

Un-forgiveness predisposes a person for failure....manifesting Self- sabotaging behavior--- Richard Carswell


"Don't you think we should reach out to Helen and find out about her after all these years?" Aunty Mara asked her husband.

"Will she appreciate it?" Her husband Paul replied.

"She will, at least an opportunity for her to know where she comes from" Aunty Mara responded and tried to convince him to do something about it. Paul thought for some moment and finally decided that he would reach out to Mama Leratho.

"I hope she didn't change her call number." He said and his wife further convinced him to try.

A lot had happened since Helen left Nigeria. First, Paul wasn't among his brothers who wanted Helen out of the way but he was the youngest of all and once the elders decided, you had no say. He had to agree with them so as not to be the odd one out. He was guilty also as he had taken part of her father's wealth. But all that was useless now, he used the money to start a business he thought would be lucrative but the business failed before he started. Armed robbers visited one night and took all the money and some of his valuables. He relocated to Lagos with his family and began another small business of opening an eatery. It blossomed and over the years, it had been their saving grace.

Now as he sat with the phone in his hands about to make the call, his wife sat anxiously close to him.

"Don't you think we should send a text message first?" Mara asked.

"I think that will be a great idea." Her husband concurred and quickly typed the message.


"Mama, why are you looking as though you just saw a ghost?"

I just saw a message from one of your uncles in Nigeria, he says he would like to speak with you.

What? Helen shouted and walked up to her with quick steps and read through the message.

Dear Mama Leratho,

How are you doing ma? It's been a very long time after all these years. I know we do not deserve this but please can we reach out to Helen, we would like to speak with her. We would appreciate if you would do this for us. I didn't call because I was afraid you would hang up on me. I am sincere in my desire to meet you once again ma.

Her Uncle,


Helen cried as she read the message.

"Oh mama, this is good news, just as we are about to enter the new year"

"Helen, I don't trust your uncles!"

"Mama, just give him a call. I would like to hear his voice, speak with him, he's my father's brother, he may sound like him, that way I would know how my father sounded"

With that, Mama Leratho started sobbing.

"Please mama, do this, just for me" Helen said and she took the phone and dialed.

The person on the other line picked.

"Good evening ma. Thank you for..."

"It's Helen...."


Paul shook visibly as he heard the voice.

"Hel.e..n" He stammered. He thought he was prepared for this but no he wasn't at all.

"Increase the volume" his wife said so she could hear the conversation.

"How are you doing Uncle?" Helen asked. She sounded mature, different, like a confident lady, how old was she now? 15?16? or 17? He couldn't bring himself to ask those questions now. He wanted to apologize, apologize for abandoning her and not reaching out as he was supposed to, but the words couldn't form.

"Are you still there Uncle?" She asked again.

"Answer her na" his wife whispered looking at him shocked.

"I am here, Helen. I wanted to apologize...."

"It's okay Uncle, but I can't believe it. Why didn't you reach out at least once? I don't know anything about my origin" Helen blurted out in anger.

"I understand your anger dear.I am so sorry for everything I have caused"

"You didn't cause anything. I am perfectly fine!" Helen replied angrily and switched off the call fuming.


"Mara, she switched off the call on me" Paul said surprised.

"It's expected. She was just angry. But you did the right thing dear" Aunty Mara tried to comfort him.


"So why are you angry, after acting like the super being and deciding to call?" Aunty Eva asked laughing.

"I called and first of all, he is acting weird and then apologizing as though I am suffering here"

"I am sure he didn't mean that, he just wanted to apologize, he's probably more confused than you're right now. I am sure he is wondering if he was right to make the call" Mama Leratho said.

"Considering the way, you just ended the call" Aunty Eva added.

Helen walked to her room and sat down on the bed. She knew what she would do. She would text him on New Year's day but she would leave him till then. It was just a day from now, he deserved to stew and wonder.

The text was a better approach, he called her and she spoke to him and her aunt and then his children.

So many calls followed after that and Helen promised to visit them during the Easter Break.