

'It's so hard to breathe. The pain!!! It's everywhere!!! I can't move!!!


'why can't I hear my voice'

"My Liege, are you alright?" Niko panicked watching the pain roll across his precious king's face. His twisted face gave Niko shivers.

Marco felt like he was being ripped apart but could not speak or move. He felt trapped. The only thing holding back the pain was his determination.

"My liege!! I will get the royal healer." Hearing nothing in response Niko made his feet move faster.

"Protect the king at all costs" he ran at full speed knowing the soldiers would be too slow if he let them go.

In a flash he was gone and with another he was back. Carrying on his shoulders a woman in her

late 20's. He put her next to the king.

"Examine him or it's your head!"

"Oh shut up.. I know!" screamed the woman.

The woman put her fingers up closing one after another whilst reciting mantras.

After all of her fingers were closed her eyes glowed a sheen of gold. Her face also started changing expressions mostly into doubt.

" The king is completely fine?..." Tia said in confusion. Her face convulsing in disbelief.

"Then why does he look like he's in so much pain" snorted Niko.

"I.. I don't know" Tia said doubting her own abilities

"Useless!!!! Aren't you the royal healer you're supposed to be the best!" snapped Niko in rage and panic.

"I don't know, according to the diagnostic spell he is completely healthy."


Tia and Niko looked over in panic. Their king convulsed in pain.

"Keep trying!" yelled Niko

Tia used everything she was capable of yet the King seemed to be in constant pain.

"Niko, go tell the queen of his condition" Tia murmured.

" She is probably already aware. Make sure no one gets out of this room while I'm gone" Niko said while glaring at the two guards guarding the door of the royal hall.

Pg 2

Tia was in a world of panic not because she was scared of Niko the harbinger of death but because she wasn't able to discern the ailment.

' Why can't I see anything wrong'

Tia kept trying different methods to check the king who had seemingly passed out. Evan in his passed out state he seemed to be in pain. The diagnostic spell showed that His body was in peak condition, nothing was wrong. 'Maybe it's mental or some type of curse'

A tap on the shoulder brought Tia back from her trance. In front of her stood a woman in her 20's with piercing black eyes and raven black hair.

" What is wrong with him?" a slightly harsh and uncaring voice came out of the woman's mouth.

" From my diagnosis he is the picture of health. My assumption is that there is something mentally wrong or he is cursed" Tia said disturbed at the lack of care in the woman's voice.

"He has made too many enemies. Belit check the guards!!! Niko summon Sill to check for curses" The queen ordered. Her gaze landed on the king with a look of reproach and slightly of disgust.

Niko was gone like the wind and back in a minute with a man with more holes in his clothes than Swiss cheese. The man looked like a beggar. Yet being in his presence was suffocating like all the smoke in the world had gotten stuffed in your throat. He had a ominous aura yet deep and powerful at the same time.

"Uhhhhhh!!! what do you want now NIKOOOO!!!!" Said the man as he was thrown to the floor.

" SHUT UP!!! Go Search the king for curses, or it's your head" Niko snapped.

" Yea Yea how can that be possible, he's the king. Curses! Not the king." Said sill as he took out a flask and took a swig. Sill's eyes glowed with a dark sheen wich started to get deeper and darker as time passed. At some point his pupils disappeared leaving behind an emptiness that was indescribable.

Bewilderment filled the room as Sill shook his head sideways as his Iris returned to its muddy brown color.

"Nothing" He spoke.

Niko started to check the guards using a truth calculator. The men were innocent no matter how many times he tried.

"I already told you it's Negative. Now give me my device" Belit snatched her calculator from Niko's hands.

" Stop it, both of you, there's no point. It seems it's all in the king's consciousness and he seems to be calming down." Tia had been intently watching Marco for any changes.

" We can't do anything right now so we will wait and see what happens to the king. Word should never leave this room. UNDERSTOOD! '

Everyone's eardrums rang as the queen took her leave.

"YES MY QUEEN!!" came back a chorus of voices as she left.

Pg 3

"Dad get up"

"Get up"

" Dad!," said three chipmunk-like voices.

"Mmm I'm up" grumbled Marco as he got to his feet hugging his 3 chipmunks.

" you three got up early to wake daddy up" a bright smile was plastered on his face.

"Where is mommy? ``Noticing no one beside him he asked the question.

" She's in the kitchen. She told us to wake you up, she also said to not come back without you" a chipmunk said.

