
Chapter 236: Saka's Difficult Journey (Part 1)_1

Translator: 549690339

"Now, we can talk about other matters." Shiller turned the desk lamp back on and dimmed the light.

As Loki turned to look at him, Shiller's gaze also fell on Loki. He said, "For example, your hospital bill."

"Actually, I think I can pay for it myself this time."

Shiller turned his eyes to Loki's yet-to-be-formed body, and then back to his head. Loki understood what he meant, "I think, rather than money, you should want something more."

"Like what?"

"Like fun,"

Loki, who could only move his head, revealed a sly smile. "Before I sent Thor to Sakaar via the space gateway, I left something on him."

As he spoke, a light flashed in Loki's eyes. A magic vortex appeared in the room, gradually growing, becoming a circular Magic Screen.

In the screen, a man with golden long hair leaned against a piece of battered iron sheet. Sweat flowed down his long hair, his soaked clothes clung to his body, his face was full of dirt, he looked extremely disheveled.

Next to him, a strange-looking big bird was talking to a red-skinned, ugly-looking person from Sakar. The big bird said in a shrill voice, "Yes, he's the junk I picked up from Woka, just like those two unlucky fellows last week."

"Listen, my bottom price is 200 sakabi. I can't go any lower. Look at his condition, he's so robust, even stronger than many Sakara people..."

"You know, these days, there's not much junk of such quality around. Whether it's taken to the mines or to the gladiator arena, it's a good choice."

The red-skinned Sakara shook his head, he clicked his tongue, spitting on the side, "200 sakabi? No way! Listen, the junk been thrown in here is increasing day by day; it's absolutely not worth that much..."

"The arena's full, the only thing I can do is take him to the mines to work. And those poor bastards at the mines can't afford a decent price. He looks robust, but he seems to have lost his mind. Those greedy mine owners will take the opportunity to knock down the price."

"No, no, no." The big bird shifted its legs back into the shabby iron shelter, turned to Thor, and said, "Hey! What's your name? Tell him your name, where are you from, prove you're not a fool."

Thor leaned against the wall behind him without saying anything. The big bird pecked at him and he let out a yelp of pain, then suddenly lifted his eyelid to look at the big bird.

Seeing him silent, the big bird was somewhat angry, whispering to Thor, "Don't cause me any trouble. Everyone around here knows about 'Red Wing'. I'm already the most tolerant junkyard owner here. If you cause me not to get a good price, watch how I deal with you..."

The red-skinned Sakara stuck his head in and said, "Stop trying. Haven't you seen enough of these types before? Looking at his appearance and clothing, he might be a noble. If they discarded him like trash here, they've definitely messed with his mind, in case he reveals any important secrets…"

The big bird coughed a little, then opened its beak, pecked harshly at Thor's shoulder. Its sharp beak pierced Thor's skin, tearing off a chunk of flesh, blood gushed out instantly. Thor let out a scream, but still remained quietly in place.

The big bird named Red Wing showed a human-like disappointed expression, "Alright, it seems I shouldn't have had such high hopes. When I found him, he could still talk. What happened now?"

"Listen, big guy, 150 sakabi. I absolutely can't go any lower."

"Anything more than 120, I won't take him. He's for selling to the mine owners after all. Although he seems to have some strength, he won't last more than a month." The red guy shook his head, "the mine owners definitely won't pay any more than 150, you have to leave me room to make a profit..."

"Don't joke around, I've given him plenty of water, even some food to regain consciousness, just these things are worth more than 120..."

The red-skinned big guy took something that looked like a cigarette out of his clothes. The Red Wing's eyes lit up at the sight of it, "Gray roots? Where did you find this?"

"The last convoy that came this way was wiped out on the way; I found some good stuff in the cargo box. I can give you a pack, plus 120 sakabi, you give this blond muscle man to me, I will come by your place next time..."

Red Wing fluttered its wings, scratched the ground with its claw, looked somewhat hesitant but also tempted. He glanced back at the dazed Thor and said, "Alright, deal."

Upon saying this, it cursed, "Damn, thought I would get a high price this time, didn't expect it to still be like this. It's been a while since anything good has dropped in this damn place..."

Then, it flapped its wings at Thor on the ground, causing him to roll around in the mud. The red-skinned big guy went up to grab Thor's neck, but Thor instinctively struggled, landing a punch on his arm.

Big Red sucked in a breath, kicking Thor in the head. Red Wing said, "This guy used to be a warrior, so it's normal for him to be a bit wild. Where's your chain?"

