
Chapter 2873: Minifigure's Great Battle! (11)

"In fact, there's no need for you to execute it," said the Primary Universe Batman, ruthlessly refusing him. He flicked his slightly wrinkled cape with a finger and said, "One more of you makes no difference, one less of you the same."

Having said that, he gestured to Deadpool, "Get ready to get on."

After Deadpool ran over, he leaned on the railing of the roller coaster and looked inside, then asked, "Are you sure you've set the track correctly?"

The Primary Universe Batman just silently gave him a look. He wasn't very used to dealing with people who questioned his plans, so he didn't know how to offer assurances. He simply remained silent and turned to walk inside the railing.

Deadpool was actually just asking out of curiosity rather than genuine suspicion. Watching Batman go in, he followed swiftly, leaving the local Batman helplessly standing on the spot.

"Hey, you can't do this. I can be helpful. I am Batman! Wait for me!"

As he walked toward the railing, he saw that the Primary Universe Batman and Deadpool had both boarded the ride. His hand, lifted in the air, froze there. Leaning on the railing, he asked, "So your plan is to ride the roller coaster for fun first?"

It's the same old story, hardly anyone questions the Primary Universe Batman's plans, and he's never good at explaining. In such moments, he just keeps silent. So, he didn't speak, but sat in the front row and pulled down the safety harness.

"Ha! I knew it! You couldn't come up with any useful plan, so you want to ride the roller coaster to clear your head," Batman revealed a "just as I thought" smile, quickly hopped over the railing, and took a seat beside the Primary Universe Batman before Deadpool could.

He too pulled down his safety device, turned his head to the other Batman beside him and said, "I didn't expect your way of relieving stress would be riding roller coasters. Do you have one in your backyard so you can ponder over your plans anytime?"

"Why do you talk so much?" the Primary Universe Batman had already been trying hard not to show his impatience, but ever since this guy appeared, he felt like there were ten thousand ducks quacking beside his ear.

"What are you talking about? I am Batman, the epitome of mystery and elusiveness. People often say I'm not good at explaining, and indeed, many misunderstandings have been caused, but as the avatar of darkness, I am destined to be misunderstood..."

With a press of a button on the remote control, the roller coaster whooshed forward, and all the words the local Batman hadn't finished were turned into screams dissipating in the wind.


Batman's expression twisted, he screamed wildly, while the Primary Universe Batman sat silently beside him.

"Slower... slower!!! No!!!!"

Watching the slowly ascending ramp in front of him, the Primary Universe Batman really didn't know what all the commotion next to him was about.

Batman seemed to realize he might have started screaming too soon and covered his mouth embarrassingly, but still a sentence leaked out between his fingers, "Uh, aren't you scared?"

"It's too early to be scared now."

As the Primary Universe Batman finished speaking, the ride had reached its highest point. Batman closed his eyes, but then sneakily opened a small slit in one eye to peek through—the Abyss lay below.


Batman's screams echoed in the sky above Gotham as the roller coaster dived downward, and just as it swept over an upward curve, Batman pressed another button on the remote.

The device connected to the seat activated, catapulting the three of them upwards into a beautiful parabola, and with a swish, they landed right in the center of the factory.

The calculation was perfect, and there was no damage upon landing, the only problem being Batman had become a lump of tearful, soft noodle.

The Primary Universe Batman lifted his shoulders, and Deadpool also wriggled out of the seat, flexed his arms and legs, and looking at the Primary Universe Batman, asked, "How does it feel to fly with your body?"

"Not bad." The Primary Universe Batman also flexed his arms. Although he had rolled around on the rooftop with the chair a few times, he was indeed uninjured, and after moving his stiff arm parts, they felt better—an actual Minifigure body was indeed quite convenient.

Then they noticed the lump of pitch-black stuff next to them. When Deadpool went up to free Batman from the seat, his eyes had completely turned into two coils of mosquito-repellent incense.


Batman, holding onto Deadpool's hand, vomited profusely, staggering like a catwalk model. The Primary Universe Batman couldn't contain his look of disdain, fortunately, the other party couldn't see it.

"You guys... you guys... Ugh!!!!"

The Primary Universe Batman swirled his cape around and walked to the edge of the rooftop to look down, where countless fully armed guards were patrolling, their flashlights sequentially turning on.

Since what flew over was just the seat, not the entire roller coaster, it didn't make too much noise, and the guards below had not noticed. Even so, it wouldn't be practical to just head down like this.

The Primary Universe Batman turned and gestured to Deadpool, who, supporting Batman, walked over. The Primary Universe Batman stuffed something into the local Batman's waist, then kicked him off the roof.


Batman hit the ground head-first, crashing heavily onto the ground. He grimaced as he got up, only to be blinded by the beam of a patrolling guard's flashlight.

Instinctively, he used his arm to block the light, missing the best opportunity to either dodge or subdue, and the next second the guard shouted, "Hey, who's that?!"

Batman gasped, but seeing the guard pull out a gun, he subconsciously reached for his waist. Not finding a Batman dart, he grabbed the trigger instead.

