
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

First class

Drystan led the way to their classroom with Barbara silently following behind him.

He was originally going to give her a push there but she ended up having an electric wheelchair so it was an unneeded courtesy.

"So miss Gordan, why did you decide to become a teacher? You seem quite young so I would assume you would have gotten better job offers." He said trying to get past the awkward silence as they moved through the crowded halls.

"I was going to join Wayne enterprise originally as they gave me an offer but I know a few people that will start attending here this year and wanted to keep them out of trouble." she explained.

It really spoke volumes of her ability that Wayne enterprise scouted her as most fresh graduates would have to beg to work there.

"But I could ask you the same question as you don't seem much older than me. Why did you become a teacher?" She asked as Drystan was just as young as she was.

Drystan was silent for a few moments as as he thought of how to answer when they had reached their classroom door.

Before they entered he took a moment to say "For me its a little different as even though I got offers from big companies, becoming a teacher has always been my dream."

And he wasn't lying when he said that. This worlds Drystan had been scouted by every big company around but wanted to teach as it was what his mother did before starting business with his father.

He remembered how she would always say that her days as a teacher were the some of the best days of her life and the smile on her face when she talked about her students.

When they entered the classroom the students were being loud and noisy each doing their own thing.

He expected them to quite down when he entered the class but soon came to the realization that they probably thought that they were students so they ignored them.

After realizing this he went to the front of the class. "Quite down! he loudly demanded.

The class came to a hush as they looked at him inquisitively as they were wondering why he was shouting.

"My name is Drystan Doyle, But you can refer to me as Professor Doyle as I will be you teacher from now on." he said in a more reasonable tone.

"This is Miss Gordan, She will be my teachers assistant so at anytime I am not around and you need something you can ask her." he said while motioning his hand in Barbara's direction.

After he finished speaking a man in the front row raised his hand and asked " Are you really our teachers or are you pulling our legs as half the students in this class look older than you?"

Before Drystan could reply however another student chipped with a statement that made him laugh and said "Yeah if you were really our teachers I don't see why I couldn't do it instead as I'm clearly older and just as qualified."

After having a quick laugh at what he said he looked at the second student an asked "How old are you mister...?" trying to get both an age and a name.

"William, and I am 26" he said with a tone of superiority.

"Okay mister William, you are 26 in my freshman class for computer sciences while I had already finished college by the time I was 16." he said to establish a clear hierarchy.

"In the past four years I have won every computer competition i have entered without a single loss. That's the reason why I am qualified to teach this class even though I'm only twenty years old." he said.

"Now that I have established that I am qualified to teach this class lets do roll call. When I call your name stand and say here. Be free to correct me if I mispronounce your name."

"First off Stephanie Brown"

"Jack Donaldson"

"Timothy Drake"

He calls off all his students names and proceeds to teach his first class which is basically just getting to know his students and letting them know what the need for class as its just the first day.

He proceeds to do the same thing for two more classes before he starts packing up to head home.

As he is packing up miss Gordon stopped him and asked "are you free Friday evening so you can fill me in on what we will be teaching"

"Sure is their anywhere you would like to meet up?" he asked.

"How about the library as it would be quite and nobody would disturb us?"

"That works just fine miss Gordon ill see you on Friday then." he replied as they don't have any classes until next Monday.

After setting an appointment with Barbara and getting her phone number, Drystan headed of to greet his fellow teachers before heading home feeling happy after having a successful first day of work not knowing he just met three members of the bat family and one of Gotham's most dangerous future villains.