"Well let's see what the surprise is," Marco said knowing he would get some type of surprise. He knew his wife well enough that she would never cook of her own free will. He did the usual cooking around the house.

Him and his 3 chipmunks walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

In the kitchen was a woman 5'5 with auburn hair facing the stove. On the dining table was an array of dishes from American to Asian dishes of all the breakfast variety.

The woman turned around with a bright smile on her face. She wasn't perfect yet her smile made his smile wider with all the teeth showing. A glow of happiness resided in the man's eyes.

This was not the type of happiness you get when you buy your first car. This happiness was a lasting happiness.

" Dear I have great news," said the lovely woman.

"I can see. This is more than usual to be normal news. Let me guess, are we having another one" said Marco tapping chipmunk 3 on the head.

" Unfortunately not but it's the next best thing, the shelter said we can keep the baby snakes" said the woman with a fanatical look in her eyes.





Three squeaks and one growl came.

" I told you that they would approve it"

" So why did you cook? This is a surprise but not a good one"

"Well I'm happy and you have to deal, now come and eat" she said as she sat on her chair.

"And so begins another pleasant da....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... "

Pg 3


"Go get the healers" the guard shouted when he heard the king's shriek.

Tia was reading through Marcos' daily report. It had been 7 days since he passed out. Her brow furrowed, her eyes had dark circles under them. She had been up for days reading through manuals trying to figure it out.

Knock, knock, knock

"What!" Tia screamed in an agitated voice.

"The king is awake"

"Good! god!"

Was all the maid heard before the door got slammed open. Tia was gone Even before the door fully opened.

Tia was already in front of the king's door. She knew she had set a record for fastest sprint in the kingdom.

She walked in and there he was leaning against the headboard. His hair was downcast and covering his face. The silk sheet right under getting wet from what seemed to be sweat dripping from his face.

Tia's eyes opened wide in shock as she saw the most unbelievable scene.

Marco raised his head with crystal lines forming on his cheeks.

"My king, are you ok?" Tia's shocked voice quivered. She had never seen this man who was an iceberg ever shed a tear, however, right now in front of her he was CRYING!

"Why what's wrong?" Marco said with an oblivious look on his face.

"Sir your crying "

"Am I" He said with a raised eyebrow, evident that he didn't realize he was crying.

"Been a while" he said in a low voice wiping the tears away.

"Don't mention any of this to anyone " He proclaimed.

"Yes sir, I am here for your checkup you passed out seven days ago. We have no idea why."

"I know why and there's no need for a checkup. I am fine" He said in a rather angry voice.

"Mind you explain sir"

"It seems my soul is unstable or something, that's what my old healer told me" he said.

"Why aren't there any records of it sir in your files?" Tia was confused.

"Tia mind your place"He said in a threatening voice.

Pg 4

"Ye..ye..yes Sir" Tia said through chattering teeth. she felt a pressure she had never felt from anyone else and not in a powerful way but more like staring into death's eye a feeling she had only felt looking into the eyes of... never mind she couldn't recall.

"Are you ok?" said Marco with a questioning look.

"You.... never mind" said Tia, noticing the king hadn't noticed this change in himself.

" Well, be on your way, woman. I'm fine"

"On another note, where is the queen?" Marco asked a little hesitantly.

"She seems to have gone somewhere without informing anyone in the palace but she did take her personal guards"

"Alright be on your way"

"Yes sire "

Not trying to anger the king and risk getting yelled at, Tia escaped as soon as she was allowed.

The door clicked shut as the last strands of Tia's hair slipped out of the door.

"He seems so similar yet so different. It's not like I knew him outside of his coldness as a king, maybe the attack on his soul changed him somehow". Tia thought as she walked into the seemingly endless corridor.

Pg 5

Thud Thud Thud

Three hard knocks against the headboard were heard a few seconds after Tia's departure.

"Why? Why? Why? Why is this happening now and what was that dream" a confused Marco said with gritted teeth.

"I haven't gotten these pains since I was 16"

"That was quite the dream though, that seems like quite the pleasant life with a wife and three adorable children" Marco exclaimed with a smile.

"Ah probably won't get a chance like that in this life. Perhaps in the next one. right Niko? However, let me not get ahead of myself. I have to live this one out". He said with a saddening smile.

He looked over to his right to the table with kingdom reports on it, and he picked up one of the files.

"The kingdom is running fine with the council heading it but these geesers are trying to take more than they are worth".

