
DC: Apprenticed in Glory

When Courtney Whitmore - known to the world as Stargirl - finally joins the Justice League, she can't be any happier! She's finally in the big leagues, and to make things even better, Wonder Woman herself is going to take this young lady under her wing! There's a lot that Diana Prince can teach Courtney, from the hard lessons that come with being a crimefighter to the more sensual, intimate studies of the pleasures an Amazon can bring to her tender protegee. (Futa/F, Grooming) Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review of what you like and any complaints you might have.

Mad_man13 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - Chapter Five

Courtney Whitmore was no longer a virgin. It felt strange waking up knowing as much, but even stranger when she turned to the healthy, large bust pressed against her face and she remembered just who she lost her virginity to. Diana Prince, a hero known throughout the world over, was kind enough to take her into her arms - and her bedroom - and show her a night that millions wished they could have. How could Courtney be anything but thankful?

Her morning was pleasant, as what could be expected considering the circumstances she arose in. From the very first instant when her eyes fluttered open and she found herself in the protective, iron-hard arms of Wonder Woman to the way the doting older woman pressed a tender kiss to her forehead in greeting, to the long, intimate half-hour that the two women spent once more cleaning themselves up in the shower. That particular one was important, because Courtney...woke up sticky, and she didn't really know why. Was that just a sex thing? She must've been better at it than she thought!

Regardless, the time the women spent together was slow, intimate, tender, and affectionate. Wonder Woman kept her young charge close at hand while the two had yet another shower together, and though this one yielded less...dynamic results than the first time, the older woman was every bit as possessive of her student's body and every bit as shameless with her own. Slowly grinding her hips against Courtney's back while she shampooed the girl's hair, greedily sweeping her own lathered hands over the teen's thighs, and of course - requesting in a seemingly-innocent voice that Courtney again cleans her length. Because, after all, it was what Amazons did for one another.

And Courtney did it all without question, without complaint, and without anything but joy in her heart. Basking underneath the shadow of Diana Prince, she was eager to offer the woman anything she might request and be thankful for the opportunity. Who wouldn't be? She was free to spend her Saturday morning watching soapy water roll down the defined muscles on Wonder Woman's body. She was allowed to waste her weekend soaking in the heat and the steam and the glorious, protective, unbreakable hold of the strongest woman on the planet. And - once the shower ended and both women had been dried off with soft, fluffy towels - Courtney had a whole new opportunity for a new experience. She had a whole new thing to learn. It was time for the smaller of the two women - the weaker, the more inexperienced, and of course, the younger - to learn how to properly tend to her mentor.

It was the job of any little Amazon to worship her tutor with her mouth.

"You look lovely, Courtney," Diana Prince was resting back in a comfortable chair in her quarters, with recessed armrests to make sure she had plenty of room to spread her legs. She was doing just that - thighs stretched out to the corners of the seat and her feet firmly planted on the floor. Fresh from the shower, she was still stark naked with damp black hair and a noticeable red hue to her cheeks, born half from the heat and half from the joy of showering with the much, much younger woman. As she sat there her member was resting between her thighs - her heavy Amazonian sack flopping into a neat package while her shaft was at half-mast. Stiff enough that it didn't droop down over the edge of the seat, but still clearly not quite up to the gold standard that Courtney saw the night before. Although the longer the blonde stood naked before her, the closer and closer Wonder Woman drew towards that lofty goal. "Are you prepared, my dear?"

"I...I...I really want to make you happy, Diana," Courtney was clearly nervous, as evidenced by the fact that her own blush travelled from her cheeks all the way into her chest. She was squirming in place, pressing her thighs together, trying to actively resist hiding her tiny breasts with her arms. Every bit of body language she offered was that of a teenage girl being asked to do more than she was truly comfortable with, and yet her words were those of the loyal apprentice. The doting sidekick. The girl that would do anything if it meant making Wonder Woman proud of her. And really - how could she be faulted for such a pure and noble instinct? "I'm just...I'm afraid I won't be able to do it like you like, or...or I might not be able to get it all inside of my mouth, or…"

"Shh, little Amazon," Diana cooed from her seat, lifting a brow and relaxing back. The girl's innocence and naivety only excited the older woman more, and her member considerably stiffened upon seeing how she fumbled. Diana took a long, deep breath as she tightened her fingers against the recessed armrests, and resisted the urge to shiver from the excited butterflies rolling around within her. This was always such a magical morning with her young lovers. "I am not your enemy and this is not a test. You cannot hurt me, and I will not hurt you. I don't expect you to be able to do everything one morning after you first learn what it's like to lay with a woman, and that...that is part of the fun. Letting me teach you. Letting me guide you." She paused, and gestured to the space on the floor right in front of the seat, where there was already a comfortable pillow set up for Courtney to kneel on. "Please."

