
Dc's mysterious assassin

When Drystan finds himself dead and full of regrets, a powerful yet mysterious being grants him a new life in a world he barely has any knowledge of along with a few gifts. Why did he get this chance... because i said so. Deal with it. (This is my first experiance writing so dont expect flawless work. I accept critism and appreciate any and all forms of advice, suggestions , corrections, etc.) Thank you for reading : )

Lucius_Frey · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Drystans Revealed Wishes

1. A background where he will be approached by the heroes for help while at the same time making sure that nobody would suspect he was an assassin after investigation him.

2. He was directly given they complete package when it comes to being an assassin. He directly became a master of Weapons, Poison, Unarmed Combat, Disguise, or anything else that i decide is an essential skill for an assassin.

3. He can create up to 20 clones of himself which he is connected to and remembers what they do. The clones are just as durable as real people meaning they can be killed but aren't one shots like shadow clones. He can also choose whether or not they have his complete skillset or not. Meaning that if he doesn't want anybody to know how strong he is he can make a clone with his entire skillset except his martial arts ability(may do this). The only downside is that they cant use his superpowers.

4. Partial spiderman powers. He can lift 10 tons, dodge a sppeding bullet via peter tingle, and is flexible enough to suck his own d***.(he probably wont do that. Or maybe he will but ill keep it a secret if he does). (may add sticking to walls)

5. His healing factor is pretty impeccable as his wounds heal within minutes of receiving them. Its unknown whether or not he can regrow limbs as he is unwilling to test it out.

6. he can teleport to anyplace he's seen before.

7. ???

8. ???

9. ???

10. ???