
Daytime Star

Yura Hwang, an actress that only gets to act as extras for all seven years since she has started her career. She got betrayed by her boyfriend that got married to another person. But in all of that mess, she met again with the famous senior actor for the second time in her newest movie! Will her path to becoming a star come true? Star in the daytime

Kristysworld · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

she's that girl?

Yura was sitting on the ground with tears running down from her eyes without any coat in winter

"Suzy" Kang Seung Hyun called her name making her startled.

She turned and saw it was her senior. Kang Hyun was just staring at her without saying any word while Yura just wiped her tears...

"Senior Kang Seung Hyun" she was screaming in her mind but she was too embarrassed to say anything in front of him... She stood up and said," Ah, That, Nice to meet you senior" while tucking her hair behind her ear...

" I am Hwang Yura, playing the role of Suzy. Sorry senior of greeting a bit late." she said while gathering some courage.

Yura was done introducing her and greeting him and was waiting for his reply but he was lost in some thoughts...

Kang Hyun immediately knew that she was the girl he thought, "Anyway, How can he treat her like this in this cold weather. Look how pale her face is. But that Director Yoo..."met at Miran's marriage. He was just staring at her while Yura was looking down...

"It was the same as a year ago. Why do I keep letting him see this side of mine." She thought...

"Miss Hwang Yura." He called while picking her coat form the ground and removing the dust on it... and "Yes..." she instantly replied.

" Your coat is dropped" while wrapping the coat around her... Yura's face was red and she thanked him while pausing...

"Maybe it's because her mouth is frozen so she can't speak clearly. If she keeps like this, there will be problems when they film..." he thought.

'Miss Hwang Yura. The director's place is over there, so if you're going to take shower, just go over there and do it..."he said while pointing towards the rooms.

"I-I'm fine, thank you! I don't feel like that to the director...! while shaking her hand. He thought that she was angry with the Director...

"Don't worry, I understand how you feel." while crossing his arms... Yura was just saying trying to say no but he thought maybe she is scared...

"Can't just let things be like this, I'll go and ask the director directly."he said while leaving but Yura grabbed his hand and said,"Please Don't senior! a little loud...

Hearing her voice he smiled that her throat is better now while turning his head but he noticed that she was very familiar and pulled his face closer to her making her face all red. but before he could say something Jin Kyung came running towards them...

"Good you're here..." Jin Kyung said while letting out a sigh.

Kang Hyun said hello and she was shocked to see him. To her he was beaming like a sun but not losing her dignity she cleared her throat and said hello and Kang Hyun bowed. She told him that she was her manager making him nod.

She held Yura's hand and pulled her saying that the director was looking for her and took her away while kang Hyun was just staring at them with a blank expression...

Yura turned and said," Senior then, Excuse me first...".

"Hwang Yura... why did she looked embarrassed on Miran's wedding day? he thought. He immediately remembered helping her...

"She's that Girl" he mumbled. " So toady counts as our 3rd meeting. I don't know what's wrong with her... But she always crying every time we meet" while smiling... and went to shooting set.

"I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting director! She apologized...

"Why, you still have one minute left, why didn't you take your time to show by then" Director said in an arrogant tone...

She once again apologized." I heard that it's been 7 years since your debut" he said. while Yura just nodded and replied with yes..."So, Just saying you've been doing this fir 7 years is enough? Yeah I already have 7 years of experience so people like directors and all can wait,"I'm tired and I must rest first" he said. He was just constantly insulting her even though it was the first time making this mistake but she didn't said anything.

"I've seen a lot of people like you. Just because they've debuted for years, they think that they're special..."while lighting up his cigarette but before he could say anything else someone snatched it making him furious...

He turned to see who it was. He was about to swear but didn't say anything knowing that it was none other than Kang Seung Hyun.

"Why would you vent your anger on someone else? I told you to get rid of Kim Jung Woo to bring back Changhyun, DIDN'T I?" Kang Hyun said while placing cigarette in his mouth.

"Excuse me, Kang Seung Hyun! You refused the role yourself, why are you here to mess around? Director shouted.

"I should be the one to ask that question. You could have had some scenes taken with that much time." He said.

"This is what a person who refused the role would say?" Director said while snatching back the cigar from Kang Seung Hyun' hands.

And told Yura to get ready for the shot. Yura went to prepare.

"Switched to this way of putting on airs? Humiliate the director to boast about yourself? The director said to Kang Hyun.

"Nope. If that was my intention then I wouldn't have gone so easy on you" Kang replied.

Cruel Man the director commented making him smile.

The director and Kang Hyun was friends and loved to fight with each other.

To be continued...

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