Courtney swallowed, took a deep breath, and studied the glory of the other woman again. The lines of muscles set against flawless, bulletproof skin. The damp black hair that was still somehow full of volume and beauty. And of course, that member...that big, wonderful member that Courtney had invited into herself just the night before. The one that she could still remember perfectly how it felt when it twitched inside of her, stretching her folds, pushing her to a point of release. With one last nervous swallow Courtney finally nodded, and started to make an approach to rest her knees onto the pillow. If she could handle Diana's length in her tender, teenage entrance...then surely, this would be no challenge!

"First, it's important to know that proper attention must be paid to the surrounding area," Diana spoke as soon as Courtney knelt, still leaning back and looking quite content. She had resolved herself to not lay a finger on her young lover for what came next - it was important that Courtney learned for herself, after all. "The thighs. The abdomen. The sack. I expect you to use your fingers, your mouth, your breath - everything at your disposal before turning your attention to my rod. Show me how excited you can make me without being so direct."

"I...I understand, I think," Courtney nodded nervously, and gently bit on her bottom lip before she turned to the task at hand. There were few things quite so daunting as kneeling down and staring point blank at Wonder Woman's prick - it was absolutely massive, easily the length of Courtney's forearm, and very nearly as thick. For the moment it was still only at half mast but that didn't mean much - it was still a mammoth that she'd need to work around in order to pleasure the older woman. With one last moment taken to collect her thoughts, Courtney finally began to drift forward in order to deliver. Her hands moved to grasp the older woman's knees and she invited herself to kiss just at the edge of one of them - delivering a soft, feather-light smooch against that wonderful, powerful figure. After delivering it, she braced herself and cast a simple glance towards Diana's length as if expecting that it was all she needed to offer. When the older woman's member remained unchanged, it was clear things wouldn't be quite so easy.

Diana simply smirked, resting back with satisfaction as her student began her morning task. She casually looked around her room with a smug smile playing on her lips - the look of her quarters in the hours after she first claimed one of her precious little Amazons was always a thrill. The tiny pile of her clothes in the corner just before the shower, the tangled mess of sheets that could be blamed on a night of overpowering passion, one pillow thrown to the floor since she encouraged her charge to use her own glorious breasts to rest their delicate blonde heads. Courtney was special to her indeed, but...but she was not unique. Another adorable, snug-fitting, sweet young thing that had to be taught so very, very much. And before releasing her out into the wild, Diana would make sure she had every skill needed.

The attention she was receiving from below was soft and simple, slow and delicate, as Courtney worked at exploring. It was nerve-wracking for the little thing, but only thanks to her inexperience and her undeniable drive to impress Wonder Woman - Diana had made her feel as comfortable as one could expect when tasked with the notion of bringing the Amazon to an oral climax. For now she spent her moments kissing up and down either one of two powerful thighs, always doing her best to make sure that her head didn't accidentally bump that slowly stiffening member in between. Sometimes she'd look up across Diana's toned figure and sometimes she'd let her eyes close so she could focus - since admittedly it was a little difficult to do so when she felt the older woman's gaze so fiercely and intently upon her.

Kiss after kiss, tease after tease, Courtney Whitmore did what she could across the older woman's thighs and abdomen. Her tongue slowly traced a line over Diana's belly in a lazy circle around her belly button, and before long she had cascaded down the other side with even more tender teenage kisses. Her fingers tightened upon Diana's knees to the point that even her nails wedged against the other woman's skin - enough to show her how excited she was and proud to be afforded this opportunity. The longer Courtney worked the easier it got to chart a map across the Amazon's flawless figure, and before long she was pursing her lips to send tantalizing gusts of breath across Diana's body and using her nose to nuzzle at the sensitive spots of her thighs. Her competency was increasing with more and more confidence just as Diana suspected it would, although even after the end of almost fifteen long minutes of doting attention spent on Diana's thighs and belly, there was still a cited area that hadn't yet been acknowledged. Diana, with a brow gently arched, was not about to let her young lover forget it.

