

Why the hell DC? that too why Gotham of all places? ------------ Inspired by Cornbringer. Totally didn't just copy him

I_Like_that_thighs · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs



Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

"You Still Have A Right To Take Anything You Want Seriously."

-Rick Sanchez

"Yawn~ I didn't have a good sleep at all." I scratch my head. 

Currently I'm on the streets of Gotham, the central city part where most stuff happens. And seeing around, no wonder this place is a shithole. There are casinos everywhere and loan sharks just neary, this is just like LA but a bit more edgy and dark. 

"Wayne Industry…" To have this tall of a building in 2003 is honestly impressive and reflects the wealth of Mr.Bat. Queen industry, Daily Bugle and Lex corp also exist. I also searched about some villain names and none seem to appear except a few.

I have to find a house too… is there a place which will give me a house without asking for any kind of legal documents? Who am I kidding there are probably tons in Gotham. There goes my plan of leaving this place, I doubt I can get a house in some other country or even go there without any documents.


"Whoops, Excuse me..." I apologise to the man who I bumped into.

"Watch it punk! The suit will become dirty"

Yep. Gotham is fucked.

"Sorry dude." I smiled at his stupid face, sucks to be him, I just stole his expensive looking watch using Inventory.

"Is thievery a job? Or more like a hobby? Whatever I should just-"

How was that guy level 7? He looked like any average rich guy. Maybe level isn't just calculated based on strength. Status and knowledge also plays a part in levels.

Just as I was about to finish, an advertisement flyer flew into my face. I took and saw what it was.


Discover our new religion of Trigon, our saviour and the one who will enlighten us, our true god. Attend his ritual at 3 PM on Jan 3 at the abandoned Warehouse in Chinatown, Texas''


"Fucking Trigon!? He has believers here!?" This is bad, how and what the fuck are the magicians doing? Dr.Fate? Zatanna? John motherfucking Constantine? Where are you guys!? 

From what I know only Raven can summon him here so I need not be concerned right?




Wait, this could very well be the time when Trigon smashed Raven's mom! So I need not care… If anything Trigon is the last thing that I should be scared of, my only concern now are the cops and John's boss.

Who the fuck in their right mind gave permission to advertise this.

*Thung!* I felt an intense force behind my head and that was the last thing I remember.

Urgg… how long has it been? 

I opened my eyes and saw myself in the mirror opposite to me, I was immobilised as I was tied to a chair with some thick ass ropes.

"Let me guess, Baldwin Gresham?" I said out loud, he was the only one who had anyform of enmity with me.

"You're goddamn right!" A bald guy immediately came through the door and grabbed me by my collar.

Walter White!? 

"So you do know who I am." His mouth stinks and he has a cavity. "Tell me, who sent you!" He punched me hard in the jaw.

It hurt, but not probably as much as it did to his bare knuckles, with my head leaning on the wall behind me, hitting my head is basically hitting the wall. I immediately put all my stat points on DEF.

"Tell me what you picked from John's house!" He shouted again.

"Who is John again?" I started stalling for time as I summoned a knife I picked from John's house to cut the rope. And all the action movies fucking lied, it's fucking hard to cut a rope.

*Bam* He punched me again, "Don't fucking play with me! Who sent you!? Is it Penguin? Black mask?"

*Thu* I spat out some blood since my lip was busted, this dumbass punched my mouth. It didn't hurt as much as before due to the stat increase. "You punch like a bitch. No wonder your son got knocked out in a single punch."

"I'll kill you!" He took out a gun and pointed it at my head. "I promise I'll leave you alive if you tell me who sent you and give me back all the documents you took from John's couch."

So that's why he thinks I stole his so-called precious docs. "I want to you to try" Hopefully he wouldn't do it.

"If you don't say it this bullet is going inside your goddamn brain!" He pressed the gun against my head, and it was a mistake. I had already cut the ropes on my hand, after sustaining many cuts.

"Gotcha cunt" 

The gun vanished from his hands as I stored it in my inventory.

"Wha-" Before he could even properly react, I pulled his head down and, as he would say it, kneed his goddamn forehead.

"Arg!" He tried to get up again but-

*Bang* I shot him.

I ain't letting this guy live after he threatened to kill me. Batman and supes can go fuck themselves, I'm all red hood team.

*Thud* His body fell down but I was already busy cutting the ropes off my waist and legs before his underlings could come. I can see it in the map, there were nearly 12 dudes with red red dots.

