
daydream system

Well well well!!! It is said "with great powers comes greater responsibilities" After the destruction of the old world the people of the latter era,called FADED ERA must rise and rebuild. Fighting off against CORRUPTIONS and striving for a better zone They must summon powers to keep control!!!

alexcares · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 2:The stage


the sound of clapping became louder after the primary lord has spoken to us on our first day at the awakened union,we were all people who passed both the physical exams and the interactive exams

And yeah you are right that was the compulsory foremost speech given to new entrants,As I turned my head I noticed that my surroundings were vastly different compared to my hometown at desert creek,we were standing on a very huge podium and I could see that I was not the only one unfamiliar with the place because most of the younglings were also eager to see around___

WOULD YOU ALL MOVE TO THE TESTING GROUNDS NOW!!! we all heard a loud voice bellow at us, we all moved towards the testing grounds,yeah we were going to be tested which minorities[lesser abilities]each of us had,

the ground we were on suddenly opened then square shaped boxes appeared before each and every one of us.

we were then instructed to put our hands on the square boxes___,

As soon as my hands touched the squared box it lit up,then it began swirling and the colors on it were changing,,,

Mother had told me earlier that when I obtain my minorities I would get my dashboard along with it

After some minutes,,,,,,


the primary lord spoke again,now you all have would have known your MINORITIES,you have known your strengths and maybe you should have found your weaknesses.the awakened academy is not a place of the weak nor a place of the faint hearted it's a world yes hahaha yes a world entirely different from whence you came from,

it's a world of SHEEP and FOXES, you either become a sheep or well well well you become a gluttonous fox that preys on the weakness of others

A famous person once said "wisdom with no strength is like being a king without a nation"


After the long speech I quickly went ahead to check my minorities

[Dawn hardy]

[strength •4]

[agility •4]


[unique stat ???]

[defense •4]

[Mana •10]


[telekinesis 🌟🌟*You have been blessed with the gift to control things around you]

[cloning🌟🌟🌟*You have been blessed with the gifts of multiple dependents copies of yourself albeit with only half of your physical abilities]

After I had checked my minorities I was a bit disappointed yep you heard me right,the ability I had might seem much but if you were in the system I would be rated at most a little above average

let me do some explanations

the stars on an ability us the grade of that ability meaning a 1 star fire user would never defeat a 5 star fire user in the control or use of the element,they wouldn't even be able to fight them because you would be unable to summon your flames right next to the 5 star user he could literally control your flames.

this just means the higher the star levels difference the weaker a person is, the difference between a 2 star and a 3 star is not just a little difference it is a large one some skills available for the 3 star user would be unavailable for the latter

And also the control plus the resonance

yes resonance this is simply just how close the connection between an element and the user

The more close a person is with resonance with a particular element the more deadly they would be in battle,

And lastly the strongest type of ability a person can awaken is an ASPECT ABILITY

for one aspect abilities have no grades,they are literally grade less and the most important is they are unique to an individual meaning no two people would possess exactly the same ASPECT ABILITY it's kinda weird right//

Even though it might seem somehow same in some cases there are always differences ranging from the limits to the speed of use and lastly to the inner composition since they both have different minorities