"Courtney," she offered - sweet, but not without a certain stern tone to it. She was, after all, a teacher of sorts, and it wouldn't do to allow her student to get lazy. "You have dawdled long enough. Lift my member and begin paying attention to my sack."

Courtney bit her lips together, her cheeks almost immediately erupting in a vibrant, heavy blush. Looking like the cat that had swallowed the canary - or more accurately, the naked teenage girl that was caught not worshipping a superhero's balls when she should have been - Courtney finally made a tiny squeaking noise as she nodded.

"Y-Yes, Diana," she whispered, her tone absolutely obedient, loyal, and innocent. With the newest challenge thrown before her, Courtney had little choice but to finally slide a hand forward with her thumb outstretched, moving to deftly guide it in between Diana's length and the heavy sack sitting underneath. Even doing just that was enough to highlight the girth of the older woman, as did the sheer weight of her rod when Courtney began to tilt her hand upward to lift it. Inch by inch she angled Diana's member upward to make space between it and her balls, and once she did the girl locked her hand into position while staring forward at the new challenge before her. Her belly was going wild with butterflies but she was emboldened by the faith Wonder Woman had in her - and so just like when she would rush into heroic battle as the woman's sidekick, now she pushed her head forward in order to tend to her undercarriage. She kissed them at first, each side receiving a delicate smooch, and afterwards Courtney nestled her nose at the space between Diana's sack and shaft to deliver a soft, tender nuzzling. Her motions were slow and careful just as always, and she was paying particular attention to the noises Diana made - listening for any sounds of pleasure to highlight what she was doing right, or possible grumbles of discomfort to warn her that she was doing poorly.

Diana was almost frustratingly stoic in that regard, without offering a single sound one way or another as Courtney tended to her sack. More kisses and more nuzzles with her nose followed, and even a gentle breath passed from barely-parted lips. Through it all, Diana was statuesque in bearing - not only for her lack of reaction, but for the fact that her member leaning down on Courtney's thumb was getting hard as rock. It was upon that fact dawning on her that Courtney finally started to understand, and her delicate blonde brow lifted in realization. Diana wasn't remaining obtuse and refusing to give her any feedback - she was providing her everything she needed to know, just so long as she was looking in the right direction. With a tiny glance upwards to the Amazon's unit she could tell that it was harder, stiffer, larger than before, and Courtney found herself sitting on a tiny surge of pride in the shadow of it. She was exciting her mentor, she was pleasuring Wonder Woman, and she had every intention of seeing just how far she could push this.

Her lips parted again and her tongue trailed out, eager to take her very first lick of the older woman's sack. Starting just underneath it, she slurped upward in a long, fluid strike, only pulling her tongue back when it met that sacred spot where the two parts of Wonder Woman's equipment met. Soon she repeated it on the other side and then retraced the steps of both, always keeping an eye out to see the response of the older woman. Diana's member was twitching, tensing, growing stiffer and stiffer the longer Courtney worked - and by that point, the girl's boldness was starting to fuel her ever-forward. She even smiled in pride of her work as she pressed another warm kiss across Diana's sack, and as she rode this natural wave of momentum suddenly dipped her head upward and offered her own twist on things.

Diana watched with growing interest as Courtney's head suddenly pressed forward, and she found her impressive unit draped over the teenager's face. Courtney's tongue was sticking out to tease the gap between her shaft and her sack, but while she did it the girl encouraged Diana's rod to sweep slowly back and forth over her face - riding up the bump of her nose before falling right back down on the other side. She even nervously gripped Diana's length at the base with two fingers to hold her perfectly in place, letting it flop from one side to the next, even offering a playful, charming giggle - which similarly unleashed a burst of warm breath against Diana's undercarriage and over her thighs.

Not even Wonder Woman could remain stoic in the light of such...such devotion. She finally stopped holding back her approval and unleashed a hungry growl from the back of her throat, her thighs stretching a little wider as she practically melted into the seat. Rolling her shoulders from side to side, the warrior couldn't have been more pleased with the dedication offered by her beloved student - and her length made that very, very clear. With her heavy unit resting on Courtney's face a sudden glistening dot of precum was soon to collect on the tip, and it wasn't long after that the gentle face-offered massage bounced that it dripped right down to the girl's forehead. It was then, with that clear glistening bit of aroused dew on the girl's flesh, that even Courtney seemed to understand what the next step was.

