

Harley wiped the sweat from her forehead, a grin of satisfaction spreading across her face.

"Tehehe... Mr. J's goons are so easy ta kill..." She looked around the penthouse, at the bodies scattered throughout the rooms. Harley giggled as she imagined Joker's shocked face if he saw this. "Well, five more needs killin'. But my babies are kinda hungry. It's almost time for their midnight snacks..." An evil grin formed on her face as she went downstairs to the garage.

She sneaked into the garage.

In the garage, her two hyenas, Bud and Lou, were already stirring, sensing her presence. "Hey, boys," Harley whispered softly, stroking their fur. "You hungry? I got somethin' for ya..." She pointed at the door. "Some bad guys came to kill Mommy. Go get 'em!"

The hyenas growled hungrily, sniffing the air. Harley opened the garage door and Bud and Lou immediately charged out.

Five Joker goons were waiting outside when those hyenas suddenly jumped out of the darkness. Two instantly took down two of the goons, tearing apart their throats with a single bite. The other three were taken by surprise...

Harley didn't give them a chance to react. She stepped out of the shadows, her handgun aimed and ready. "Hey, boys," she called out, her voice dripping with mock sweetness. "Looking for little ol' me?" She fired three quick shots, each bullet finding its mark with deadly precision. The goons fell to the ground, their bodies hitting the pavement with a sickening thud.

Bud and Lou finished off the other two who were struggling to crawl away.

Harley laughed at the carnage, admiring her handiwork.

"Eat up, babies!" She cheered, patting Bud and Lou on the head.

Bud and Lou growled happily as they tore apart the corpses, feasting on the bloody flesh. Harley watched them with a smile before peeking out the gate. The two minivans were still there and she didn't spot any other Joker goons. "Hmmm... Ten goons came to kill Harls but died like flies. Mr. J must be sooo pissed right now!" Harley giggled imagining Joker's angry face.

She went back inside the gate...

The street was eerily quiet now, the only sound being the hyenas' satisfied growls as they finished their meal. Harley walked over to her pets, scratching them behind the ears. "Good boys," she murmured, her voice a soft lullaby. "Harls is so proud of you."

She stood up, wiping the blood from her hands onto her pants.

"Well, that was a fun little party," Harley said to herself, looking around at the dead bodies around her. "But I guess it's time to move on. Can't stay in one place for too long, right?" She made her way back into the penthouse, her mind already racing with plans for her next move. "Mr. J, you better watch out," she muttered to herself, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Harls is coming for you."

She grabbed her belongings, packing up her things quickly. As she walked through the penthouse one last time, she took a moment to admire the view from the balcony. The city below sparkled like a diamond, a beautiful, chaotic mess. Just like her.

Harley poured one last glass of champagne and took one last sip, savoring the taste. "To new beginnings and new deaths..." she said, raising her glass to the night sky. She then tossed the glass over the edge, watching it shatter on the pavement below.

With a final glance around the penthouse, Harley turned and walked away, her hyenas following close behind. She had a new plan, a new target, and nothing was going to stop her. She went to the minivan and checked it thoroughly for wires or bombs. As insane as Joker is, if there's a tiny amount of chance that he predicted Harley would kill his goons and steal one of the vans, then he would definitely have bombs or wires planted in them.

"Hehehe... Mr. J, you're really predictable." She found a ticking bomb under the driver's seat. Harley called the cops, told them about the bomb, and gave them tips on Joker's operations. Then she stole a car from the nearby parking lot and drove away.

Harley drove through the streets of Metropolis, her hyenas sitting in the passenger back seat. She hummed a cheerful tune, enjoying the fresh air and the freedom that came with it.

"Harl did some good today. Told the cops about Mr. J's operations and warned them about the bomb. Hehehe... Mr. J will be soo mad once he knows Harls killed his goons and tipped off the cops about his operations!" She laughed evilly imagining Joker's angry face.



Harley drove through the dark streets of Metropolis, plotting her next move. She knew Joker's main base was heavily guarded and filled with traps designed to kill or maim any unwelcome visitors. But Harley wasn't just any visitor. She was the one who installed those traps and knew his lair inside out. She knew how to get past the guards, avoid the traps, and most importantly, how to sabotage Joker's plans.

"Time for a little payback, Mr. J," she muttered under her breath, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel. She continued to drive while singing a song that she just made up on the spot.



