

[Bruce's secret lab]

Bruce stopped the car near his lab.

"Where are we?" Pamela asked.

"A secret place that very few people know about," He replied as he opened the car door. "Wanna take a tour, might take those bad thoughts away?"

She shrugged, "Sure, I guess. But why bring me to your secret place? I mean...you don't even know me that well other than I work under you."

"Well, since we will be working together from now on, you need to know some of my secrets. Come on, let's go," He walked toward the high-tech security gate, where he put in a passcode and scanned his fingerprints. The gate opened, and he gestured for her to follow him. They walked through the narrow hallways until they stopped before another gate where he put his retina scan and heart monitor scan to open it.

"You need that much security? What are you hiding, a giant bomb? Illegal weapons?" She asked as they entered a large, brightly lit room.

He turned toward her and smiled without answering, then walked to the far end of the room.

"Wait! What's that smile?" She followed him.

He pushed a button on the wall, and a secret door slid open, revealing a massive cutting laboratory. The walls were filled with tools, chemicals, and medical equipment. There were a couple of supercomputers that he made himself along with the other high-tech gadgets.

"Wow, you really have a secret lab," Pamela said in awe. "What do you do here?"

He took off his coat and threw it over a chair. "Well, this is where I work on my own projects." He picked up a vial of green liquid. "For example, I'm working on a new medicine to cure cancer."

"You're joking, right?" She said as she looked at the chemicals and equipment. "How can you cure cancer with all these? And why do you have a plant growing in the corner?"

"Ah! I forgot to water it," Bruce grabbed the watering can and began to water the plant. "As for the plant, I'm not sure. It's a gift from someone."

"Well, if you don't mind, can you tell me more about your projects? How are you going to cure cancer?" She sat on a stool near the desk.

"Sure, I'll show you how it works." He took the vial and placed it in a small machine. "This is a DNA synthesizer. It allows us to create artificial DNA strands, which we can then use to insert into the cells of the cancerous tumor to replace the defective genes. This can ultimately destroy the cancerous cells and save the patient."

"Just like that? No side effects or anything?" She asked.

"Oh, no there are massive side effects. It only works in female patients, and it takes years of trials to perfect it. The downside is that it can kill some people before it saves them. But that's where your research comes in. I was planning to tell you about this, but I guess someone got a whiff of it and tried to attack you."

"You mean that mutated Ivy plant!" She exclaimed.

Bruce nodded, "Yes, as you already know the amount of toxin it produces, but its flower is a different matter. The pollen can be used to heal, not just to poison. Obviously, with proper testing and research, we can develop it into an actual medicine that can save millions of lives. But..."

Pamela looked at her mutated arms. Her green skin was kinda shining in the light. She looked back at him.

"Yeah, I had no idea that it would be potent enough to alter a human's DNA. But you got lucky," He said as he put the vial back on the desk.

"Lucky?" She said with a bit of sarcasm. "I have to live with this green skin and these mutated arms for the rest of my life. How can that be lucky?"

"Because you have superpowers now. You can control plants, produce poison, or heal and you can do so much more with this gift of yours. Just think about it. You can cure countless incurable diseases, save millions of lives, and protect yourself from any threat that comes your way. Isn't that a good thing?" He looked at her with a serious expression.

"Cure incurable diseases? Something like that is possible? But how?" She asked.

"It's all about finding the right combination of chemicals, genes, and plants. With your power and my tech, we can make it happen. Don't you want to try?" He looked at her with a smile.

"You mean it?" She looked at her mutated arms. "I...I don't know. It's all too much to take in."

Bruce walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If you want I can make a cure in a week or so to turn you back to normal. But think about it. You can do so much more and become a hero...just like me. We can do great things together, Pamela. Just say yes."

She looked at him, then at her arms. She could feel a slight tingle in them. Her plants were calling for her. It was a weird feeling, but she could feel all the trees and their roots around that place.

"Hero like you?!" She looked confused.

Bruce took out a small remote from his pocket and pressed the button. The tiles on the floor shifted, and a glass case rose up from the ground, revealing his Batman suit.

"What the hell?!" She jumped up from her seat, "You?" She looked back and forth between him and the Batman suit.

"Yes, it's me," He said. "I am Batman."

She looked at him for a second before bursting out laughing, "Oh my God, you almost had me there. That's a good joke, Bruce."

"Well," He said as he pressed the button again. Another glass case rose up, revealing his Iron Bat Suit.

"What?! No way!" She looked at both of the suits. "Are you both Batman and Iron Bat? That's impossible. You can't be both!"

"Yup! You think I will joke about such a serious matter? Pamela, I am gathering people with extraordinary abilities to create a league of heroes who can help protect the world from evil and danger. It's a huge task, and we need your help," He took her hands into his and looked her in the eyes.

"Are there others like me? I mean, what superpower do you have?" She didn't pull her hands away, instead softly grabbed his.

"So far, we are officially three members, if you join we will be four and then there are some other people who help us from the background. So you won't be alone. And as for my superpowers, I am rich," He smiled.

She chuckled, "Seriously, rich? I know that. So you are just a regular human in a bat suit? No superpowers or anything?"

"Who knows? Stick around long enough, and you might find out," He winked at her.

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Wayne? You do know I had a very terrifying morning and now with this mutation and you revealing massive secrets... It's just a lot to take in. Wait! Are you perhaps trying to sweet talk me into this superhero biz?" She looked at him curiously.

"Is it working?" He smiled again.

She hesitated for a bit. Bruce wasn't lying, he didn't need his tech to manipulate or fool her into anything. She saw the seriousness in his eyes, the genuine care for her well-being. And when he was talking about helping cure incurable diseases, there were genuine sparks in his eyes. He was one of those rare selfless people who put others' well-being first.

Moreover, he came to her rescue at a single call. Who knows what would've happened if he didn't arrive? But above all, he has always been kind to her and often used to swing by her work lab to check on her.

'Does he like me?!' She had no idea, but the question did cross her mind a few times in the past few years, but she never allowed herself to feel anything other than professional feelings for her boss. She wasn't sure why such a handsome and rich man was interested in her. But why shouldn't he be? She was smart, kind, and dedicated to her work. 'Arggg! My mind's a mess...'


"Don't push yourself. Take a few days. Spend some time with your teammates then decide. One thing is for sure, whatever you choose, I will respect that."

She looked at him and smiled, "Thank you."

Bruce gave her a small nod and stood up. He grabbed a blue vial from the shelf. "Well, shall we go?"


New Goal: 1000 PS.

Reward: I will release the new Spiderman fic as soon as I hit 1000 powerstones on this fic.😎😎 Sounds fair, right? Also, sounds impossible. But let's see.


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 16 chapters ahead⭐

[Spiderman- 0X early access- 21 chapters] [Release date: 1000 ps or 1st Feb. Whichever is first.] + [Big Brother in Marvel- Early access]

[Exclusive r18 contents] [No double billing] 


 Next Chapter: Ivy's deal