[Killied LV.10 Baldwin Gresham

Gained 2000 Exp

Level Up! +4 stat points 

Level Up! +4 stat points



Name = Alex Walker

Occupation = The Gamer

Level = 6

EXP = 300/1200

HP = 400/400

MP = 100/100

STR = 13

VIT = 17

DEF = 14{+12}(- +)

DEX= 12

INT = 13

CHA = 8

WIS = 12

WILL = 20

PER = 12

LUK = 97

Stat Points: 8


Fucking hell my VIT and LUK went up like crazy and this guy was Level 10? So it confirms that level is probably a combination of both strength and fame or knowledge.

No time to research that now..


I equipped both the guns in my hand and shot at the one-way mirror.


scoring a perfect headshot at the guy behind it. Glory to the map feature.

[Killed Lv.2 Micha…]

I ignored the message and proceeded to jump over to the other side while putting all my points of DEX and PER equally. My grandpa owns a farm in Texas, of course I know how to use guns.



[Killed LV.3 Ga-

Level Up! +4 stat points]

I waited near the door to ambush the trio who were coming towards me. 

"I'll go fir-"


"Yo-" "Ka-"

*Bang* *Bang*

[Killed..] [Killed…]



"So much for not thinking like this is a game." I said to myself while taking all the guns they had. I still have about 10 shots left totally from the guns I currently have and I took a mag from Baldwin just in case too.

Talking about games, why are they coming here one by one? Is this John Wich or something?

*Ting* I heard something roll over and caught a glimpse of a grenade and immediately ran the opposite way.


"I think we got him!" I heard a voice.

"Now that the boss is probably dead, what will happen? Black mask and Penguin will try to take over our supplies and territories"

"Let them. I say we just take all the money from boss's stash and split it amongst ourselves and leave our separate ways"

"Deal" "Ok" "Say no more"

I looked at them happily walking past all the dead bodies below them while literally sticking to the ceiling. Things I can do with buffed up STR and DXT. Spidey would be proud.

I followed behind the thugs as slowly as possible to not reveal my position, afterall I too needed some of Mr.Goddamn's money. 

They happily chatted and amongst them, I spotted a guy who was getting his gun ready. Probably to betray them after the money is found. Sheesh, these guys are just as bad as me.

They went to Baldwin's corpse and cut off his fingers, it was a pretty brutal sight as a guy cut it with the knife I left there. It was bloodier than I expected. After that they turned around again and went downstairs. Thank god this place doesn't have a lift.

I managed to hide quite easily, mainly because all of them were excited to get that juicy stack of cash. Finally they went inside a room, in which I didn't follow them but I was in an audible range.

"Keep his finger on the fucker soon bastard! I can't wait"

"I wonder how much he has"

"Probably millions, all the drugs and loans earned him lots of money."

"Enough money to have more than 4 separate families."

"Simultaneously at that."

Damn John, now I feel sorry for you. You probably wouldn't even get your dad's wealth fully.

*Tik. Clank* The sound of the locker opening along with many gasps was heard and that was enough for me to enter into action after putting all my newly acquired stat points into PER, after all if they killed themselves I can't get any Exp.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*




[Level Up! +4 stat points]



"I have to say, PER stat with a gun is broken, I hardly miss" I spun the guns around like a cocky cowboy and put those back in inventory while walking towards the largest locker I've ever seen IRL. It was nowhere near the size Mr.Groot's voice stole.

"Sweet baby son of holy Mary!" I've never seen this much money in my life.

I took out a stack and counted them, it was all 1000$ bills and each stack was a $100K. This locker probably has more than $10 Million, even $100 million. Meaning I don't have to work a bit again if I buy an Island illegally and spend the rest of my life there.

"Tony Stark, Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne and now… a little old me who has about 1% of their wealth now." I stored all the money along with the locker in my inventory. No way I'm leaving this expensive looking locker behind. That said, I should probably leave this place before one of these guys comes here, he probably won't kill me but I'm not ready to eat using a straw for the next six months.

Of course I took all the guns and some appliances from the building and left quickly. I came out of the building and damn, how the hell do bad guys get their own building in an abandoned place? 

It was still evening and I'm hungry after all that physical activity.

[You are weak from hunger. All stats receive a debuff of 20% if you don't eat soon the debuff will increase]

"There's a thing like that?" 

What is this now? Fear and Hunger?