Big Red spat again, walked out of the iron shed. Outside, there was a large cart pulled by strange insects. He rummaged through the cart and finally found a heavy iron chain. One end of the chain was a ring, while the other end was a spike.

"Are they going to chain him up?" Strange asked in front of the magic screen, "Although I don't understand what they're saying, it looks like Thor is in trouble."

"They are speaking the common language of the Furnace Star System, I can somewhat understand it." Loki lying on bed said, "The red bird is the owner of their scrap yard, who picks up dumped aliens."

"Dumped aliens, do aliens often fall from the sky there?" Strange asked in confusion.

"Sakaar is also known as an interstellar junkyard, or you could say that the entire Taeyo Star System is like that. The cosmic environment there is unusual, surrounded by unique cosmic passages. It is impossible to get in or out normally. Many civilizations throw dangerous waste there, to prevent it from spreading out of the star system."

"Of course, these wastes also include some difficult people." Loki revealed a malicious smile, "That's why I said, it suits him. Trash should stay where it belongs."

Shiller looked at Loki, his tone seemed quite interested. He said, "It seems that while I was providing you with psychological counseling, you were also trying to understand me. Well, your reward is indeed quite impressive. "

"But let me remind you..."

Shiller turned his head to look out the window, then turned back to Loki and said, "When making fun of others, better be prepared to be made fun of too."

Loki understood he meant something, but he didn't realize what it was. He looked at the changing images on the magic screen, showing another smile, saying: "This is indeed entertaining. It seems they want to put a collar on Thor and tie him up like a dog."

Loki glanced at Shiller, noticing his strange expression—seeming to anticipate something. But he had no idea what Shiller was thinking about, so he continued to stare at the images on the magic screen.

Big Red lugged the extremely thick chain, walked into the dilapidated iron shed, and then picked up one end of the chain.

"Hey, wait!" Strange off-screen watching his action said, "Did he get it the wrong way? How come..."

With his words, the spiked end of the chain got stabbed into Thor's body, penetrating through his shoulder blade, Thor screamed like a dying man, blood spurted out.

As the spike went through the body, Big Red pulled out a bolt and screwed it on top of the spike, hitting it from the front. The entire spike was fixed on Thor's shoulder. Thor kept screaming and gasping, trembling on the ground.

Big Red picked up the ring on the other end of the chain and said, "He should be more obedient now, let's go."

Strange off-screen touched his philtrum with his index finger, saying: "I thought..."

"Seems you are not the only one who thought so..." Shiller turned his head back to look at Loki, seeing Loki's smile gradually fading away. Shiller asked, "What are you both surprised by? There are only bloodstains on the spiked end of the chain."

Thor's hands were bound behind his back, Big Red used the spike stabbed into his body to lead him to the large cart pulled by insects.

Big Red banged heavily on the rear door of the cart. The oval iron cart opened its back door. Big Red, who seemed to have no magic, but was very strong, jumped directly onto the cart and then dragged Thor in.

His posture and movements were like dealing with a piece of steak, not caring about the wounds on Thor, and Thor essentially didn't struggle at all, just lowing in pain instinctively, like he was becoming a piece of steak ready to be slaughtered.

Thor was stuffed into an extremely dark compartment at the very end of the car. The space there was very narrow, Thor had to curl up to fit in there. What's more, the chain connected to the spike in his shoulder was fastened above his head.

The tail is the bumpiest part of the big cart. Once the cart started moving, every time it bumped, a lot of blood seeped out from Thor's shoulder.

Thor's screams weren't abrupt because all the occupants of the compartment were junk picked up from the junkyard like him. Most of them were bleeding all over, with dull eyes, continually screaming in the dark and narrow cages.

The pale green that enveloped the sky of Sakaar was replaced by a hallucinogenic purple-red. The massive planet with star rings in the sky fell to the horizon, the sunset glow reflected the red earth into a blood color, and the colossal prison cart seemed extremely tiny on the horizon.

The insect pulling the cart and the large cart behind it turned into tiny black dots in the backlight, speeding up under the sunset, bringing up thick smoke. Avian beasts swooped across the sky, emitting sharp cries. After smelling the bloody smell on the cart, they chased after the big cart, blending with the raised smoke.

The insect pulling the cart gave a low cry. The wheels rolled over the rough surface, leaving blackened tracks. Along with the slow braking, the smoke became denser. With a "clang," the entire convoy stopped.

In front of them was a gate made of thick logs. The rows of spikes on the top of the gate looked increasingly ferocious under the sunset. Looking under, a large signboard with rough fonts—Red Ring Mine.