It was time to finish her foreplay, time to end gently doting on Wonder Woman's unit, time to stop playing games with kisses and nuzzles and licks. Courtney drew in one more brave breath before she spoke, and to the credit of the younger hero, she knew exactly what to say. She didn't ask for permission. She didn't beg for the chance. She didn't plead with Diana to let her please her. Instead, the beautiful blonde simply moved her hand to tighten her grasp around the older woman's impressive unit, and she whispered in a voice filled with a bravery hidden underneath that aroused, hoarse tone.

"Diana," Courtney cooed, finally understanding the purpose of Diana's challenge. "I'm going to go down on you now."

Diana Prince simply lifted a brow while a pleased, proud smile stretched across her face, her voice slithering from her manipulative lips like a honeyed venom.

"What took you so long, little Amazon?" she teased, with a playful wink thrown in.


The taste of Wonder Woman's unit. It was something that such a precious, rare few amount of women would never truly know - though more than Courtney would likely want to believe. As Courtney settled her tongue underneath that glistening head she was treated to the unbridled flavor of the older woman, a musky, strong taste that was nonetheless oddly enchanting to every last one of her senses. For the moment, she was content to simple balance the tip on her outstretched tongue as she looked up across Diana's flawless figure, studying her abdomen, her breasts, and of course, those beautiful, strong features framed by damp raven hair. With her tongue resting there in place for a long and lingering moment, Courtney was free to lose herself in all of these wonderful sensations and experiences - everything as tangible as the taste and the smell and the gentle pulsing of Diana's unit on her tongue to the more subtle notions running through Courtney, such as the knowledge that this was her true opportunity to repay Diana for all her kindness...and show her that she had tremendous value as a lover.

With all of those concepts flooding her to the point of overflow, Courtney closed her lips around Wonder Woman's tip and began her work. It was hard to truly stretch her mouth around that massive head, and the less time she thought about working all of that unit into her throat the better, but she knew that she wasn't going to be tasked with taking every inch of it immediately. Becoming the lover of Wonder Woman was a process - and just like when that towering woman claimed her from above the night before, this was a first step towards something bigger. Something better. Maybe one day, she'd be a sexual dynamo underneath Diana's guidance, riding her with reckless passion just before pulling every last inch of the Amazon's member into her mouth...but this was so much like the work of a hero. She'd need to learn. She'd need to study. And - most tantalizing of all - she'd need to practice.

With that knowledge in Courtney's mind, she worked. She pushed her head down on Diana's member to the point that it threatened her comfort, and although she was only able to get a little more than the Amazon's head within her mouth, it was still an impressive effort. Naturally her head pulled back to the point that the warrior's tip nearly flopped free, and then she repeated the gesture again - slow and sweeping, tender and doting, all while looking up at Diana with those big, young, expressive blue eyes that absolutely worshipped her. She was doing her best and was giving Diana everything she had, and while it was a far cry from the best service Wonder Woman had ever received, it was enough for the older woman to speak up again. Not just for Courtney's benefit, but for her own - after all, she wanted the best blowjob from her teenage charge as possible.

"Do not fall into repetition, little Amazon," Diana cooed, watching as her student continued with the same few gestures, the same few inches into her mouth. "Take me at shorter and longer depths. Keep my body guessing. Move your tongue in different ways - sometimes attack the flank of my head, sometimes cradle it like a fond lover. You can do much with a simple tongue that you couldn't do with the very depths of your throat, little Amazon, and you'll eventually learn all of the skills available to you." She smirked a bit, and then made a gentle bob of her head in the direction of Courtney's hands, which were still resting there on her knees. "Use your hands, little Amazon. Use everything you can. When I return the favor for you, I swear...I will be using much more than merely my mouth."

That certainly got Courtney's attention, with her eyes opening wide and a tiny squeak escaping the very back of her throat. There weren't many motivators better than the idea that Wonder Woman would be burying her face between those teenage thighs, and with that promise hanging in the air Courtney redoubled her efforts and attempted to make use of everything Diana told her. The swipes up and down that massive unit began to shift - sometimes simply working up and down on that throbbing head, and sometimes pushing down to the point that she could feel the strain in the corners of her lips and the ache pushing into the back of her throat. All the while, her tongue absolutely danced, never repeating the same process and always doing her absolute best to keep Diana teased and delighted and guessing just what she would offer next. Her hands - nervous as they were - both moved out to different spots and stopped hiding on the Amazon's knees. One of them moved to secure around the base of Diana's length - or at least as much as she could, considering the woman's girth was simply too thick for a single hand, and the under palm moved to slide underneath her sack where she gently, delicately, fondly teased those heavy orbs within her grasp.