"They need to learn to keep their hands off of what I've built," he said in an ever creepening smile.


"Yes Sire"

Pg 6

"My dear friend, what happened seven days ago. I seemed to have forgotten most of the conversation we had with the Nectar empire envoys" said Marco with a sarcastic smile.

" Well the envoys where wiped of their memories when they wake up we will redo the meeting" said Nicko

"Also, there does seem to be leaks of the situation. In the capital there are reports about the king being unwell. Which would make the memory wipe irrelevant" Said Niko with a frown

"I wonder who would provoke me? They know this doesn't end well for them" said Marco with darkening eyes.

"Sure, you should know you have to stop giving out so many chances". Niko remarked with a sarcastic smile.

"Shut it, Go and clean up the mess in TritanBurk district" Marco said while closing the report on TritanBurk district of the capital.

Marco waved his hand and Niko was gone with the breeze that came through the window.

Marco got up and got dressed, finally putting on his king's robe. Feeling the weight of it on his shoulders. He walked out into the corridor. He looked up. The ceiling felt so far away.

"It was closer in the dream"

He started walking down the Corridor, the guards upright and saluting him as he walked past them. He turned the corner and walked and walked alongside the unending corridor.


Nabear Las ell smiled as she walked the streets waving at her subjects. She walked with her two personal guards following her.

It felt great to get some fresh air these days. The castle felt a little caged. She had a great few days doing whatever she wanted to with Marco out like that. Seeing the faces of her people, the people she grew up with made her smile.

"Your highness you should not be walking in these alleys it is unbecoming" remarked Belit with her face all scrunched up.

Nabear had just realized the street had become busier and that could only mean that she was in the lower district.

"Belit why do you refer to it as an alley, these are streets" Nabear responded with a raised brow.

"Never mind that madam but we have to start heading back. We can only bring you out this far". Belit remarked her eyes shifting from cloaked commoner to commoner.

"I know, I know" responded Nabear with her eyes downcast.

The queen could not go out of the boundaries of the royal guards. She did not need it. however, customs were customs. The last of the guards were placed at the end of the lower district. Granted the strongest of guards were placed at the lower district as well.

"Let's go!" with a turbid look on her face Nabear started walking back. An ominous aura pushed down on her guards and the people who were steering clear of her. She walked and walked with the breeze, the sun beaming on her face.

Belit had noticed her constant sneers everytime she looked at the castle. She wondered what was the queen's grievance with the castle, or was it with what was in the castle.



Belit had crashed into Salmit, one of her underlings. Looking up she noticed the queen had stopped and started walking towards a coffee shop. Her ominous aura had disappeared. It had been replaced by butterflies and birds singing songs.

The queen turned around and made eye contact with her. Then she looked at the beans then back at Belit.

"NOW" The queen glared at Belit.

Belit slouched her shoulders. Bought 4 bags of coffee beans and started walking.

Belit could not feel her legs; she had to carry four bags of coffee beans all the way back to the castle. The queen had made it her mission to make her life harder this evening.

"The queen is a caffeine junkie". Was what Salmit had called it.

Nabear was ecstatic she had finally gotten rid of Belit. Being a little moody and shoving 'I am the queen' down Belits throat was her highlight for the day.

Nabear was feeling cheery walking down the hallway when she remembered where she was going. Her whole demeanor changed and became serious and uncaring. She walked and walked the corridors hoping they wouldn't end. She walked past a silhouette and straight into her chambers. She looked up feeling the ceilings were too close. She wished they were farther away.


"Mint, a different cent , why is she in such a hurry? '' Marco thought as his wife blew dust on him. He felt as if she was a little too intense sometimes. He hadn't talked to her in days. She hides in her room and never approaches him. Being as busy as him he did not have the time to go to her. She was selected as the queen because of her skill and ability not because he loved her.

He knew that she did not deserve being stuck as the queen. She was a free willed commoner with a great life before the royal family started grooming her into the second most powerful being in this kingdom. The last king, Marco's father, wanted the perfect woman for his beloved son. Indeed she was the perfect woman. Yet she despised him. His theory was that it was due to her being forced to marry him.

Marco felt the wind on his face as he passed windows. He stopped in front of the royal court room.

"Guard let Samson know that I am in the courtroom. Let him know too arrive with the envoys of Nectar"

"Yes your majesty'' the saluting guard exclaimed.

