

[Location: Classified]

Joker was planning for his big debut along with Harley and a small group of criminals. Harley took advantage of Waller's death and stole some top-secret files from A.R.G.U.S. when no one was looking.

"Puddin' what's in those files?" Harley asked while peeking at the papers Joker was reading. She was in her classic Red and Black skin suit outfit, making her look incredibly sexy to others, but when you try to lay a finger on her, your life will end on the spot. That is if the Joker does not intervene. And everyone knows that he won't.

Joker didn't even spare her a glance. He merely mumbled the answer, "A plan for my..." He glanced at Harley and cleared his throat, "Our grand entry into the world."

"Oh, Puddin' what are we gonna do? Blow up buildings? Rob banks? Oh! Is it a new way for killing, Mister J?" Harley, all excited, jumped toward the madman to show him the attention he never asked for. "You can always rely on your Harley to bring some crazy things in this!"

She flipped her hair while adding a wink at the end, flirting at Joker without batting her eyelashes.

On the other hand, the clown prince didn't pay much attention, his concentration was mainly on those files, moreover, it's not the first time she had been acting all silly to get his attention, so why waste his precious time on her?

"You can tell me, pretty please! Pleeeeeeease! Pretty, pretty, please with whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherries on top. Nod. Ahaaa! You already know your Harleysy has a good brain, but sometimes I feel your brain is way too complicated," As Harley was about to go on one of her usual ramblings, Joker placed his palm over her mouth, "Mummmm~~"

"Harl, why don't you go and play with those new friends I saved for you? I'm pretty sure, you are gonna like them," Joker was a little angry and annoyed. After all, it was he who was trying to make plans, and here was his lunatic minion, making her useless comments.

"You sure you don't want lil' ol' Harl's help?" She looked down pressing her fingertips together in a pleading and submissive pose, giving him an innocent look as if she were a small puppy wanting to be played with by its owner.

'Fuck,' was all that was crossing Joker's mind right now. 'Argggg!'

"You can help me by taming those new friends first. So, chop, chop, get going," Joker said with a large smile, trying to get rid of her as soon as possible.

"All right, puddin', whatever you say," she lowered her head, pulling down her eyebrows to give a dejected look as if she couldn't agree with his orders. 'Ah, yeah,' she rolled her eyes, 'How can you handle anything all by yourself without hurting your puny brains, ya know? How dare you order your Harley like you're my fucking daddy. But, I'm sure that Mister J is upset and wants some lone time. My poor puddin',' Harley internally huffed her breath.

Harley went to the next room where two big cages were placed and inside them were two big hyenas that they took after their last raid on Gotham Zoo.

"Such nice puppies," The way she called them, it would have made someone believe her dogs were actually puppies and not fierce adult hyenas.

Both hyenas growled at Harley, their tail tucked between their legs, as they looked at the blonde girl standing in front of the caged.

"Don't be scared, babies," Harley ran over to one of those crates stacked near the window and took out big slices of raw meat. She waved two nice-smelling pieces of meat in her hand, then ran toward their cages. "Here ya go. One for each." She stood between the cages and held the meat pieces through the gaps in the cage, one meat piece in each.

Like little, hungry kids, the hyenas' eyes locked onto the meat. Saliva was dripping off their fangs. They were so hungry that they could no longer hold the animal side inside of their minds. They snatched the meat pieces out of her hand and began to chomp on them hungrily.

"No, you will eat them slowly. Do you want to choke on your lovely food?" Her voice was light, cheerful, and bubbly as usual, but still, a touch of threat could be noticed in her voice. But in her heart, she was very happy. She has already forgotten her sad talk with Joker, 'Oh, look at them. Such cuties, such precious cuties,' her mind had completely changed focus.

Harley opened the cages and knelt before them after they finished eating. "Come, don't be afraid. I promise I won't hurt you," she was smiling brightly, looking like a girl holding her puppy. Her eyes look as if they were sparkling. But the hyenas didn't come to her willingly. They stood at their place, shivering with fear. They were kinda mistreated in the zoo, as the caretaker often smuggled them for the circus in exchange for some side money. Hence, they couldn't trust people so easily.