Harley pulled up to a discreet spot a few blocks away from Joker's base, a dilapidated old factory on the outskirts of the city. The place looked abandoned from the outside, but Harley knew better. Inside, it was a fortress, teeming with Joker's goons and filled with his deadly toys. She parked the stolen car and gave her hyenas a stern look.

"Alright, boys, stay here and be good. Mommy's got some work to do." Bud and Lou whined softly but settled down in the back seat. Harley gave them a reassuring pat before slipping out of the car. "Ah! Since you two have been good all the way, I'll make an exception today and allow you two to kill any of Mr. J's goons who dare come and steal our stolen car. How does that sound?"

Bud and Lou barked excitedly, wagging their tails. Harley smiled and closed the car door, leaving her babies to guard the vehicle. She snuck closer to the factory, sticking to the shadows. The front entrance was heavily guarded, as she had expected. Harley smirked. She had no intention of going in through the front door.

She circled the perimeter of the factory. 'There you are,' she spotted the small, unguarded side door. It was locked, but that was a minor inconvenience. Harley pulled a set of lock-picking tools from her belt and set to work. Within moments, the door clicked open, and she slipped inside.

The interior of the factory was just as she remembered it: dimly lit, with a labyrinth of corridors and rooms. She moved silently, her senses on high alert. She could hear the distant murmur of voices and the occasional burst of maniacal laughter. Joker's goons were scattered throughout the building, but Harley knew how to avoid them. She took a few turns, ducked into a side passage, and found herself in the heart of Joker's lair: his workshop.

'Laugh all you want now, Mr. J. Soon, Harls' gonna make you fuckin' cry for trying to kill Harl,' She thought angrily.

The workshop was a chaotic mess of tools, chemicals, and half-finished gadgets. In the center of the room, on a large workbench, sat Joker's latest project: a poison bomb. Harley approached it cautiously, her eyes narrowing as she took in the intricate design. 'Dang! It's freakin' ass big!' The bomb was almost complete, its various components laid out in a certain order. Harley knew that one wrong move could set it off, but she was ready to sabotage it.

She waited for two hours before Joker fell asleep on his chair.

Harley crept toward the bomb, keeping her steps light and her breathing shallow. Joker stirred, but she froze, staying perfectly still until he fell back into a deep slumber. 'Damn! Mr. J must've stayed up late ta finish this bomb.' Harley carefully began to examine the bomb. She has experience in making bombs so she easily figured out how Joker's poison bomb works. She noticed that the bomb's timer was connected to the trigger.

'If the timer stops, the trigger will fire, releasing the poison gas. But what if there's no poison to begin with?' A large grin spread across Harley's face as she reached for the main part of the bomb, the poison core. She carefully pulled out the ten glass orbs filled with Joker's deadly concoction. Harley counted the number of glass orbs in her hands. 'Hmmm... Ten poison orbs. Now, what to do with these thingy?'

She carefully placed them down on the floor. Then walked over to the carte nearby. She remembered the glass balls that she had stolen from a factory. She mixed some chemicals together and made her own version of paintballs. She chuckled to herself, remembering the chaos she caused with those paintballs.

She replaced Joker's poison orbs with her paintballs. Then silently sneaked out of the base with those poison balls.

Harley went into the van and wondered what to do with these poison balls. Then she got an idea. She rode out of the city borders and buried the poison balls somewhere far away. Harley smiled to herself, satisfied with her work.

"Now, Mr. J, you're fucked."



Harley drove back to Metropolis, humming a cheerful tune. She went back to the new zoo and left her hyenas there. Bud and Lou whined, not wanting to part with Harley but Harley gently shushed them. "Mommy will be back, babies. Be good here. Harls gotta go on an important mission." She hugged them, then left.

Harley drove back to the base and killed one of the masked guards, then disguised herself as one of Joker's goons. She sneaked back inside the base, then blended in with the crowd.

[Present time] [Air carrier storage compartment]

Inside the storage of the carrier, Harley was dragging the bloody body of one of Joker's thugs. His head was a pulp. She hid it inside a crate.

"Just you wait for me Puddin'. Lil' ol' Harl will kill you painfully for trying to kill Harl and steal her recipes. Just you wait! Harl will show you how angry she can get when betrayed. But not before the paintwork. Tehehehe..."

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