Courtney was an inexperienced lover to be sure, but she was a very, very dutiful student. She applied herself to servicing Wonder Woman that early morning with the same fierce dedication that she threw herself into hero work - and just as her accuracy with the Cosmic Staff had improved after mere hours of Diana's tutelage, her skills with this even more impressive rod were taking leaps and bounds from when she first nervously knelt in front of it. The fact that Diana wasn't pressuring her or even laying a hand on her head helped Courtney quite a bit - it gave her freedom to explore, to learn for herself, to work her mouth and her hands across a massive member that she knew she literally could not hurt. Wonder Woman's indestructible body demanded pleasure, and she was lucky enough to spend a whole morning on the Justice League Watchtower figuring out how to give it to her.

What a fortunate young, teenage apprentice she was!

Courtney was determined at that point, having pushed aside every bit of nervousness or concern over her own abilities, and it drove her to get even more bold. When her mouth plucked off of Wonder Woman's member with a wet pop, the older woman arched a brow curiously, perhaps even concerned that her young lover had enough. What she realized, however, was that Courtney was learning to take a few chances - the hallmark of any talented lover. With her length freed from the blonde's mouth, Diana's member was still held firm in her grasp, and the Amazon could just watch with an impressed smile as Courtney leaned back to show off her tiny breasts, swinging Diana back and forth to slap across them.

Thwap, thwap, thwap! The sound of Diana's spit-coated length crashing against Courtney's "bust" filled the air, and the girl even tried to grind herself up against that pulsing unit. She lacked the heft and girth within her chest to properly squeeze them across Diana's length, so she contented herself in drawing over her breasts with the tip. She smeared spit and precum across her tiny chest and paid particular attention to her own stiffened nipples, teasing Diana's unit with each before finally moving it back up to her mouth. By the time she did so, the girl was practically glowing - half in pride and half with a bright red blush, for doing such a bold thing in an attempt to push Diana into even greater excitement was quite a commitment. Still, it paid off, and not only was Diana even harder atop Courtney's tongue in the aftermath, the hero gave a hungry groan as she finally released her hand from one of the armrests.

"Such a treasure you are, little Amazon," Diana cooed, and while her member was just shy of being half held within Courtney's mouth, slipped her hand downward. She held true to her vow to not control the girl's motions, knowing full well that such a vigorous action would only scare her. Instead, two of the warrior's tough, firm fingers touched delicately to Courtney's brow. She swept a few blonde threads of hair aside to gently tuck them behind one of the teen's ears, and then slid them across her slightly-bulged cheek. Every motion was affectionate and kind, working to coerce trust and dedication from her young charge. Her words were nothing but adoring and filled with praise, and by the time Diana's fingers retreated back to the armrest, they only served to reinforce the emboldening gesture. "Continue, my dear, for I'm almost at my limit."

Courtney was practically writhing by that point, and even though she hadn't quite realized she was doing it, her young thighs were grinding together in a state of excitement. She was really doing this! She was satisfying Diana Prince! She wasn't only giving Wonder Woman a blowjob, but...but the hero was actually enjoying it! Enjoying her! Courtney was bursting with pride as she continued, still sweeping her tongue from side to side and losing herself in the process. The taste, the scent, the actual pulse of Diana's unit against her tongue...it was all absolutely intoxicating, and that was before Diana started to talk further.

"Every night you stay at the Watchtower, little Amazon, I will bed you," the warrior finally announced, her voice bold and brave and speaking not of a prediction, but a cold, hard fact. Her smile was steady and sincere and her gaze was appreciative, as any's would be when looking at the young prize servicing her. "Such...vigorous passion as what exists between us would cause you undue duress in the mornings that we serve as heroes, however. I can't have my little Amazon fighting crime on wobbly knees and sore thighs, after all." She chuckled softly, though continued with her smug, experienced smile. "As such, our mornings together will be filled with moments like this instead. If I awaken before you, you'll find my head below the covers, bringing you into the morning with my mouth against your fledgeling womanhood. And if you wake up before me…"

She let her voice trail off, since it was clearly Courtney's responsibility to answer. When the girl popped her mouth off of Diana's unit her hands started to pick up the slack, both of them moving to curl around her shaft and sweeping steadily up and down.