"Shut up!" Batman pulled out the gun, aiming at the guard's shield.

The next second, a loud noise reverberated throughout the entire chemical plant.


Batman was stunned. He looked down to see that his gun had a frog's head, and with the trigger pulled, a bright red tongue shot out while emitting an irritating noise.

"What's that? What's that sound???"

"Intruders! We have intruders!! Get ready!!"

"Put the gun down!"

"Hello?! This is the ACE Chemical Factory hazardous materials storage area! An intruder has been spotted! Requesting support, requesting support!"

More and more flashlight beams converged toward him. Batman looked around with the Frog Gun in hand, took two steps back, and turned to bolt.

The noise of helicopters arose in the distance. The Primary Universe Batman looked down at all the guards who had been drawn away, adjusted the grappling hook in his hand, waved backward, and said, "Let's go!"

Two shadows swung across the skyline.

Atop the helicopter above the chemical factory, Barbara cursed through gritted teeth, "Damn clone, how did he find this place? The plan was supposed to be seamless! Indeed, worthy of being Batman."

"Ground forces, immediately surround the factory. We absolutely cannot let this evil clone escape again!"

Meanwhile, the Joker, who had been watching the screens contentedly, suddenly stood up, clenching his teeth, "That damned bastard, how dare he treat Batman like this! This disgusting, evil clone!! I'll make him pay!!!"

He rushed into the adjacent office, snatched Shiller's chair, and while Shiller sat on the ground, still somewhat confused.

The Joker had already pushed the chair into the hallway and leapt onto it, rallying the lined-up criminals with a raised arm.

"Listen up! You damned fools who will never earn Batman's enmity! Now, a clone just as foolish has dared to treat Batman rudely!!! We must rescue Batman from his clutches!!!"

"Oh!!!!!" The criminals let out a thunderous roar.

Shiller went to peer outside the door, and when he looked back into the hallway, not a person was left. He had no choice but to go next door and pick up the tablet, where on the screen, Batman was running for his life.

Suddenly Shiller's communicator beeped, and Tim's voice came through.

"Doctor, the criminals from Arkham Asylum have escaped. Do you have any clues?"

"Ignore them," Shiller said. "Is there anything unusual in the city? Have you seen the police gathering in any direction?"

"About ten minutes ago, a large Gotham police force started moving toward the ACE Chemical Factory," Tim said while working on the computer. "The helicopter carrying Barbara has now arrived above the factory, carrying a large amount of riot gear; some of it looks like Bat Equipment."

"Don't worry about it; if you find anything else..."

"Ah, wait." Tim suddenly interrupted Shiller. He switched a camera angle and captured a familiar figure.

"Who is that? Superman?"

Without needing Tim's reminder, Shiller, who had arrived atop Arkham Asylum, saw that familiar red and blue figure and frowned slightly. Shouldn't Superman be throwing a party at his Fortress of Solitude right now?

Wait, if Superman isn't having a party and has come here, it means that his Fortress of Solitude is unattended.

Shiller immediately picked up his cellphone and said to Tim, "Can you pilot the Batplane?"

"Piece of cake."

The doors of the Batcave hangar opened, and Tim looked at Shiller, confused, "Why are we going to Superman's place now?"

"Not that far; I can't go to Krypton."

"I mean, Superman's place on Earth, is there something there?" Tim asked while walking towards the Batplane with Shiller.

"The best prison in the cosmos."

"Oh, I get it. You want to lock all these lunatics up in the Phantom Prison, right?"

"Quite the opposite."


The Batplane soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into Gotham's skyline while the pursuit inside the chemical factory was in full swing.

Loud rock music echoed above the chemical factory.

"Who is the greatest dark hero?! Ribbit! Batman!"

"Who brings justice to light, who brightens the night?! Ribbit! Batman!"

"Who makes criminals surrender, who is the mightiest of the Gotham Volunteer Police?! Ribbit! Batman!"

"What on Earth is all that noise outside???" Deadpool scratched his head in confusion as he walked through the dim interior of the chemical factory.

"It doesn't matter," Batman replied, expressionless. He walked through the narrow corridor on the second floor of the chemical factory, looking down at the large pool of green chemical solution below, its eerie glow reflecting off his dark cape.

"That must be the liquid that can corrode Minifigures," Batman murmured, "If it can melt all plastics, what material is the container holding it made of?"

"Uh, is now the time to think about that?" Deadpool said. "Should we go down and check it out?"

"This is the most important question," Batman, not moving from his spot, responded, "I've been pondering; if everything in this cosmos is made of plastic, then is there a difference between plastics?"

Deadpool, too, leaned over the railing and thought before saying, "In my universe, there's definitely a difference between plastics; some can be used for food containers, others not, some are heat-resistant, while others can't go in the microwave."

"Exactly," Batman withdrew his gaze, flicked his cape, and moved forward, but just then, a noise came from the end of the corridor.

The two quickly hid behind a cabinet. The sound of a handcart squeaking was particularly loud in the quiet hallway, and a person in a factory uniform pushed a large box on a cart to the edge of the second floor.