Harley shook her hands to bring them back. "Don't be scared now, these hands only harm bad guys and some that Mister J didn't like. You want more meat?! Oops! I forgot your water. Wait for a sec," She scratched her head and gave an awkward smile when she remembered the thing they needed.

Harley began to run all over the room searching for bowls and water.

"Not here... Nope... Empty... What's this? A rubber pole?!" She threw a big long blue rubber dildo she found, "Whatever," she mumbled before she continued to look. After looking in every possible corner, she sighed, "Well, you babies just wait in there for a sec..." She ran out of the room in search of water, leaving the cages open.

"Going somewhere, Harl?" Joker asked noticing her running.

"Yup! Getting some water for my babies," Harley dashed out of the room like a bullet.

The hyenas took this chance, broke the crate open, and chomped on enough meat to recover their strength. Then, they went out of the room.

Joker, who was busy making some diabolical plan for his debut as a villain, heard a low growl coming out from behind him. He slowly turned around and saw those two feral hyenas looking at him as if they were hungry carnivores who found a meat-eating machine in a closed factory, smelling fresh and warm flesh, and their brain began to scream.

"Oh, you didn't!" He mumbled under his breath as he cursed Harley for leaving her work unfinished. 'Damn, you useless slut!.'

While Joker was slowly reaching out for the handgun on the table, Harley entered the room with a big bottle of water and two bowls. "Oh, you two are getting friendly with my Puddin'. Soooo cute!' She jumped toward them, placed the bottle and bowls on the floor, and hugged them tightly without a sign of fear.

'You crazy bitch!' Joker screamed in his head. He was surprised to see her like this. 'And here I thought I was the insane one.'

The confused hyenas were kinda taken aback by Harley's fearless behavior. No one had ever treated them so kindly, nor given them rubs on their back with care as she did.

They began to laugh as they went on the floor and raised their legs up as if telling Harley to pet their tummies too.

Harley, "You really like these rubs, huh?" She rubbed both their tummies. 'Wow, they even look like baby hyenas. They look so soft, cuddly, and round. Teehehehe! I'm sure they can rip out anyone's balls at a single command.'

"Would you look at that? Seems like you already trained them, Harls," Joker joked when he saw Harley treating them with tender care.

"Yay! Thankies, puddin'. A kissy for your missy?" She swooped over to Joker and rubbed her face on his cheeks, to which, Joker pushed her face away from his, "Get them away from here. I'm busy. You want to be a part of my grand plan, right? Then, go take your puppies outside. Just give them a bone to chew on or maybe rob a bank or something. Ah! I know, why don't ya steal one of those Wayne's trucks? I'm pretty sure they are carrying some nice goodies." He picked up a backpack that was lying under the table and shoved it in her arms. It was packed with plenty of guns, ammo, and other explosives, as well.

"Okay, puddin', will do," Harley answered with her usual giggles before rushing out. "But not without a littl' pat. Harl is too sad. Poor poor Harley, having no love," she stuck her lower lips outward and started staring at him pouting.

After what seemed like forever to her, Joker finally pats her on the head. 'Haaa... So annoying.'

"Here you go. Good girl, now, why don't you bring me a Wayne Enterprise truck," He handed her an envelope with the license plate details of the vehicle and a rough location.

"Okiie!" She began to leave the room.

"Lock your babies up before leaving, or take them," Joker yelled noticing those hyenas growl at him.

"Oopse! Ah! I know. Why don't ya come with your mommy?" She took the hyenas and went with them in tow.

"Beware of Bats. Although he hasn't shown his face in a while, you better be careful," Joker warned Harley.

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[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


Next, Ch: 152: Devil Bat out of retirement

Ch: 153: Devil Bat vs General

Ch: 154: Mr J is angry

Ch: 155: A chat with Barry

Ch: 156: A moment away from work & clone
