
i did it i kiss cancer

so after that i tell that i wanna pinky promise right so that is what we do. we pinky promise and that my mom come back in the school and we go the other classes. but why when we got to my 7th per my mom went but i didnt. i told her i was going to say bye to one of my teacher right but i didnt. it was just me and cancer and we went to the staircase and we started to kiss right. and i PROMISE you thats all we did but even tho he did give me and hicky but say and all we kiss and then i drop him off at home and i had his hoodie. ik ik wtf dayday you see the red flags but you just act like you dont whyyyyy but still right i get home and around like 1am i put the hoodie on right and then i call cancer. and as im sitting there with his hoodie on im not thinking about him. and i would always think about a person for a min after i get done kissing them. but no cancer was not a thought in my mind i was thinking about covid like i cheated on him even tho we not bf and gf right. but in my mind it just felt bad. so i took the hoodie off and then i called him tell him that i miss him and how i think about him a lot and then when coivd ask me to be his gf and thats what i wanted to do right so i fucking said yes and me and him were bf and gf. now when cancer heard we was mad right and he was but he wanted his hoodie back and me and him met at dd right and i gave him his hoodie back and we kiss again but this time he was doing a lil to much right. so i told him but he didint care right so he just wip out his hot dog stick and pushed me to the ground and put his hot dog stick in my fucking mouth right and i was like wtfffffff is going on right. so i get up get my shit and then i walk the fuck out of there because like what the fuck right. i went to school and then he started acting stupid and telling every one that i sucked his hot dog stick in the dd bathroom and then when people ask me i say no i didnt. then fucking we are backing to hitting and yelling at eachother ight. so then the last day that he yells at me i told my self that thats it right because like wtf right. so then after him yelling at me this nigga goes and give his mf friend my number and now i have a random person texting me trying to tell me like yo give cancer another chance because he was a little bit high. like fuck no i hate when mf use drugs as an thing to get away with shit. but fuck idk what was going on with me but i did i gave him another chance. later that day when i was fixing me a drink he called me and said that he wanted to see me tmwr and he wanted me to come over his house right.

bye loverrrrr see yall next part 5