inside. The nanite dust also contains traces of Skylar's lightning. Since it's somewhat comparable to magic, the process becomes much faster. Bruce made it after researching the dead body. 

Oh, and don't ask the price Skylar would make Bruce pay for draining her dry after this is all over. 

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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 125: Evolution

Ch: 126: New Allies

Ch: 127: The battle continues

Ch: 128: Human or Monster? [Vol-2 ends]

[Vol: 3] Ch: 129: Suit of Sorrows