While one guard scurried off another was busy opening the door to the courtroom. As the door swung open a huge oval table came into view. Marco took his seat at the head of the snake. He called it the snake because everyone that sat on it was a snake and he was their head. The biggest snake of all. It was a very daunting seat. His robe and crown got heavier every time he sat on this seat.


The clanking sounds of heavy boots broke Marco's thoughts. The door swung open and in front of him were three individuals. Samson Patricia, his most talented advisor, was a male high standing with the posture of a true noble. Well that's how Samson put it. However, Marco knew that he was just stuck up.

The two envoys of Nectar were male and female each looking quite similar to one another, just one was feminine and one was masculine. Marco despised these two siblings quite a lot. Something about them did not sit right with him.

"Envoys sorry for the memory wipe. You had witnessed too much on the day of our last meeting. With how much I care for Lexy you two are still alive. Do not worry, I will write an official apology to my brother in law."

Marco did not want to let this situation get too complicated so he did not give the envoys a chance to say anything. It is very easy to find that your memory is wiped so he decided not to hide this.

"Samson, Debrief the envoys request from seven days ago" Marco rested his chin on his clasped hands. He was sure that if he did not take control of the situation it would get out of hand especially if the citizens found out that the royal family was wiping memories.

"Sire, the envoys are here to request even sturdier securities for the next delivery from Nectar". Samson was quick and brief as he knew the king did not care for formalities. He was proud of his job especially because his boss was very dedicated to the job.

"How much more security" Marco asked with a lifted brow


"Oh my, So what is special in this batch". Marco's interests were piqued. He knew what it meant to request for Niko to act as guard to the caravan. He would make a fortune in profits if this was as good as advertised.

One of the envoys caught onto the thread of interest coming from Marco '' Sire, we are here to report that this year's caravan will not only be carrying normal nectar and high grade nectar it will also carry rainbow nectar".

"Oh my that is quite amazing indeed and worthy of having NIko as the escort. Samson get Nabear.".The value of the rainbow nectar was highly undeterminable. However what made it worth the protection of the king's guard was its low chances of healing any possible wound. He did not personally need such a thing however, the nectar from the Nectar kingdom did wonderful things for him politically.

" Once my wife arrives we will discuss the financials of the deal. Is there anything else that the caravan is bringing this year" Marco started to dig knowing the caravan was run by the Nectar government, however it also incorporated big businesses who tended to fund the caravan.

"Sire, as you are the queen's brother we will make you aware of one thing. There will be a rare beast egg in the beast egg stall." Said the female envoy, her eyes stretching into crescents as she spoke.

Marco raised his brow going into deep thought. Beast eggs were not his thing nor did he need the nectar. He knew that he was blessed with dumb luck however. If he acquired both of these items he could do a lot to further his political agenda. He was blessed that his sister was married to the king of the number one trading kingdom.

Just as he ended that thought the door opened with gusto. Blowing an air tunnel right at his face. Marco's face twitched as his crown came off balance. In front of him walked the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked him in the eyes as he looked into hers. She huffed and sat down to his left.

"Now how much nectar is in the caravan this year" Nabear got straight to the point.

"Queen Nabear, there are 100 tons of normal and high grade and there is an additional 1 ton of rainbow nectar" Said the male envoy as he adjusted his glasses.

Nabear started to write down the numbers that would be mandatory to acquire to fund public hospitals.

"Nabear, allocate some military funds so we can acquire the rainbow nectar" Marco whispered into her ears as she was writing. She stopped for a second, continuing to write after raising a brow. She Made the calculations and gave it to Marco who approved of the numbers.

"Samson, take our envoys and head out. Niko should arrive tonight, so you lot could head back tomorrow morning". Marco exclaimed as he passed the paper onto Samson so he could make a proper proposal to the king of Nectar.

Marco got up after the extra people left, preparing to leave. He could not bear to stay in this suffocating silence.

"Are you feeling better? Is it the same problem from back then?" a soft yet grim voice sounded off behind him.

"How come you are so determined to acquire the rainbow nectar?" The same voice sounded off again.

"I am feeling quite better and, yes, it is the same issue. The nectar will be used as a prize for the tournament this year. The fact that it will heal most wounds and it has a low chance to basically revive the dead is going to make it quite the event" Marco grumbled.

Silence once again encapsulates the room. His back turned against her he started to walk not hearing anything from her for a minute.

