
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Teachers Assistant

Drystan woke up early at 5 A.M. to get his things in order for the day.

He did his morning exercise, took a shower, and gathered his things before setting off for his first day at work.

When he arrived at the school he was pleased as it looked like it was quite well put together when you compare it to other schools in Gotham.

Normally a new professor would have already been to the school one or twice to set up his office and classroom but Drystan instead sent his clone to get his affairs in order.

He does remember what his clones do but it still feels different in person.

Todays plan was to introduce himself to his fellow teachers and get to know his students as the majority of the day is basically orientation for the freshmen.

He teaches 4 classes that are basically just computer science classes of varying difficulties.

He is met with a surprised however when he find a pretty young girl with red hair in a wheelchair sitting outside his office on her phone.

"Excuse me miss do you need something" he asked in a soft, relaxed tone.

She gave him a glance over and politely said "No need, I am waiting for professor Doyle"

Drystan was surprised to have a student looking for him already as he hasn't met anyone besides the dean yet so he had no clue what she could need him for.

"I am Professor Doyle. So what do you need?" he asked.

"Your Professor Doyle!?" she questioned seemingly shocked that he was the professor.

"Yes. My name is Drystan Amon Doyle, I am the new computer science teacher, and you are?" Drystan said.

"I'm sorry my names Barbara Gordon nice to meet you, I have been hired to be your teachers assistant. I was just shocked to that you are so young as I assumed you would be much older than you are." She said as she held her hand out for a handshake.

"ah, nice to meet you miss Gordon" he said shaking her hand trying to finish up introductions "I wasn't informed I would have a teachers assistant so I haven't included you into my lesson plan so I hope you can make an appointment with me on a day you are free so that we could have a set teaching plan in the future"

As he was shaking her hand he noticed that her hand was oddly callused for a girl in a way that depicted that she regularly trained in martial arts which is especially odd for a girl in a wheelchair so he asked "You've got pretty strong hand there miss Gordon, do you play any sports?" while taking an obvious glance at her chair.

He then proceeded into his office and sat at his desk with her rolling in across from him.

"My father works for the police so he had me put into some self defense classes and after I grew up I learned to like it and kept at it." she explained not acknowledging his glance.

"Learning self-defense is always a good thing especially for women in Gotham, but I cant imagine learning is easy giving your situation?." Drystan questioned once again taking a not so subtle look at her wheelchair hoping she would clarify on how she ended up in one.

She had a look of realization on what he was really trying ask and said "Unfortunately, I got stuck in this bad boy earlier this year curtesy of Gothams least favorite clown." As she talked she looked down and patted her legs with a sad look in her eyes.

"I see" was all Drystan could really think to say. After that they just say there in an awkward silence until it was time to get to their first class.