
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs


" i wou-!" he said before vanishing.

Drystan appeared in what appeared to be a relatively upscale room on top of a bed, with memories in his head in his head that wasn't originally there.

He had memories of a second life, the one he is in now, where instead of devoting himself to art like he did before he opted to studying the sciences instead.

The main ones being computer and forensic sciences, where he really thrived.

As Drystan was adjusting to the feeling of having two sets of memory, he got up and went to the bathroom.

"This is a little trippy I'm not gonna lie." he said in a daze while looking at the unfamiliar face in the mirror.

Looking back at him was a tall 20 year old man, standing high just above 190cm or about 6'3.

He had a had stunning grey-silver hair and striking blue eyes that remind him of the sky staring back at him through his glasses.

The glasses seemed to be pure aesthetic at he could see just fine when he took them off though.

"why do I look so frail?" he mumbled at his reflection as he appeared to have a quiet fragile looking demeaner through his clothes.

After he strips down however was a different story as there is nothing frail about his body as every single muscle seemed to be sculpted into its most ideal shape.

He couldn't help letting out a response, and as someone who had spent his entire life studying the arts he had quite an articulate way with words.


He made the term sculpted like a Greek god seem like an insult as he has never seen a sculpture more refined than his body.

All of his muscles where compact and form fitting to the point that as long as he wasn't wearing any tight clothing you really couldn't imagine him having his almost inhumanly perfect form.

After he was done admiring his new self he went back into his bedroom to sift through his memories to get a full understanding of his situation.

This version of him had an almost identical life from the past him, except for his subject of study.

In both life's his parents ran a small business, not enough to be called filthy rich but certainly enough to live comfortable throughout his life owning a few million in assets.

Sadly in both lives his parents died when he was at the age of 12 after being robbed in an alleyway.

The shock came when he realized what world he was in and the request he was granted.

He at first didn't realize what world he was in but a recent memory made it really quite clear.

He immediately hoped he was mistaken and got up and started going through his work bag that was siting on a table nearby franticly.

The he found it. A letter that said in big bold letter 'Welcome To Gotham University' on it.

It was quite a shame that this was his world as he knew almost nothing about it aside from its most famous characters.

You know Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the other ones.

Well he could deal with them later as it seemed that in two months he would be teaching computer science at G.U.

He applied to teach there as he apparently grew up in Gotham(explains the dead parents) and wanted to teach at the school his parents went to as he had attended college elsewhere.

From his memories the whole heroes and villains situation has been going on for years as batman started appearing over six years ago and the justice league was already a thing.

fortunately he did get to make some requests so he wasn't powerless and wasn't really too worried about his safety as he could handle himself.

Since the being didn't tell him a limit on how many wishes he could make, he had thought up hundreds of helpful abilities and circumstances that would help him out.

He unfortunately seemed to only have been granted 10 of those wishes and didn't happen to get the ones that came with a lot of firepower.

It seems like he wont get the opportunity to throw the man of steel superman in the garbage, where he belongs, but at least he wont have any trouble staying alive as his wishes made him quite capable.

The first request he was granted was his background as he wished to be put in a scenario where he would be approached by the good guys at some point for help while also securing his separate identity as he planned to be an assassin.

So he imagines he will have some hero students to teach that will occasionally need his help or advice.

On the other hand his predecessor had been designing a website for hiring hitman to see if he could trick them into using it so that they could be led into traps and more easily arrested.

Luckily it hadn't been put to use yet as he was planning on approaching one Amanda Waller as he had hacked into Argus seen the projects she has worked on and was willing to have her put a group of famous assassins to work in her suicide squad.

So now he is a man with with a squeaky clean identity and a website for hiring assassins that is nearly impossible to hack into or get any information out of.

As well an a skillset that is designed to make him the perfect assassin. He was ready to get started on his new life... After reinforcing the website he made to suit his actual use.