"I...I'll make sure you wake you up like the hero you are, Diana," Courtney promised, and with that same glow in her cheeks went right back to work. The agreement had been set and the promise was made - for all the long nights she'd be spending at the Watchtower in the future, she would no doubt be Diana's little Amazon. Stretched and claimed, pinned to the sheets underneath a wall of muscle, rutted to the point that her tiny body nearly broke from bliss. Diana was wise to assume that she would be in no state worthy of fighting crime after such an event took place, and so their morning consolation would have to suffice. And it was a gift that Courtney wasn't just proud to offer, but honored.

Diana reached her peak not long after, pushed there by the gentle and absolutely loving motions of her young partner. She pulled her hips back at the very last second for Courtney's own good, making sure that her tip wasn't pressed against the girl's mouth when her moment finally arrived. After all, it would somehow...sully the moment if Courtney was left choking on streaks of cream firing down her tender throat.

"Ahh…!" Still, the girl gasped as Diana's climax began, and she did her best to squeeze that unit tight within her grasp. Threads of spit were connecting her lips to that Amazonian member as it began to unleash its spray, torrent after torrent of rich, sticky white spunk arriving from the tip and splashing squarely against Courtney's face. The young woman had only encountered a few of Diana's climaxes by that point in her life, but still...this might have been the biggest one of all! It splattered against her hairline, rushed over her forehead, battered her beautiful face to the point that her eyelids were pulled shut by the weight on her lashes. It bridged across her nose and splashed squarely against her outstretched mouth, making sure that she received a healthy dose of Amazonian flavor squarely against her tongue. Still it throbbed, still it twitched, still Diana painted her young lover with streaks of white that seemed to have no end.

Courtney could feel it webbing between her fingers as she stroked her older lover, patter across her shoulders, even splash squarely on her tiny bust...absolutely bathing her in warmth, essence, and desire. She was breathing heavy by the time it ended, Diana's cream resting half-within her mouth. She hadn't dared gulp down a single drop of it, so strange and new was the taste that she wasn't even sure if she should. Idly, Diana finally stretched the same delicate hand forward to help her come to that decision.

Courtney's eyes were still closed and her open mouth was still panting as Diana swept a single digit across her cheek, collecting a healthy dose of Amazonian cream in the process. She then pushed her finger into the girl's mouth and gently tilted it, scraping every last drop of spunk away from her finger onto Courtney's trembling tongue. Then, with a deft motion, she nudged Courtney's mouth closed and offered her a single, solitary whisper.

"Swallow," the order came not only from an older and more mature lover, but a teacher. A master. A goddess. And Courtney, without hesitation, obeyed. Her lips tightened and she swallowed down her first true taste of Amazonian flavor, shuddering at how it cascaded along her throat in a rush to sit warm and fulfilling in her belly. By the time she was finished the flavor was still clinging to her tongue, just as layers of cum yet hung from her face, dripping down her tiny nipples, or even drew a line all the way to the very edge of her belly button. She was absolutely coated and plastered in Wonder Woman's cream, and she knew, deep down...this was only the first of many, many, many mornings that she'd know this feeling.

"Into my lap, little Amazon," Diana offered a command now that Courtney didn't have to open her eyes to obey. She even let her hands hook underneath the young woman's arms, lifting her slowly up to her feet in order to assist. With eyes trapped shut and face thoroughly coated, Courtney soon found her tiny backside sitting within the embrace of her lover - complete with that softening but still-massive member resting just underneath her teenage rump. Once there, Diana pulled a single arm around Courtney's slender waist, and she pushed her mouth to the girl's ear to offer her a hungry, desire-laced whisper. "Now I will show you how an Amazon queen cleans her favorite apprentice after she finished her morning duty."

Courtney half-expected to be carried to the shower yet again that morning, but instead she soon felt the tongue of the older woman press to her cum-coated cheek. As Diana began to drag her own mess away from the girl's flesh with a hungry mouth, Courtney Whitmore effectively melted into her embrace, blushing and shuddering, wet and warm, feeling nothing but pride bursting from her.

She was glad to belong to Diana Prince - and if her service came with rewards like this, she'd be happy to perform her duties tirelessly. Like any good little Amazon would.

End of Chapter 5.