
Days of my Life

"Forbidden Demon Art: the big bang" Kenshin said as he activate his technique. Everyone was shocked. Tens of thousands giant rock came falling from the sky. Who is he?, who is the special class demon who was able to defeat Yaze and Gojo, the two strongest. Who is he?, and what will he achieve if he distroy the world?. the creation of the world. Most of the gods decides to live as human on their creation. Although, they are human, they still possess their god-like power. Some of the gods lived normal life, got married and produce more. These children produce from them are call SUPERNATURAL. Modern civilization see them as weapon but after continuous refusal to the plan, it started a war between humans and the supernatural. Forcing humans to use other human being for experiments to produce god-like being powerful enough to maybe kill a god, results from such inhuman act are called EXPERIMENTAL. Kakashi Yami was a victim of this, leading him to a life trying to find his sister and why people are used for experiments lead him to know what should have been kept unknown. This book might contain bloodshed and sometimes erotic moments, so please beware.

imposter_demon · Action
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21 Chs


"No, nothing. I know what to do" I said seriously.

I remembered the American FBI agent that came yesterday, they were supposed to come back today.

"Mira, I'm going back to your mom's office" I informed her, and she asked me why.

"I got someone to meet, and I'm going to inform her that I will be in the next exchange program"

By the time I got to Natski's office, the FBI agents were already there.

"Look who's here" Natski called out to me. "We were just talking about you"

"Okay, I'm here now" I replied

"Sorry for what happened last time" the female agent said, she was sitting on a chair opposite Natski. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Elizabeth Van Rose, but you can also call me by my undercover name chain"

"I'm Kakashi Yami" I hesitated

"Why don't you come have a sit, Kakashi '' Chain invited me to another chair opposite her and I sat. "So please, tell me, no tell us, what happened at the lab, tell us what happened throughout your life, how did you come here?" Chain asked, I looked at Natski, but she didn't look concerned.

"Well, it started four years ago when I was still ten years old"

* * *

I was ten years old and my sister, Tokah, was eight. We lived together with our mom in a forest not too far from the city. We always told our mother to take us to the city but every time she refused, saying that the outside world was too dangerous for us, that's why we lived our entire lives in a barrier.

To me, I knew she was lying, it's either that we were locked here because of something she did, or she was running away from something, but either way I didn't mind, it didn't matter as long as I was with my family, nothing else matters and as the only boy in my family, I took it as a duty to protect them. Once in a while, my mom goes outside the barrier to do her business, or according to what she said and a man who introduced himself as our uncle came to teach us about our ability, that is it to control electricity.

He told us not to tell our mom because it was the reason why we lived here, but he never said what really happened. And mom never mentioned him to us, maybe because of what he said. And each day we learn we became better at it even though Tokah was stronger than I.

My mom told us not to go near the barrier, especially at night because they were demons. One day, my mom left for the city and Tokah said we should go to the end of the barrier.

"Big Brother" Tokah called out to me.

"Hmm mm?" I answered.

"Since mom will not be back till tomorrow morning, let's go to the barrier"

"No!!!!" I yelled, her expression changed, it was like she was about to cry. "Umm....ummm, I mean, mom said we shouldn't, especially at night, and look it's already evening"

"Don't worry, with you by my side and my lightning style, we'll be fine"

"I don't feel good about this," I said as we both walked to the barrier. "According to what I've learned, I knew the barrier covers a 5km radius. How can we walk to the end before nightfall?"

"Good thing that you ask, I've been working on my new lightning style technique, lightning flash!"

"Lightning flash???" I asked, I know she has been working on a new technique, but I didn't expect her to perfect it so soon. "You already perfected it?, And I am still stuck trying to control my own chakra"

"I'll go on ahead, you try to keep up" she activated her technique and left without me. Lightning flash, the technique utilizes your chakra to make your body weight reduce and increase your speed. It also has one disadvantage, that is if a body surpasses the limit, the body breaks. I was told not to use it since my chakra was unstable.

Tokah came back hours later, she seemed pale like something bad happened to her.

"Tokah, what happened?" I called on to her, but she didn't respond. "Tokah!!!, You scared me. I thought we agreed that you are coming back before nightfall"

She didn't answer me, she kept walking straight to our house, I ran and held her hand, she held my hand and threw me against a tree, I fell on the ground coughing blood, Tokah looked at me, and suddenly she returned to her normal self and ran to help me. We got home and I asked her about what happened.

"Big brother, I made a friend outside the barrier" she happily informed me.

"Outside the barrier!!!!!, Who is this friend of yours?"

"It was a young lady, she came into the forest with her father to cut and take it to the city" Tokah came closer to me. "Guess what brother?"

"What?" I asked confused

"She took me into town and showed me some places. The town is really amazing"

"You know, we're not allowed to go outside. How did you go outside in the first place?"

"Simple!!" She shouted proudly. "I tried to touch the barrier, but my hand just went through it as if there was nothing there"

Passing through a barrier, I once walked to the end of the barrier and tried to go through, but it wouldn't let me. Maybe she was able to pass because mom was outside.

"And big brother?" she called

"Hmm mm"

"I injured myself, could you make the pain go away" she asked as she pushed her thumb to my face.

"Okay, okay" I put her thumb in my mouth and suck on it, I mistakenly swallow a little of her blood, but I just thought I was okay, then did a little incantation, which was "pain, pain go away" mom always did the same to me when I get injured, it always made me feel better, then I tied it with a little clothing.

"Thank you big brother, I'm going to sleep now. Good night"

"Good night and sweet dreams"

I sat there wondering how she passed through a barrier, or maybe the barrier isn't active because mom removed it to go outside.


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