
i am on my way, i am on my way, i am on my way, i am iiiiiiiiiiii (chapter 2)

Chapter 2

Still in his sea of consciousness, ted saw the word "invisible" written in runic alphabet, floating in front of him as he smiled while he scratched all over his body, hoping to get rid of the itch as he watched the runic alphabet combine, mix and twist into the runic alphabet of I, which was exactly what it looked like, just the letter i, as he was suddenly kicked out of his sea of consciousness,

Arriving back in the rooftop where it was still where the sun was beginning to set, "fuck i am still itchy" he groanede as he felt thousands of ant still crawling under his skin, "well, that rune better have been…crafted…fuck why am i so sleepy" he though as he yawned, as he felt his eyes growing heavy, "right, spritual force exhuastion" he managed to utter as he involantrly closed his eyes, falling a sleep.

Waking up after 30 minutes of power nap, he yawned as he looked around, "well, that was a great nap" he yawned as he stared at his surrounding with momentary confusion, before he suddenly realised something, "right, my rune" he though as he though of something, "the effect of the rune is depeneding on the functions i defined and i cannot stress this enough, intentions, meaning that for a desired effect, i need to state what i need the rune to do while having the intention for the desired affect, for example, if i wanted to create a rune that allows me to turn into a dragon, i will need to use the corresponded elemental particle  and write in the runic languge that i wanted to turn into a dragon ," he though as he summoned his screen while crossing his hand.

"But that is out of the question for now, not only do i not have enough spiritual force to write so many words, the sensasion of controlling these darmn particles make it feel like someone is dragging my balls across a lava bed" he groaned as he looked at the screen while hoping and praying, "so what i did just now was practically a gamble," but the smile on his face as he saw the brand new rune on his rune tag made all the sensasion of thousand atns crawling through his skin vanish as if it was never there.

[ Name: Ted ]

[ Spiritual-Force: 0.1/1.01 ( 1 spiritual force is equal to 1 minute of control,meditation would allow for the recovery of spiritual force) ]

[ Current-Runes: 

Invisibility (Lowest): Allows the user to phase through solid objects and remain invisible to all forms of detection for 1 minute and 50 seconds, Comprehension Rate: 10%, Chance of Success: 10%, Chance of Failure: 90%]

"This, this is great" the excitement on his face was evident as he continued to read the description of his new rune, "not only am i invisible for 2 minutes but i can phase through solid objects, and this is just the lowest ranking rune, with no other ranking behind it" he smiled only to realise something, "but this is show cases the unpredictability of what i just did, although i poured my intention of wanting to create an invisibility rune, an addition effect also appeared, which means that the specific effect i would want might not even appear and get a complete different rune, heck there might even be an outrageous side affects or the rune just fails to be conceptualised" he sighted.

"Which is also why i need to be more detailed, but i cant do that now given the limitaton" he gave a big sight as he looked up, as the system also moved, as his eyes suddenly fell on the spiritual force section, "looks like the spritual force limitation can be overcomed by continuously conceptulising runes" he gave a big sight as a smile crept on to his face, "that only leaves the senesasion that i get from moving the energy particle, which can be solved with my sheel will i guess," he though as even he himself wasn't convinced.

That when he suddenly he heard a loud sound which startled him, "WOO-HOO" as a shadow swung itself from the rooftop next to him before landing right next to him, "oh my fucking god" he yelled as he got a good look at the new arrival, which was a woman dressed in a black and yellow outfit and a bat symbol on her large chest as well as a long red hair that flailed when she swung.

"Oh my god i am so sorry" she said as she grapled into the next rooftop, "fucking red heads" he mumbeled under his breath as he stood up, "i heard that" bat girl yelled annoyed as she continued to swing away, "of course" he groaned.

-scene change-

After having that encounter with the famous bat girl, ted could be seen, humming a tune as he walked along the sideroad, "i am on my way, i am on my way, i am on my way, i am iiiiiiiiiiii" that is when he stopped himself as he saw a an antique shop, "i going to go to the part to make a wooden ring or band and find a screwdriver or something sharp to carve the rune, but, i might as well buy a antique ring or something to carve my rune on" he though as he turned before walking towards the shop.

Entering the shop, the first thing he nodded was the state of the shop, "is it his first time opening the shop in years?" ted though as he noted the shop and the owner who was an eldery man, in his 60s, sitting in a desk as the old man looked at ted, before he gave a sight as he said, "if you want to steal something, then you will be disappointed" as he adjusted his glasses before looking at his book, "no, i am not here to steal" ted said as he surveyed te shop, ignoring the cobwebs and the dust flying everywhere, ted was looking for a ring or a band, "what are you looking for?" the old man asked as ted turned towards him, "actually, a job" he said as he turned towards the old man who raised an eye brow.