The clicking of his boots ensued as he walked. At some point it started to get louder as if two boots were walking at the same pace. He was not one to be paranoid but this got his hairs up.

"Nabear please stop walking at the same pace as me, it's really annoying" he remarked, feeling the presence of Nabear a cool 5 ft away from him.

"He he he" Three giggles was all he heard.

She had a habit of walking at the same pace as everyone. Her queen training had instilled it in her. She had found a way to make everyone's life hell when training. Her senses were perhaps second to none in the country. She learned that if she matches pace and the weight and stride of every step she could really annoy people who had great senses. Marco not being far away in sense than her was her number one victim. The people thought it was cute and adorable how the king and queen matched paces.

Like some fairy tale the people thought it was because they were at some level of connection that could only be found in true love. However it was a sick joke that she played on him knowing what the people thought about it.

Nabear personally loved to torture the king with this trick. It was a type of deep torture she loved to inflict on people, especially this bastard. This prick of a husband was a coward and only she knew this. She had been married to a complete iceberg for six years. This kingdoms king was the best king and a king is all he was nothing more nothing less. He served his people like a log drifting in the vast ocean.

"He he he" the giggling started to fade as Nabear sped past him towards her chambers. She had enough of teasing this man.

"Uuurrggg" Marco was visibly angry at what she had done. she was taking advantage of him. He felt the adrenaline rush to his head as he followed her slowly catching up. Just as she was about to close the door to her chambers he grabbed the seam and pushed himself in.

"HEY!" Nabear was astonished that he would follow her and he looked visibly angry. She had not gotten him angry in years. This was very out of character for the king of Tritan.

"What is your problem woman!!" Marco, visibly angry, only growled at her. He had her against the door inside her chambers. He did not appreciate getting taken advantage of.

"I DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" Nabear remarked resentfully.

"Are you making fun of me, your king!" Marco growled in her ear, his face getting ever closer to her neck.

"No I was just walking and I happened to be walking at the same pace as you. It's not my fault you can hear the slight difference in pace. Who even pays attention to that kind of thing?" Nabear had made up her mind to never admit her sinful ways. She pushed back at him with all the strength she could muster.

As she pushed back Marco lost his balance tripping over the carpet he managed to grab nabear as they both fell. She was wrapped in his robe in a matter of three seconds.



5 seconds 15 seconds 20 seconds

"He he" Nabear giggled

" Ha ha ha " joined Marco in nabears laughter.

"What are we doing?" Marco remarked between two snorts as he got up whilst holding Nabear in his arms. He looked at her face that was flooded red as she cackled. He hadn't seen her display such emotions for so many years. Where had he gone wrong to have lost this.

"This is unbecoming of a queen" Marco remarked as he looked down at her face a little smirk plastered on his face.

"Put me down" Nabear's eye started to throw daggers at him as she realized there precarious situation.

"You should smile at me more, it's quite refreshing" Marco remarked as Nabear flailed out of his arm as if they were on fire. As soon as she was out of his arms he was out of the room and gone.

"What did he say?" Nabear was left questioning what he had said.


"Did I say too much?" Marco thought as he walked past his chambers and towards his office.

"Your blushing sire" Niko's voice traveled in through the breeze.

"You will head out with the envoy tomorrow to oversee the caravan". Marco replied ignoring his friend's snarky remark.

"You should develop a better relationship with the queen and you will need an heir eventually". Wise words traveled into the room with the breeze.

"I should Indeed". Marco was very much aware of his situation however he did not want to burden this woman with more of his problems. She was after all just a carefree commoner. He smiled as these thoughts ran in his head.

Knock Knock

Two knocks were heard to his office door pulling his attention from Nabear.

"Come in"

" Sire congratulations on the recovery" Bowed a man, his long orange hair touching the floor as he bowed. A glint in his eye faded as he slowly stood up straight.

"Who is spreading the rumors? Gambit, don't tell me it's you." Marco asked.

"Sire! Of course it was me. Who else is brilliant enough to come up with a strategy to trap a few flies so quickly. Only I am! The greatest strategist in the kingdom. My king, you should raise my wage, you know. I am developing pain in my neck carrying this magnificent brain around. I might need extra funds for medical fees." Two dollar signs appeared in the man's eyes as he started rambling.

"EXPLAIN!" Marco had growled while Gambit had started his second paragraph on why he should get more money.

"Well sire, you see by spreading rumors of the king we are able to accomplish a lot, the most obvious one being the impatient ones are starting to act."
