
Daydreaming (A BXB Furry Story)

kashyamckoy2028 · Others
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2 Chs

Chapter 1. Introduction.

~{ The breeze of summer pushed along the pages of my book, Making it hard to read. The park was quiet and no one was around. I had reached my time limit for reading and walked over to the fountain centered in the middle of the park. Reaching into my pocket, I had pulled out a coin and tossed it in. There was no point in doing so since wishes aren't true but it was worth a shot. I was wishing for the most unrealistic things. I turned around and made my way back over to the bench I was sitting at to find somebody looking and stealing through my bag. "Hey!" I called out, the furry looked up from the bag and quickly started to run with some cash that I suppose was in my bag. "Oh no you don't!" I started to run after him, He ran into an alleyway where two other furries appeared. They were jaguars and I stopped right in my tracks. One let out a hiss and the other stepped forward. I quickly backed up but had bumped into someone else. Now I was in trouble. The first thing they did was strip me of my clothes, leaving me with just my underwear. They started to bite, scratch and torture me. I couldn't feel my legs as if someone just dropped an anvil on them. I was slowly dying but I couldn't let myself down, I reached for a metal pipe that was lying on the ground and threw it at one of them which just made matters worse. They started beating me with the pipe and one of them tried decapting me. That's when police sirens filled the streets and the 4 jaguars sprinted off. Leaving me, Half dead and covered in blood and scars. The police officer rushed into the alleyway with his pistol loaded and ready to shoot. "Help.." My voice was raspy and quiet due to my injuries. The police dog raced over to me. "Kid! Kid! What happened?! Stay with me. I'm getting paramedics now." Soon more sirens filled the streets and two cats were hovering over me, with bandages and other things. I was lifted and put onto a stretcher and that was the last thing I saw.

A few weeks later, I was stuck in the hospital with a broken rib and eye infections. Luckily, My eyes were saved and a metal plate had to be inserted somewhere in my body. My head was pounding and though the doctors told me to rest, I felt like I never did. Just then, A doctor walked in. "I thought I had told you to rest, Apollo." He had a box of medications and took out an orange prescription bottle. "Here. Take these every 3 hours to settle your headaches. Swallow with water and water only." He handed me the bottle and in response, I nodded. Two days had passed and I was being interrogated.

"Apollo, Yes?" The guard asked me. "Yeah."

"Great. Let's get started. Tell me everything that happened, I'm talking about what you did right when you got up and when the police had found you almost dead in that alleyway." Of course, I did. Giving him all the tiny details I could. When we were done, He thanked me and told me I could leave the hospital now.~}

(561 word not counting these. Thank you)