
yep yall bitches are crazy

so we all at the coffee place right me, rainbow,pinkypie, and cancer. but some one eles was going to come right. i also asked covid to come to because i was starting to like him and i wanted him to come right. but all went well and here i am still waiting on covid to get his black ass here right. im calling him and he said it was too far for him , bro i was fucking pissed yo but later that day he made it up to me and all was good right, bitch if your fucking thinking that your fucking crazy thats the name of this mf chapter right. so hours go like 1 or 2 right rainbow is like girlll i gots to gets my ass home. so he leaves now it me pinkpie and cancer so idk why but somehow me and pinkypie got cancer to buy me a drink and us some snacks like i still think about that till this day right. but anywho right its startin to get dark outside and im finna go home but im scared out of my mind right. me and cancer say our goodbye to pinkeypie as im beggin cancer to walk me home right. so this nigga finally agrees to mf take me right. so where talking and hes asking me what i got going on with covid and i low key tell him that i kind of like covid and that i think he sweet right. so my mom comes to pick me up i give cancer a hug and then im going home. but why when i fucking get home look whos calling me cancer man this nigga calling me talking about look who text him on instagram bro there more people who like pinkpie let call this man ps4 so he tells me that ps4 was texting him to leave pinkypie alone cuz that his girl right but cancer dont care if pinkypie has a boyfriend he still wanteds her right so i just think this shit is funny asf so them he tells me that they was just yelling at each other ok. later that day im on the phone with covid just chilling and talking to him with him saying he sory he couldnt come to the the coffee spot right but i was like its ok stinkkkkkk. then im still talking to covid and cancer calls me right. So I told coivd that ill talk to him later and answer the phone to cancer right. so im talking to cancer and he really didnt want nothing he was just asking how am i doing right then out of the blew this nigga tells me lets do prank on pinkypie right so i thought it was going to be some dumb shit right so i was like sure what is it. this dumb ass nigga says we should act like we dating right so pinkypie see that a person that liked her has moved on to her friend and grow mad jeoulus right but told him wtf no cuz im low key with coivd and that shit only works in the movies. come to the fact we didnt even do it. but so on me and cancer start to talk and he tells me that he likes me and that we wants to be with me but i told him idk because like i rockin with covid even tho me and coivd was not bf and gf right we where just talking. and then look it what through me off was the fact that it happen so fast right we went to the coffee spot on fri and he tells me about the prank and that he likes me the next day sat and then on sun this nigga tells me that he dont want a nun right now.

ok byeeee paart 3 tmwr xoxo