
Dazed Dreams

This is a pure work of fiction. He's home arrested for years. He finds his own way of exploring the outer world. What will happen if he knows that he can do wonders with that?

crystxljoon_ · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter Two

As the morning sun hits Tyler's face, he wakes up to the fact that he will be prisoned forever now. He wakes up and realizes that he slept while reading the book and didn't even change his outfit. Groaning, he wakes and does his daily chores. He washes his outfit from the day before, irons it and sets neatly in his closet. He was glad that he didn't have any classes today and lied there thinking about the last night. He remembered that he bought some snacks and started to much on them. He didn't even want to play games nor sleep. He just sat down on his bed and kept on thinking about the book he saw the day before at the grocery store. He was so curious that he wanted to share it with his homies. He turns on the game and says them he isn't there to play but needs their help with something. They all agreed and Tyler started his story of what happened the day before.

"Wait wait, so Linda really said that? That she won't take you out anymore?" Oliver, one of the homies asks. "Sadly, yes" Tyler says "But that wasn't the topic I was talking about now, I saw a book there and that really fascinated me. I wanted to buy it but, I already had way too many books to complete. So I couldn't bring the book." Tyler's voice drops as he says. "So okay, what was the book about?" Joshua asks. "Thank God you asked. It said something about Desired Reality Shifting or something, that was really fascinating. I wanted to buy that book so bad, but there was a warning so I didn't buy" Tyler finished his sentence. "Okay good, what was the warning about?" it was Wad who asked now, he's the quietest of the group. "Well it said, only to perform that under the supervision of elders or experts. So I had to back off from the idea" Tyler finishes. "Hey Tyler, remember I said that I have a sister? She probably knows about this, cause what she does is somewhat similar to this-" Wad's sentence gets cut off, "You Dumbo it's nothing related to this, my major is Psychology, are you even my brother? I doubt that" Wad's sister says. "Ah whatever. Sorry for the disturbance guys. So now I guess we have to research for this." Wad completes. "I cannot research about this cause anything related to this needs the log in. But if I log in Linda may find out that I'm doing these behind her back and she may feel hurt" Tyler completes. "Hurt? Are you nuts Tyler? She's making you feel so miserable and yet you care about her this much? I don't know what to say man!" Oliver says in belief.

"Okay listen, I'm ready to give my another Google account password for you, you can use it tho." Wad says. "But guys, don't you think that this is somewhat wrong? I mean doing this behind her back. I don't know why but I feel bad" guilt can be heard in Tyler's voice.

"Listen Tyler, you aren't doing anything wrong okay? You just want to know about something and we helped you. I get positive vibes from this idea. So please agree with us. We will be glad if you come out of your prison. We can meet and chill. Pretty please?" Joshua speaks up. Even though Tyler didn't want to do he wanted to do at least for the sake of getting out of that prison he has been prisoned for years."Done, I'm doing it!" Tyler says with evident enthusiasm in his voice. Even though his friends can't see him, they knew his eyes were glowing with enthusiasm. "Here is my other Google account and password, use it as much as you can and do the experiment today only. Or tomorrow we aren't compelling you to do. Better do it tomorrow, and tell us what you learnt today. So that we can help whenever we need something okay?" Wad says and sends whatever he needs in the message box." Thank you so much guys. I don't know what to do without y'all" Tyler says and breaks down into tears. "Stop crying like a kid or else someone's gonna come in. Go sit on your bed and read some book to not to get caught." Joshua says as they all log off. Tyler hurriedly goes to his bed and starts reading some book, to his surprise some maid comes in and checks on him. Seeing him crying over a book, the maid leaves with a relived expression. Tyler wipes off his tears and opens the Google account which Wad had given him. He logs in and searches how to hack a wifi. After successfully hacking the neighbor's internet connection, he turns off the computer and goes into the living room and makes his way to the dining room to eat.

After finishing his last meal of the day without Linda, he yawns and says the maids good night and goes back into his room. The maids get surprised how friendly he became over a night.

"It's magic how a night changes right? Till last night he didn't even wanted to come to the living room, but now he came to the dining room and ate, he even said us good night. I adore him, he's trying so hard to tell his mom that he changed." the male butler says and goes back into washing his dishes.

Tyler goes back to his room and turns on the computer and logs into Wad's account with the help of the neighbor's internet connection. He researches everything he needs about Desired Reality Shifting and makes some notes.

"Okay, so it needs some help from my boys. I'll let them know tomorrow as soon as I wake up. Wait I have classes though. God. Let me sleep for now and I'll sort out all my doubts with them and I will do the experimenting tomorrow with them." Tyler talks to himself in a low voice. He showers and changes into his comfort clothes and goes to bed. 'Tomorrow is gonna be a long day' he thinks and sleeps.

This is purely fiction and whatever I'm mentioning here are all my imagination, they may or may not be true. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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